'Conversation' (reader comments)
Retrieved Aug. 3 from Real Clear Politics' July 30th article on GOP 'COVID revolt'
RenewAmerica staff
August 3, 2021


30 July, 2021

Everyone still refusing to have the talk that needs to be had to reach any understanding. Since we don't shut everything down, or mandate masks or vaccines for the flu that kills tens of thousands of people every year, CLEARLY there is a line of "acceptable death" that ALL politicians AND US citizens find okay to ignore... So the discussion that keeps getting danced around, but never actually brought to the table is this: Where is the line drawn for how dangerous a virus has to be to shut everything down (many people don't think a virus with a 99+% survival rate qualifies, and of course, many people believe it does), who gets to make that decision, and what is their scientific criteria for drawing the line at that point?


30 July, 2021

Of course lockdowns are coming back. They need the "crisis" to justify mail in ballots and infinite spending. They're starting a bit early because the Teacher's Union wants to keep schools closed this fall. I predict by mid August there will be calls to keeps schools closed. All this hullabaloo and the CDC won't release the "data." I'm sure that means they're digging as fast as they can for something that doesn't have Randi Weingarten's prints all over it.


30 July, 2021

Mark my words this theatre is intended for one purpose. We already know the CDC takes it marching orders from the teachers unions and we're coming up on Sept. with most school districts signed on to in-person learning. Teachers think they can gaslight their way into yet another year of sitting around doing next to nothing.


30 July, 2021

Shouldn't we be wondering why health care workers comprise such a large percentage of the unvaccinated? What do they know that we don't?

Ellen K

30 July, 2021

People who have deferred paying rent for nearly a year now are now demanding that the Biden administration extend it further. The Biden White House demands Federal workers and others be vaccinated yet we have thousands pouring over the border who are not being required to be tested, to get vaccinated or even to have their general health scrutinized. They're bringing in COVID, drug resistant TB, a host of tropical diseases for which we have no natural immunity as well as a plethora of other diseases from the entire world because it's not just the "golden triangle" coming in courtesy of cartels, but people from around the world including known terror states. How can Joe Biden point his finger at Texas or Louisiana or Oklahoma or Arizona or New Mexico citing spikes in COVID when his administration has done nothing to stop it? What is more, as inflation rises, the cost of basic survival will rise as well. When those of us still working are taxed to subsistence, we become Venezuela. Plus, listening to the blathering and stumbling of Biden's speeches, is there anyone who really thinks he's the one running the show? At least with Trump we didn't have such questions-except about the FBI.


30 July, 2021

Still waiting for the scientific data that masks actually work.

Pdx Yyz

30 July, 2021

Based on a study out of India, that 1. Used a vaccine not used in the US and 2. Did not pass peer review. Yup that's following the science.

Richard Reed

30 July, 2021

This is not about defeating CoVid. It is about stealing the next election, and to do that, we need mail in ballots, drop boxes and censorship of anyone who wants to go back to free elections in this Republic.


30 July, 2021

Thank you, Republicans! Most Americans DON'T want to go back to Masks or Lock-downs. They're FED-UP and they Don't trust the CDC either. With the Vaccinated Still getting Covid – makes you wonder if we should stay away from the Vaccinated.


30 July, 2021

Masking the vaccinated to protect the unvaccinated who made their own decision is not fair. Masking is a burden. Masking school children to protect an unvaccinated by choice school teacher is unfair. If you wish to teach get a vaccination but do not further burden the children who have been burdened enough. Do not shut down small businessmen to protect the unvaccinated while leaving the large businesses like Walmart, Home Depot and Amazon free to feast without competition because that is also unfair. BTW bankrupting landlords with endless eviction(read rent) moratoriums for people who never lost their job is also unfair.


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31