Curtis Dahlgren
The origin of the specious (they will hate this one)
By Curtis Dahlgren
August 1, 2018

"Specious, adj.; seemingly fair, apparently acceptable, especially at first glance" – Webster

"Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone, but principally by catchwords." – Robert Louis Stevenson

THE THEORY of evolution lives only upon words, words such as "survival of the fittest," and "given enough time" (which says nothing about the actual Origin). Up with Darwinists we could probably put if they were totally objective, honest, and non-religious in their fervor. Not only do they feel more highly evolved than the rest of us, but their students feel that they are the most highly evolved ever! And their fervent faith involves all the accoutrements of religion, actually an "organized" religion.

They have their holy grail, the missing bones of all the missing links. They have their Crusades. They have their saints – Hegel, Huxley, and Sagan – and their temple prostitutes, if you know what I mean. They have their awe-inspiring cathedrals, the ivy-covered ivory towers of Higher Education. They have their televangelists, TV anchormen and babes; Pharisees and Sadducees with their picky-picky "laws" (ban the plastic straws). They even have their holy relics, the body of Lenin, with the brains of the richest Communists preserved in glass jars. Their high priests are the dead martyrs such as Che, and their almighty god is Darwin. His writings are even called "Revelations." How ironic.

And they have their indulgences, their penances: Carbon taxes and the spoils of war against the rich. They think dreamers will save the planet (which planet, I don't have a clue).

They have their philosophers on Mars' Hill ("if God made a tree in the forest, and no one was there, it didn't happen"). Some of them want to go to Mars. They have their baby-killing Pharaohs and King Herods (the women's reproductive "healthcare" clinics), with equal opportunity baby killing ("What? Am I my baby's keeper?"). They cast their lots upon a Supreme Court robe, and they cry "Give us Barabbas" (anybody but Trump). Sometimes Christians are still crucified literally. The "Kingdom of God" was the USSR, but that turned to "Chernobyl" (the Russian word for Wormwood).

The Eastern Orthodox Darwinists admitted they made some mistakes, but the Western Orthodox evolutionists never will. Their doxology is singing the praises of the sacred Creed of anthropomorphism – the ascription of human characteristics to primates and the animal kingdom ("The Human Community as a Primate Society," Current Anthropology, June 1991). In the final analysis, Darwin took the first baby steps toward the devaluation of the sanctity of Human Life.

The Nihilists appeared within a few short years after the publication of Origin, males with long hair and women with short hair, all dressed in grubby chic (1860s Russia). They have essentially canonized the world's first murderer, Cain. BY THE WAY:

I'm a firm believer in the separation of Church and State. Therefore I expect to see any day now the ACLU file a class action suit on behalf of the rest of us, declaring that it is unconstitutional for public school buildings to be used for the preaching of the Religion of Evolution as if it were a fact . . . .

POOF! I just fell off my chair and came to. OOPS. I must have been sleep-typing again. Dreaming. "I speak as a fool," beside myself. An out-of-body and out-of-brain experience. Nevertheless, seriously "folks," why do we have to 'up with put' daily shootings by demonic shooters? Our big cities see hundreds of shootings every day, with four or five casualties for every fatality – worse than our Korea and Vietnam casualties combined. Innocent bystanders are just shrugged off as "mushrooms." They ban the Ten Commandments and we have hit the snooze button too many times!

Forget the baby seals and the whales if we can't save the species homo sapiens! There is nothing "progressive" or abstract about dying in your own afterbirth before the fact, aborted, or being stabbed in the street over a pair of sneakers by someone who has never heard the terms morality or the "sanctity of human life." By someone who never heard of the Golden Rule in all his born days? And there is nothing "religious" about being blown up by someone seeking a back door to Paradise either. Seventy two virgins may beat them someday. There are extremist nuts of every true color all over the world. Have we hit the gut-retching point yet? Will it take another World War to wake us up?

The Left and the Right are on the same page, only different books. The world hasn't been this divided since 1914. God called Israel His "first born" son, which clearly implies more than one child-nation. I hate to have to state the obvious, but we can infer that eventually every tribe and tongue will be His children, every faction and every dialect. Every state. One thousand years of peace. For those who are at peace with HIM (sorry, ma'am; that's just an expression. Figuratively speaking, okay?)! The professorial class may be beyond hope. Never mind them.

P.S. The Nihilists of the 1960s spawned America's divisions of the 1990s and beyond. The seventy year old hippies have no qualms about speaking evil of dignities. They don't regret divisiveness and hate; they relish it. They advertise it. President Trump is treated more unfairly than anyone since Moses' brother and sister were plagued with leprosy for it.

Some of the liberated Hebrew slaves bad-mouthed God's anointed ("We know what you DID a few years back")! He had committed an aggravated assault. He was very, very aggravated when he did it, and it was fatal for the Egyptian. Moses started over and began taking his calling seriously when he saw the Burning Bush. Speaking of Egypt, the Pharaoh's tricky magicians told him that there was a physical explanation for every Moses miracle and every national plague.

Perhaps they blamed the bloody Nile River on too many camel farts. Too many chariots on the highways? Anything but their idolatrous falling before false gods (the Nile, the cattle, cats, and the chariots themselves). You get the picture? BTW, Some of us on the Right think we have to persuade "those people" on the Left to repent. Forget about it! God says: "If the people who are called by MY name will repent and turn from their sins, I will return and save you." Let's hope y'all get the BIG picture. More to come.

PPS: Today was Day 31 of "Make a Liberal Laugh Someday" month. Better luck next year! {[:( ])

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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