Convention report
Stefani Williams, Utah Delegate
July 19, 2016

What a joke! This is a rigged convention.

What's the point of having delegates and a convention if we're just ignored? We followed the rules, we got the signatures of seven state delegations (we had 11) like rule 39 required, and the RNC completely ignored us. We yelled and screamed point of order and division, and they ignored us.

Finally, they recognized our Utah delegation chair Phill Wright, who made a motion for a roll call vote (which if approved would have allowed delegates to vote for or against the awful rules passed by the rules committee that bind current and future delegates, among other things). The RNC claimed that there were only 9 states and that several delegates from three states withdrew their support, so that there wasn't enough support. Where's the proof? They ignored Mike Lee, they ignored us.


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31