Michael Bresciani
Pope Francis: Man of the Year or leader of the apostasy?
By Michael Bresciani
December 14, 2013

Time Magazine's announcement that Pope Francis is the 'Man (or person) of the Year' has created a buzz on all levels of news and media. It's too bad that we need a news magazine to define for us who the great ones in our society are, but that is only proof that man is constantly looking for saviors in all the wrong places.

Bible believers have a tendency to leap to conclusions that often prove premature. Examples abound, but in trying to decide who the antichrist may be everyone from Henry Kissinger in days past to Barack Obama in these days. Perhaps that's why we are instructed to hold fast to our faith as God unravels the details of eschatological doctrine (second coming doctrine) in real time.

Special care has to be taken when dealing with the Pope, but not for the Pope's sake, but for the millions of faithful Catholics who, after all, are brothers and sisters if they have genuinely responded to the promise of John 1: 12.

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"

The Term 'Leader' is not Sacrosanct

The wheat and the tare grow together in the field, (Mt 13: 24f) but that doesn't mean that those who are in leadership positions are exempt from being tares.

The sweep of apostasy is well underway in the church, both Protestant and Catholic, which means the day of withholding the truth about who is backsliding and who is towing the line has passed forever. Identify the falsehoods now, or become part of them – that's the rule of the day.

In a world where apostasy and decline are reaching Mach speeds the Pope has to understand that regardless of what his intentions were in his statements about abortion and gays, in today's climate, perception has become the better part of reality.

Already, atheists, agnostics and every sort of antichrist kind of person has welcomed the Pope's words as proof that the Catholics are finally loosening up and coming into the twenty first century where tolerance and diversity are supposed to replace adherence to the moral laws and demands of the living God.

The moral teachings of the Bible are not to be ignored or set aside for overt acts of kindness, like the Pope's washing the feet of prisoners, but they are conjoined forever with such acts. Being Christ like and holding to the truths of scripture are not to be separated, but they are to be practiced together until the end of time.

Here's what we know. The Bible strictly condemns any and all homosexual practices and abortion is genocide. No one will escape. There is a reckoning day for both. Whether you are the Pope or some unknown and obscure person, the coming judgment will scrutinize your output without regard to your station in life. Pope or pauper the Word of God creates a level playing field. To wit:

"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." (Mt 12: 36, 37)

Growing Accustomed to Hypocrisy and Double Standards?

News anchor and host of the Kelly Files, Megyn Kelly, has announced that Politifact is now calling Barack Obama's promise that American's could keep their health care plans if they liked them the 'lie of the year.'

Just when you think you have had enough hypocrisy the same man who stood before the media and repeatedly lied about healthcare stood up in South Africa, weeping, and praising Nelson Mandela, a man who is known for devising the torture (necklacing) which places burning fueled filled tires over the heads of people and burning them to death in front of their families. Hypocrisy now has a new champion and record breaker.

The security breach at the Mandela memorial has created uproar in the media. The interpreter at the memorial was a total fake, but the fact that millions of Americans feel Barack Obama is himself, the biggest fake to come down the pike in presidential history – is largely ignored, squashed or dismissed.

One conservative website now favors a graphic that shows Mandela and Obama side by side with a caption that says, "Hey, if you're going to compare Obama to Mandela...can we at least throw him in jail for 27 years first?"

No, Time Magazine does not do covers for 'Liar of the Year.'

It isn't about scolding the Pope or dissing the president, in fact it is about you. Regardless of what voices you listen to or what church you attend, if they are leading you away from the revealed word of God you are in serious danger. The call to remove yourself from those influences, find another church, or simply get out – are of divine origin.

God expects you to take it very seriously.

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (2 Co 6: 17, 18)

© Michael Bresciani


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