Targeted for termination
Kurt Kondrich
April 19, 2010

This past week, I read an article that disturbed me deeply concerning a Florida doctor who had his license revoked. The article stated that the doctor "lost his license for mistakenly aborting a healthy twin during a procedure targeting a deformed fetus."

The doctor was "targeting a fetus with Down syndrome," and he admitted he "screwed up."

Based on the facts presented in this article, one can conclude that if the doctor had properly targeted the unborn child with Down syndrome and successfully terminated this twin, then he would have kept his medical license. My beautiful 6-year-old daughter Chloe has Down syndrome and has brought immeasurable good and blessings into this world, and I have observed no "deformities" about her.

Parents of children with such disabilities have fought very hard over the past decades to have our children fully included and accepted in schools and communities. We have made great progress with "inclusion" since the days of institutionalization, but with prenatal testing, we have now entered a slippery slope that is rapidly turning into solid ice. If our society devalues the life of a person with a prenatal diagnosed disability and targets them for termination, then this represents the ultimate "exclusion" and eventual "extinction."

Currently 90 percent or more of children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome are "excluded" from ever shining their bright light in a lost world that has become obsessed with perfection and unrealistic traits. If the proper practice of medicine in our culture includes the skill of identifying and eliminating a prenatal twin who fails to meet the criteria of "normal," then we truly do need a massive overhaul of the "health care" system, and it is the soul of our nation that is "deformed."

About Kurt Kondrich:

I am the father of a beautiful daughter who has Down syndrome, and she has been a priceless Blessing to our family and community. When I became aware of the 90+% abortion rate for children diagnosed with Down syndrome in the womb, I literally could not sleep at night. In early August 2008 I had a disturbing dream about people with disabilities being exterminated, and it woke me up at 2:15AM. After praying I came up with the name SADSIN (Stop Aborting Down Syndrome Individuals Now). I have since embarked on a mission to make sure people are aware of this genocide. I want people to see the beautiful faces of our kids and realize the priceless Blessings and Gifts they are to a society that has lost focus. Please take time to read my stories, and I would love your feedback. The photo is my daughter Chloe's picture on the big screen in Times Square for the National Down Syndrome Awareness Video — not bad for a 4 year old! God's Blessings to you always.


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31