Michael Bresciani
Toward nationalizing U.S. banks -- toward one world order
By Michael Bresciani
February 27, 2009

According to bible prophecy the single reason that the worlds last and most vicious world leader succeeds where all others before him have failed is that he doesn't attempt to conquer the world with warfare. How does he do it?

President Obama's stimulus bill promises to keep us fully distracted, delighted and going places like back to the moon and shuttling blithely between the biggest money sucking hole in America, and the biggest fantasy diversion in the world. Now we can ride on the new magnetically driven monorail proposed between Las Vegas and Disneyworld. Cost for the American tax payer, twelve billion dollars. Cost for having fun in America, priceless.

Over 8000 pork heavy earmarks attached to the stimulus bill are creating immediate concerns but the long range behemoth discussed much less will undoubtedly be the beginning of government control of America's banks.

Whether it's philosophical or theological anyone worth a peg knows that a man's life doesn't consist of the things he owns. (Lk 12:15) A nations security according to the scripture is neither its armies nor its economy but its moral strength. This must be one of those lessons Barack Obama missed sitting at the feet of Pastor Wright, if it was ever offered. In his address to the Congress he made that abundantly clear.

There is little doubt that the President is not part of a worldwide conspiracy to bring the nations of earth under one roof but he doesn't need to know he is helping to accomplish that to make it happen. This is why the elements and events preceding the second coming of Christ are hidden from the wisest of the wise.

That America wants to ignore the wisest principles of its own founding fathers and opt in to a nebulously indeterminate doctrine of 'change' doesn't look good for the herds of Americans being spooked by financial crisis, global warming and other contrivances to the edge of the cliffs.

If we insist on skirting the Constitution and the guidance of our own founding fathers perhaps we should look even further back in our nation to the time when the Native Americans ruled the domain. They knew how to lead an entire herd of Buffalo over the cliffs by setting a squaw or a child in the right position to spook the herd and lead it right over the cliffs. Compared to the great trials of our past the business of economic recovery and a not so popular war are mere squaws and children; what has happened to American courage?

Presidents or ordinary taxpayers steeped in secularism, atheism, liberalism, tolerance and cultural diversity, Darwinism, green mania, gay indoctrination, slaughter of the un-born, ecumenicism, ecclesiastical apostasy and unconstitutionally checked government don't need a conspiracy; the natural outcome of these things is a new world order, a plunge to our own death.

When the antichrist rules the entire globe during the last seven years of time as we know it he will have complete control over the world economy and every individual on earth will be a part of his shiny new economic miracle.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev 13:16, 17)

The U.S. is running neck and neck with the European Union toward the nationalization of its banks. According to the EU Observer Feb 23, 2009 " A report out on Wednesday (25 February) will likely call for the setting up of a new European agency to regulate financial institutions within the EU.

It "will call for deep institutional change" predicts Karel Lannoo, chief executive officer with the Centre for European Policy Studies, a Brussels based think-tank. The chair of the CEPS board, Onno Ruding, sits on the group tasked with issuing the report.

Mr. Lannoo, who specializes in the field of financial regulation, said the report would call for a "single agency modeled on the European Monetary Institute of 1992 ... to lay the basis for the creation of a new European system of financial supervisors."

The EU is now the twentieth member of the famed G-20, a group of the 20 most powerful economies on earth. The group already comprises 90 percent of the total global gross national product. It also has reign over 80 percent of world trade and makes up almost two thirds of the worlds entire population. Two other institutions directly linked to the G-20 are the International Monetary Fund and the high profile World Bank. The stage is set.

The chief goal of the G-20 is to build and sustain economic prosperity. It is a prosperity born of government control and not of private enterprise or capitalism. It is a new world order idea and anything but American. How many Americans know of these things much less can understand the deepest implications of these changes, a safe answer is, very few.

The G-20 website says "Since 1999, the G-20 has contributed to strengthen the international financial architecture and to foster sustainable economic growth and development. The G20 now has a crucial role in driving forward work between advanced and emerging economies to tackle the international financial and economic crisis, restore worldwide financial stability, lead the international economic recovery and secure a sustainable future for all countries." According to the scripture no one will thank the G-20 for their noble aspirations in the end.

Not the promise of a few dollars in your next tax return or Nancy Pelosi's jack in the box on steroids display followed by sixty five standing ovations at the Obama address to Congress can defer the long range implications.

The U.S. plan and the E.U. proclivity toward government control of banks if combined could spell the end of capitalism and free market enterprise on a global scale.

The creation of a one world economy is exactly how the last dictator melds the world into one happy global family without ever firing a single shot. But the happiness is short lived as is the rule of antichrist. His rule is interrupted by the actual physical return of the Lord Jesus Christ who not only judges the world but removes the reigns of power from all who now hold them. (Rev 11:15)

Nearly 25 percent of the Bible contains prophecies of the second coming of Christ but even if it had only a few lines and verses; who would you choose to believe. The beauty of the true faith is that it is always a matter of your choosing. No one will be jihad-ed or excommunicated or deported for not making the choice for God. But it is that very line drawn by the finished work of Christ on the cross and his call to all mankind to turn to him for salvation that is the reason why in the last days Christianity will undergo a great persecution. Yet the choice remains.

"...choose you this day whom ye will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Jos 24:15)

© Michael Bresciani


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