Curtis Dahlgren
"Pulled from the fire": There were no "minor prophets"
By Curtis Dahlgren
October 22, 2017

"You were like an ember raked from the fire, but you have not returned unto me, saith the Lord . . . but let good judgment run down as waters, and righteousness like a mighty river." – Amos (787 BC)

"Reformers have worn rubber boots and stood on glass whenever God poured out a Commensense upon the earth." – Elbert Hubbard

TAKE A LETTER TO THE LEFT COAST. When I was just a young boy, the Communist revolution of 1917 was still swallowing up thousands of square miles of the planet every year. Sometimes every month. I was starting to get a bit claustrophobic, so I asked God to "show me what I can do for the freedom of my People." I was resolved, like Lincoln, that if I ever got my chance I would be ready. "Good things come to those who hustle while they wait," someone said. At 75 now, I'm probably as close to my "chance" as I'll ever be. This outlet, at the moment, is the only chance I have.

The Left coast hates both the prophet and the profit, and Harvey Weinstein isn't the only pervert out there. And like the great Chicago Fire, the California fires weren't the only ones burning last week. The day of the Chicago fire was the same day as the Peshtigo fire in the North Woods, which came within a few miles of my location in Michigan. Prairie fires in the 1800s killed hundreds. This letter isn't only to the Left coast, but to our People in general.

When I say the California fires weren't the only ones burning, I'm thinking of the fire of Faith within your own heart and mind. Is it only little more than a dying ember? Can a dying ember pull anyone out of the great fires coming upon the earth, let alone you yourself? God doesn't have any minor prophets, so my "Amos" column 6/24/04) is being re-posted here for readers both old and new:

"We're going insane, folks. We're literally being swept up by the insane and being told we have to join them in their insanity . . When there are no objective facts, when everything is up for dispute, when things that are undeniably fact are not permitted to be, we have a problem." – Rush Limbaugh

RUSH IS NOT OUT ON A LIMB ALL ALONE. In the mouth of two or three witnesses, a thing is established:

"We are again engaged in a great civil war, a cultural war that's about to hijack your birthright to think and say what resides in your heart . . I serve as a moving target for the media who've called me everything from 'ridiculous' and 'duped' to a 'brain-injured, senile, crazy old man.'" – Charlton Heston (at Harvard Law, 1999)

"I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of insidious forces working from within." – Gen. Douglas MacArthur

"An elective despotism is not the government we fought for." – Thomas Jefferson

"Everywhere you look you see the cultural and societal degradation of America." – Michael Savage

Savage added that someone at the head of a national ticket needs to come right out and say so! Ever since the 1992 election, consultancy "experts" have told the Establishment candidates to do the opposite. The "culture war" is the equivalent of "slavery" to the Whigs in 1852. They thought that the issue would go away if they didn't talk about it. The Whig party went out with a whimper, not a bang. The timid GOP still wins elections because the other party is so far out there. The Leftists have jumped the shark (and it has been right in the swim there for years). The following is an excerpt from "America's nervous breakdown; another legacy of the '60s" (CD, 2-21-2004):

"For decades, the theory of deconstruction has enjoyed a vogue in academe. It originated in linguistics, where it posited the none-too-radical idea that language was a function of shared meaning . . From linguistics, however, deconstruction passed into textual interpretation . . . If deconstruction had confined itself to English departments, it might have served as just another analytical tool. But deconstructionists were rabid partisans who realized their theory had grave implications not just for literature, but for the very notion of reality . . .

"When reality itself is a subjective construct, morality is also relative. . [and] in the longer view, the Clinton scandal not only raised the issue of deconstruction; it was the latest and fiercest battle in what we might now recognize as a long cultural civil war . . . " – L.A. Times (quoted from Las Vegas Review-Journal (Jan. 7, 1999)

"We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men." – George Orwell

Like "thou shalt not bear false witness," etc. Politicians will say, "We're into government, not culture." RINOs will say "Leave that to the theologians." However, one legacy of the 1960s is barometer shepherds who also put a finger to the wind to see which way it's blowing – to see what's the "HOT" issue du jour. In the first "nervous breakdown" column, I quoted a Senate speech by Zell Miller of Georgia:

"The Old Testament prophet Amos was a sheep herder who lived back in the Judean hills, away from the cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Compared to the intellectual urbanites like Isaiah and Jeremiah, he was just an unsophisticated country hick. But Amos had a unique grasp of political and social issues and his poetic literary skill was among the best of all the prophets. That familiar quote of Martin Luther King, Jr. about 'Justice will rush down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream' are Amos' words . . This blunt speaking moral conscience of his time warns . . as if he were speaking to us today: 'The days will come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land. Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord'!"

In "The Authoritarian Personality," (1950), T.W. Adorno wrote:

"Freud himself set the tone for the assault on faith. He regarded religion in all its forms as an illusion and therefore recast it as a form of neurosis . . an instance of mental disorder – of madness . . . 'By identifying the liberal personality as the antithesis of the authoritarian personality, [the intelligentsia] equated mental health with an approved political position'!"

A professor wrote "This Beats Working For a Living" in 1973 to anonymously spill the gambit of Academe:

"Too many professors pander to their audience and help the student believe what his feelings of inadequacy have led him to assert: that he is smart and educated, that youth equates with eternal wisdom, that age equates with obstinacy and wrongness, and that the past has no lessons for the present . . they place self above all those things that history taught to be important . . .

"In short, their attitude of elitism leads them to believe they know better what is best for the country than do older or less educated yokels, and they intend to give it to the country whether it wants their solutions or not."

The "Plan" was to let the old people and their notions die off; then replace them with a new breed of cat that doesn't mind a little "elective despotism" – in the words of Jefferson. Napoleon crowned himself emperor because he was tired of "gridlock." Benito's power grab was intended to "get things done." Hitler just wanted to build infrastructure and get the trains running on time (a little sarcasm there). Liberals may be winning the battles and losing the war though; the millennials are more pro-life than some earlier generations. The young are not as anti-God as the politically insane were counting on. Interest in ancestry is growing. Interest in useless college courses is waning. There may be a backlash against "the approved political positions." Atheists such as Dawkins and Harris thought that by now there would be so much social pressure against belief in God that it would be embarrassingly unthinkable. The church would be driven underground. That is not the case yet, so the Left turns unabashedly to censorship via lawsuit and intimidation. Anything "annoying" – to them – is considered harassment. Well, as George Orwell once said:

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear."

Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of our Founding Fathers, was once asked "Are you a democrat or an aristocrat?"

"I am neither," he said. "I am a Christocrat. I believe He, alone, who created and redeemed man is qualified to govern him."

So we must govern ourselves accordingly. President Monroe said, "While then [America] retains its sound and healthful state, everything will be safe. They will choose competent and faithful representatives . . [but] It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising the sovereignty. Usurpation is then an easy attainment, and an usurper soon found. The people themselves become the willing instruments of their own debasement and ruin." [first inaugural address]

PPS: What America needs now is a prairie fire of the soul, a sagebrush rebellion right now against the so-called "Resistance." The Communists couldn't kill religion is 70 years, and neither can the Antifa fascists and Communists of 2017. All we need is a "still small voice after the fire." An ember of hope. Frederick Douglas once said that "grief and pain are easily described, but joy defies both pen and pencil." What we need right now is both.

The ignorance, perversion, and decay must be stopped! What are you going to do about it? This is your CHANCE. You are not "minor."

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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