How Down Syndrome lifted me up
Kurt Kondrich
January 2, 2009

Recently I read an article about how scientists are going to use an outer space satellite to monitor the kangaroo rat, which is an endangered species.

The article states: "It allows us to more quickly recognize whether populations are declining where we want them to exist.

"If they go below a threshold, that is when we would consider intervening."

I have a beautiful 5-year-old daughter, Chloe, who has Down Syndrome. She has brought immeasurable good and light into the world. Because of technology developments and the increase in prenatal testing, children with Down Syndrome are also an endangered species with a 90+ percent abortion rate once identified in the womb.

Chloe's unique human species could very well become extinct in another generation if attitudes are not changed. At age 5, Chloe has positively impacted more people than most individuals do in a lifetime. Her picture has been on the big screen in Times Square as part of the National Down Syndrome Society awareness video, and she has been the subject of several papers.

Chloe met Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. John McCain twice during the presidential campaign, and my official name has become "Chloe's Dad." Chloe attends her neighborhood elementary school, and her teachers frequently comment that the kids are drawn to her. There are many challenges and valleys to navigate when blessed with a child with a disability, but the rewards are priceless when you are able to disconnect from this frenzied world and see the glimpse of heaven these children offer.

I have become so upset by the movement to abort children with Down Syndrome that I started a website to educate people about this eugenic movement.

Instead of the kangaroo rat, I wish we could monitor children with Down Syndrome from outer space — because they truly are priceless gifts from God who remind us in this self-centered world that serving others is much more rewarding than serving ourselves.

Originally published as a letter to WorldNetDaily, Dec. 25, 2008

About Kurt Kondrich — from his blog, "Stop Aborting Down Syndrome Individuals Now"

I am the father of a beautiful daughter who has Down Syndrome, and she has been a priceless Blessing to our family and community. When I became aware of the 90+% abortion rate for children diagnosed with Down Syndrome in the womb, I literally could not sleep at night. In early August 2008 I had a disturbing dream about people with disabilities being exterminated, and it woke me up at 2:15AM. After praying I came up with the name SADSIN (Stop Aborting Down Syndrome Individuals Now). I have since embarked on a mission to make sure people are aware of this genocide. I want people to see the beautiful faces of our kids and realize the priceless Blessings and Gifts they are to a society that has lost focus. Please take time to read my stories, and I would love your feedback. The photo is my daughter Chloe's picture on the big screen in Times Square for the National Down Syndrome Awareness Video — not bad for a 4 year old! God's Blessings to you always.


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31