Stand up to tyranny: Support National Impeach Obama Week II, Oct. 18-25
Roger Ogden
September 30, 2014

Find a street corner, a government building, or an overpass and start making your signs, because National Impeach Obama Week is October 18-25, just before the mid-term elections. The time to stand up and be counted is before the election, not after. You can learn more and register your own protest at this link:

National Impeach Obama Week

Large and small protests are encouraged all across the Nation. They all count. We want to enable average Americans to stand up and speak out. Anyone can do this. All you need is a couple of like-minded friends and some signs.

Since we hardly expect the mainstream media to publicize this event beforehand, we plan to repeat these protests every few weeks, gradually attract new participants, and snowball the effort. So, have patience and stick with us over the longer term. This is a campaign that will last months, not a single event.

This is an all-volunteer effort – we do not ask for your money, only your participation. Please send photos and video of your event afterwards so that we can show our results and attract new participants. Act like America is depending on you, because she is!
Roger Ogden, the coordinator, is an activist in San Diego, California, who has been organizing Obama protests since the Tax Day protests of 2009.

Impeach Obama Protest in Austin, Texas

Norwich, NY


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31