Bryan Fischer
Obama WANTS a debt ceiling meltdown to destroy economy and the GOP
By Bryan Fischer
October 8, 2013

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

There is a simple reason why Barack Obama flatly, stubbornly and childishly refuses to negotiate over either the budget or the debt ceiling: he does not fear an economic meltdown; in fact, he craves one. For him, it's a two-fer: he thinks it will destroy America and the GOP all in one fell swoop.

He hopes the economy will fall apart, and that America will blame the GOP even though he will be the one at fault. Thus he can cross two items off his bucket list: the destruction of America and the destruction of the Republican Party.

Until the GOP understands this, they will not be in a position to call his bluff.

President Obama nurtures a fundamental, visceral antipathy for America as founded. He illustrates this in every speech on foreign soil when he blames America for every global evil known to man.

He seems driven by a commitment to punish this nation for being racist to its core. He believes that racism is in America's DNA. Since it is in our DNA, it cannot be rooted out, it cannot be cured, it cannot be eradicated; it must be destroyed.

This leads to a perverse drive on his part to bring America down by weakening us abroad and doing intentional harm to our economy at home. It's a part of the punishment he feels called to dish out in retribution for our imperialism and racism.

Thus while the president may make clucking noises in an effort to convince folks he really wants to solve our budget problems and avert our debt ceiling crisis, in truth he wants nothing of the sort. He believes and hopes fervently and secretly that the government shutdown and the crisis over the debt ceiling will reduce our economy to rubble and bring America to its knees. He fairly salivates over the prospect.

Until the GOP understands that this is what he wants, they won't be in any position to respond with any strength or firmness, and he will continue to play them for chumps.

The truth is that America, the president's bloviation notwithstanding, does not need to fear either a government shutdown or a failure to raise the debt ceiling.

The shutdown has already proven to be utterly Armageddon-less, unless, of course, you count the 80 year-old folks with walkers and scooters Obama is cruelly kicking to the curb at Lake Mead. A full 83% of the federal government continues to function, leading objective Americans to wonder what those apocalyptic warnings from the president were all about.

Nor do Americans need to fear a refusal to raise the debt ceiling. All the posturing about default is just gas. Revenues continue to stream into federal coffers unabated, and it takes less than 10% of that revenue flood to service the debt. There is no reason whatsoever for America to go into default.

In fact, the only one who can plunge America into default is President Obama, by a juvenile and petty refusal to direct tax revenue to debt service.

In addition, even if the debt ceiling is not raised, there will still be sufficient revenue to satisfy Social Security, Medicare and military obligations in addition to servicing our debt. Here's the worst that can happen: If the United States does not raise the debt ceiling on the morning of October 17, it will have a balanced budget by the close of business that very day. There is no need for a constitutional amendment. If we want America to live within its means, as even the president pretends to do, it can happen in just nine days.

The federal government will still have $2.7 trillion in revenue to work with. If you can't find a way to run a country on $2.7 trillion, you need to quit and give your job to somebody who can.

The economy will not collapse, America will not go into default, and the sun will rise on October 18. In other words, if the GOP is thinking clearly, they will recognize President Obama is all bark and no bite, all pettiness and no punch.

The increasingly hysterical complaints from liberal pundits that the media is going too easy on the GOP is proof positive that they are losing the public debate and know it. Now is no time for the GOP to go wobbly. Stick to your guns, guys, and perhaps it will not be the United States but Barack Obama who is brought to his knees.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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