Curtis Dahlgren
Modesty? Humility? Civility? Can you say "JADED," boys and girls?
By Curtis Dahlgren
October 8, 2018

"I've gone to considerable efforts to try to distinguish myself from postmodernism's truth-as-subjective [proponents]. . It's an interest that I developed in Wisconsin years ago." – Errol Morris, film maker and 1969 UW grad (quoted in On Wisconsin magazine, 2009)

SIFTING AND WINNOWING THE TRUTH (UW motto): Morris, who was rejected by other universities, said that he thought he was being punished by being sent to Wisconsin, but he often describes it as "Wisconsin farm boys and girls and Jews from New York . . and Wisconsin had one of the best history departments in America." In that Spring 2009 ON WIS, a letter from an alum said:

"I wish to comment on the UW psychology professor's proclamation that it is her mission to change stereotypes and 'as a scientist, to challenge them with data.' Give me a break – I didn't know it was the role of a scientist to change the thinking of the populace . . "

In that column I said: "The country is going to have a debate soon on a proposed replacement for Justice Souter – assuming that really free debate will not be silenced by lawyers hurling accusations of 'xenophobia' (or some other rotten egg)."

WHICH BRINGS US TO THE FALL OF 2018, and "those" hearings. Something is rotten in Denmark. Those Senate hearings were not about one psychology professor or whether rape is a good or bad thing. That has been "settled" in the civilized world for centuries (except in parts ruled by extreme Islamist law. And Chicago). The hearings were about the Supreme Court, period. And the Left showed its true colors. So much for "civility"! How about modesty?

The roots of the word modesty mean "kept within the measure" (moderate). The word tolerance means "an error within tolerable limits (of measurement)." People "tolerate" their brother-in-law, but don't always embrace him (or their crazy uncle). In the fall of 2018, school girls and their mothers wear what is fashionably "IN." It ain't always pretty, but they expect us to embrace it (oops, that would imply "touching" and I didn't mean to be politically incorrect; even touch football will soon be abolished on some college campuses as being "inappropriate"). But fashion keeps pushing the line, even if it means flaunting, and flouting convention, and going butt-ugly.

"Modesty, once dismissed, never returns to favor." – Publilius Syrus (43 BC)

WHICH BRINGS US BACK TO 2003 and one of my first ten columns – which started out like this:

This is certainly not the topic I wanted to cover today, but I happened to read the 10/28/03 USA Today. A sidebar on page one caught my attention, quote: STRIPPING GOES MAINSTREAM; DANCERS BUMP STEREOTYPES, GRIND INTO MAINSTREAM.

"As a dozen naked women undulate on 3 stages, Susan says, 'Yea for the fact that women can walk into a strip bar without an escort.'" Immediately below that story was another one re L.A.'s Fashion Week, LaLa Land's answer to New York City's. A fashion analyst said:

"It's all very competitive. It isn't just about the clothes coming down the runway. It's this morphing of a world – it's sexy and visible, and a lot of people have decided, 'I want to get in.'" [unquote]

The promoters of L.A. Fashion Week must have been jealous of all the ink the California fires were getting, but there is something to this "jading of a world." Something has happened to all of us. I've noticed that people of both genders can now walk past "sexy and visible" naked women at the checkout-counter without giving them a second glance. And since when is this a good thing? Proverbs 31:10's pearl-of-great-price has become a pig-in-a-poke. NO WONDER this country has to spend millions on a little "blue pill"!

The word "jaded" doesn't refer to the stone by that name but to an older noun meaning (1) "an overworked, worn-out horse" or "a sorry nag"! The second-choice definition is "a low, worthless person, specifically a vicious woman; wench; hussy"! Hearts of stone are involved and they're not diamonds or rubies! According to the l973 Miriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms, the verb "jade" means to "tire, weary, fag, or tucker," and analogous words include "satiated" and "emasculated" [i.e., "sick of" or "having a belly-full"].

Hollywood's charge that the liberation of Iraq made the Arabs hate us is as hilarious as the Playboy patent on sex. Islam doesn't hate us because we are "too Christian" or too "fundamentalist"; it hates us because we are becoming post-Christian Nihlists – the very thing Hollywood applauds. During the time of the fall of Rome, a famous Roman said, "It is our SINS that have made the Barbarians strong."

Regarding Hollywood's holier-than-thou attempts with the MeToo movement: Don't tell believers that WE have "dirty minds" when you're the ones flaunting skin-tight ugh-buttley stuff, not us! Do not "project" on us. The smeller's the feller. Don't tell us to "Just don't look." And don't tell us to "Just shut up" as the Senator from Hawaii did.

PS: Dr. Ford and her pro bono lawyer are two reasons that pro-Kavanaugh women out-numbered the fanatic antis; they are worried about the world their sons are living in, now that we see the true colors of the so-called "feminine" activists. They claim to want neutered men. I would advise you young men to go back to chaperoned dating to protect your butt from future litigation, should you ever happen to become one of their targets. The daughter of a friend of mine claims that 81 percent of all women are sexually assaulted at some point in their lives (a peck on the cheek in first grade?). This column recently warned men, if you ever happen to go out with a Left-wing feminist college professor, speak her language, such as:

Dear, if I may call you dear, would you be inclined to permit me to impress upon you an expression of my high regard for your persona in a mutually egalitarian manner, and if your feelings are in the affirmative, let us celebrate our gender-neutral equality and our existential anti-antidisestablishmentarianism, okay? [translation: "Kiss me." But if you are dating a feminist professor, WHY?]

PPS: In our season of discontent, and of violent "anti-fascists," thank God for baseball! I wonder if the New York media has noticed what is happening in Milwaukee yet: Thousands of people cheering for the same team. Lefties and righties. White, black, brown, and yellow. Christians and atheists. Heteros and homos. Young and old. Feminists and red-blooded boys. Baseball trumps both the pro-Trump and the anti-Trump factions.

"Thank God!"
– Scott Walker (said upon beating recall attempt)

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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