RenewAmerica staff column
RenewAmerica staff

HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it
RenewAmerica staff
March 29, 2024

(Updated March 30, 2024) This Easter, we would do well to consider the remarkable words of Acts 10:38, which sum up the key to Jesus’ ministry in a . . .

About RenewAmerica
RenewAmerica staff
March 18, 2024

RenewAmerica is an educational non-profit corporation that seeks to preserve the United States upon the self-evident truths proclaimed in the Declaration of . . .

American Humanist Association: 'Good without a God'
RenewAmerica staff
February 12, 2024

(Screen capture obtained February 12, 2024, from American Humanist Association article 'American Humanist Association Announces Dr. Anthony Fauci . . .

Professed Facebook rep threatens RenewAmerica — imitates Facebook's controlling pattern of behavior
RenewAmerica staff
January 15, 2024

At 4:08 am on January 15, 2024, a person claiming to be a representative of Facebook sent RenewAmerica the following message regarding our Facebook page, which . . .

EXCERPT: ‘Religion of Denmark,’ Encyclopedia Britannica
RenewAmerica staff
November 30, 2023

Religious freedom is an essentially unchallenged value in Denmark. Roman Catholic churches and Jewish synagogues have long existed in the larger cities, and the . . .

Biden - Fetterman 2024 T-shirt
RenewAmerica staff
September 18, 2023

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'Happy 73rd Birthday' to Alan Keyes from the Stone family
RenewAmerica staff
August 7, 2023

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'Embryo' definition
RenewAmerica staff
April 13, 2023

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Related links
RenewAmerica staff
October 3, 2022

As you seek to understand Evan McMullin's opportunistic crusade to become Utah's next U.S. senator, you might consider the following facts that raise serious . . .

A few suggested videos
RenewAmerica staff
June 23, 2022

Here are three must-see videos of Sen. Lee at his best, advocating on behalf of his constituents: Remarks on the Green New Deal (March 26, 2019)  . . .

RenewAmerica staff
June 21, 2022

Internal poll: Mike Lee leads Never Trumper Evan McMullin by double digits (Breitbart, June 18, 2022) Was Utah Democrats’ vote to back Evan McMullin the . . .

People killed with rifles versus people killed with Covid vaccine
RenewAmerica staff
June 5, 2022

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Ukraine articles
RenewAmerica staff
March 26, 2022

March 30, 2022 Zelensky: Russia talks may seem positive ... but we won't slacken Ukraine defenses NEWSMAX — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on . . .

Printable PDF of just-released Pfizer data
RenewAmerica staff
March 5, 2022

Click here to see a printable PDF of the just-released Pfizer data. And be sure to see the section titled "APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL . . .

Legendary C.S. Lewis has answer for two reformers who say Constitution is outmoded in the face of pandemics
RenewAmerica staff
February 8, 2022

Two scholars with obvious leftist leanings argued in a Feb. 6 op-ed at The Hill that “Like it or not, the government needs greater power to fight pandemics.†. . .

RenewAmerica writer Tabitha Korol Zuckerman passes away January 14
RenewAmerica staff
January 18, 2022

It is with deep sadness that we report that gifted writer Tabitha Korol Zuckerman of Beachwood, Ohio, passed away on January 14, 2022. Tabitha was born . . .

Let's Go
RenewAmerica staff
December 18, 2021

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'Let's Go Brandon'
RenewAmerica staff
December 17, 2021

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Screen capture of Dr. Ben-Aderet on Facebook
RenewAmerica staff
October 27, 2021

The above screen capture shows Dr. Michael Ben-Aderet, an epidemiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A., presenting on Facebook the standard . . .

The house that AIDS built
RenewAmerica staff
October 26, 2021

This article deals with pharmaceutical abuse in a children’s home in NYC. This piece was investigated and written in summer through winter of 2003 and . . .

The 'Spartacus letter’: Anonymous COVID exposé goes viral
RenewAmerica staff
October 9, 2021

Hello, My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough. We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a . . .

Seeing the invisible revolution
RenewAmerica staff
August 16, 2021

It is impossible to understand the so-called cultural clash in the United States without understanding the paradigm within which it has played out for . . .

'Conversation' (reader comments)
RenewAmerica staff
August 3, 2021

archon27 30 July, 2021 Everyone still refusing to have the talk that needs to be had to reach any understanding. Since we don't shut everything down, or . . .

Public comments on KTVK reporter Dennis Welch's interview of Kari Lake
RenewAmerica staff
July 6, 2021

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The basis and dangers of the current war against Israel
RenewAmerica staff
May 18, 2021

The current war against Israel, fomented by Hamas and their Palestinian Authority brothers' efforts to destroy Israel, is like none before it. This time there . . .

Warner Todd Huston Facebook post, May 2
RenewAmerica staff
May 3, 2021

I had a nice little argument with a liberal where I proved she wasn't led by science and that masks and vaccines for the coronavirus were purely political.  . . .

It was a coup!
RenewAmerica staff
February 9, 2021

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." (John Adams) The defeat of Nazi . . .

Newsmax GA vote totals (screen capture)
RenewAmerica staff
January 6, 2021

12:53 am Jan. 6, 2020, screen capture of Newmax GA Senate runoffs vote totals:  . . .

Why I changed my mind about Donald Trump
RenewAmerica staff
October 30, 2020

I voted third-party in the 2016 presidential election. Quite frankly, I couldn’t bring myself to vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in that race . . .

BLM: Signals without sacrifice
RenewAmerica staff
June 26, 2020

During a recent Facebook faceoff with a fellow black American, I posed the following question: “How many unarmed black Americans were fatally shot by police . . .

Unreliable CNN poll gives Trump 38% approval rating
RenewAmerica staff
June 8, 2020

In a flawed poll conducted before news of America's strong economic recovery was released, CNN announced Monday the president's approval rating had dropped to 3 . . .

The birth of Christ according to Luke
RenewAmerica staff
December 24, 2019

1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first . . .

Yahoo depicts president as lawless egomaniac in misleading headline: "Trump: 'I'll do whatever I want' during Senate impeachment trial"
RenewAmerica staff
December 14, 2019

In an obvious distortion of the truth in an attempt to embarrass President Donald Trump, Yahoo ran an article Friday with the headline: "Trump: 'I'll do . . .

Help fund RenewAmerica
RenewAmerica staff
November 24, 2019

RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a . . .

The inconvenient truth about vaccines
RenewAmerica staff
April 2, 2019

"Skepticism is the first step towards truth," Denis Diderot, 1746. Has our government ever been wrong? Has it ever been deceptive? The answer of course, to . . .

The Blasey boomerang
RenewAmerica staff
October 19, 2018

On Thursday, October 4th, Chuck Schumer repeated his claim that Christine Blasey Ford's uncorroborated testimony was credible, and added that she "came forward . . .

Quoth the RINOs, NeverMoore
RenewAmerica staff
November 26, 2017

It is perhaps no surprise that a coterie of NeverTrumpers has been quick to jump on the NeverMoore bandwagon. After all, Roy Moore shares the President's agenda . . .

Election issues on Indian reservations
RenewAmerica staff
November 18, 2017

By Bruce Elliot How is it possible – from the standpoint of legality and/or (at the very least) fairness – for Indian reservation residents  . . .

Letter to President Trump's Federal Election Fraud Commission
RenewAmerica staff
November 17, 2017

By Elaine Willman, MPA  . . .

RenewAmerica writer needs urgent medical help
RenewAmerica staff
October 30, 2017

RenewAmerica writer Siena Hoefling has been a loyal patriot for many years in the cause of preserving our country and advocating for the rights of the unborn.  . . .

Faithful leaders – An Easter reflection
RenewAmerica staff
April 16, 2017

Happy Easter. Christ is Risen! Alleluia! This Holy Week, I am brought in mind of my Easter reflection from a few years ago, in which I cited a prominent . . .

Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO
RenewAmerica staff
April 14, 2017

[Updated April 24, 2017] "That attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me. Big impact. That was a horrible, horrible thing." – President . . .

The President-Elect: Thoughts from a "Never Trump/ Never Hillary" voter
RenewAmerica staff
November 15, 2016

Finally, this grueling election is over – one of the most polarizing and bizarre elections in our nation's history. Here we had two of the least liked . . .

Hillary Clinton's campaign tactics and ethics mirror Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
RenewAmerica staff
November 2, 2016

Do you want a radical proponent of Saul Alinsky in the White House? No! Hillary Clinton's campaign tactics and rules of ethics mirror Saul David Alinsky's  . . .

The dog that didn't bark: Solving the mystery of what Donald Trump is all about
RenewAmerica staff
July 23, 2016

Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): "Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?" Sherlock Holmes: "To the curious incident of . . .

Convention report
RenewAmerica staff
July 19, 2016

What a joke! This is a rigged convention. What's the point of having delegates and a convention if we're just ignored? We followed the rules, we got the . . .

Trump surrogate threatens violence against 'conscience vote' supporters
RenewAmerica staff
July 14, 2016

Multimillionaire real estate developer Carl Paladino, co-chair of Donald Trump's New York campaign and Republican candidate for governor of New York in 2010, . . .

This glorious July 4th more than ever... we are a republic 'if we can keep it'
RenewAmerica staff
July 4, 2016

On July 5, 1776, John Adams wrote, "Yesterday was decided the greatest question which was ever decided among men. A resolution was passed unanimously 'that . . .

An open letter to my fellow Republican national delegates
RenewAmerica staff
June 24, 2016

[Updated July 10, 2016] When Donald Trump entered the presidential race in June 2015, I decided to give him a look. After I paid close attention, however, . . .

Trump right about judicial bias and prejudice
RenewAmerica staff
June 7, 2016

(Washington, D.C., June 4, 2016). Today, Larry Klayman, a former prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice who was on the trial team that broke up AT&T, and . . .

Memorial Day – May 30, 2016
RenewAmerica staff
May 30, 2016

This Memorial Day, an otherwise angry and divided America has united in solemn remembrance of every member of the Armed Forces who has fought and died . . .

Faithful leaders – An Easter reflection
RenewAmerica staff
March 27, 2016

Happy Easter. Christ is Risen! Alleluia! This Holy Week, as we continue to endure shameless degradations of our national election process, I am brought in . . .

Drudge invokes Roger Stone-inspired dirty tricks to smear Ted Cruz's Christianity
RenewAmerica staff
March 12, 2016

The top feature at Friday's Drudge Report was a smear of Ted Cruz' Christian faith by a self-described "gay conservative libertarian" publisher in . . .

NBC's Jimmy Fallon does The Donald better than Donald Trump
RenewAmerica staff
March 7, 2016

Now that Mitt Romney has weighed in on Donald Trump (heavy-handedly, we might add), we thought Americans would like to see some lighthearted, humorous skits . . .

BREAKING: RNC weighing Obama impeachment
RenewAmerica staff
January 8, 2016

Members of the Republican National Committee will consider a resolution that would urge House Republicans to begin impeachment proceedings for president Obama.  . . .

Christmas message from Alan Keyes
RenewAmerica staff
December 25, 2015

RenewAmerica and our citizen political groups fought tirelessly in 2015 to champion the conservative principles that you and I believe in. I exhort you to join . . .

Thanksgiving Message 2015
RenewAmerica staff
November 26, 2015

I am sending you this Thanksgiving message with a prayer that your day may be filled with the joy of faith and family. But I am also sending a national alarm. . . .

Margaret Sanger or progressives: who should we fear more?
RenewAmerica staff
October 1, 2015

Was Margaret Sanger, the founder and perpetual spirit of Planned Parenthood, a eugenicist? Does she (and did she) accurately represent TODAY'S resurgence of . . .

Windsor decision is based on a lie written into New York Marriage Equality Act
RenewAmerica staff
September 10, 2015

Baker v Nelson Stands as SCOTUS Precedent Applicable in Every State; DOMA Section 3 Stands as Federal Law "Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We . . .

Obergefell: A wholesale act of judicial nullification
RenewAmerica staff
July 4, 2015

July 4 is the day on which we are supposed to celebrate the Declaration of Independence. But now, for the first time in the history of the United States, . . .

Memorial Day -- May 25, 2015
RenewAmerica staff
May 26, 2015

This weekend, formally commemorated on the fourth Monday of every May, America unites in Memorial Day solemn remembrance of every member of the Armed Forces . . .

Press conference to expose GOP's surrender to 'gay marriage'
RenewAmerica staff
April 16, 2015

A national press conference on April 21, 2015, in the Zenger Room of the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. will highlight Republican surrender in the gay . . .

We do not mourn like people without hope
RenewAmerica staff
April 6, 2015

I recently read an explanation of the reason why the fasting and self-denial characteristic of the Lenten season does not extend to Holy Saturday. Christ's . . .

Why de facto government (tyranny) is replacing the Constitution
RenewAmerica staff
April 5, 2015

In my WND column, I apply the logic of America's founders to the constitutional issue raised by Obama's refusal to defend the DOMA signed into law during . . .

Alan Keyes offers free 80-page booklet on God-ordained marriage
RenewAmerica staff
April 2, 2015

Liberty Tree Alliance, a nonprofit educational organization of Dr. Alan Keyes, has released a new e-booklet, How the Claim to 'Homosexual Rights' Destroys the . . .

What the effort to "dump Boehner" means for 2016
RenewAmerica staff
January 27, 2015

During the first week of January, something extraordinary happened. Droves of Republican voters, unhappy with the status quo in Washington, took to social media . . .

USA Radio Networks adds 'The Dr. Laurie Roth Show'
RenewAmerica staff
January 26, 2015

USA RADIO NETWORKS is syndicating "THE DR. LAURIE ROTH SHOW" for 1-4 pm (ET) weekdays beginning FEBRUARY 2nd. Chief Content Officer TIM MARANVILLE said, "Dr. . . .

Christmas message from Alan Keyes
RenewAmerica staff
December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas, Dear Friend, This blessed Christmas season, as a difficult 2014 comes to a close, we can't help but think of you and the many God . . .

Thanksgiving Message 2014
RenewAmerica staff
November 27, 2014

Let us give thanks to Almighty God on this day of Thanksgiving for our manifold blessings, even as we as citizens and families seek to discern God's will for . . .

Reagan's 'A time for choosing'--an open letter to the GOP
RenewAmerica staff
November 20, 2014

This month marks the 50th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's pivotal speech A Time for Choosing – the speech that propelled Reagan onto the national . . .

Alan Keyes: Obama destroying 'everything American'
RenewAmerica staff
October 26, 2014

Ambassador Alan Keyes is not a fan of Barack Obama. At all. The candidate who lost to Obama in the 2004 U.S. Senate race in Illinois believes the . . .

Creative Coalition to honor Dr. Alan Keyes with Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award
RenewAmerica staff
October 4, 2014

The Manhattan-based, Hollywood-connected Creative Coalition this year will be honoring Dr. Alan Keyes with the prestigious Christopher Reeve First Amendment . . .

Stand up to tyranny: Support National Impeach Obama Week II, Oct. 18-25
RenewAmerica staff
September 30, 2014

Find a street corner, a government building, or an overpass and start making your signs, because National Impeach Obama Week is October 18-25, just before the . . .

The day the Muslims repented
RenewAmerica staff
August 6, 2014

The following is purely fictitious, but if it ever happened it would change the entire world. An Official Declaration from The Islamic World Council. In . . .

This Independence Day, pledge your support for electing an 'impeachment Congress'
RenewAmerica staff
July 4, 2014

This glorious Independence Day weekend, we need to reflect long and hard on the condition of America's liberty. As the territorial and constitutional walls of . . .

Memorial Day, May 26, 2014
RenewAmerica staff
May 26, 2014

This weekend, America unites in solemn remembrance of every member of the Armed Forces who has fought and died defending our nation, in the never-ending . . .

Senate candidate Shak Hill signs pledge to impeach Obama
RenewAmerica staff
May 20, 2014

Shak Hill, a popular Tea Party U.S. Senate candidate from Virginia who is vying with political insider and lobbyist Ed Gillespie for the state's GOP nomination, . . .

HAPPY EASTER is a good call for Christians!
RenewAmerica staff
April 20, 2014

On Holy Saturday morning I read a column by Joe Kovacs at WND that derided the name "Easter" as a Biblically objectionable evocation of the worship of a pagan . . .

Impeaching Obama is indeed doable
RenewAmerica staff
March 18, 2014

If you ask many Americans today if President Barack Obama deserves to be impeached and removed from office for his countless abuses of power and outright . . .

The Benghazi difference
RenewAmerica staff
March 17, 2014

Sean Smith, a 34-year-old information management officer accompanying the ambassador on the visit, emailed a friend: "Assuming we don't die tonight. We saw one . . .

Break out the big, audacious prayers
RenewAmerica staff
March 3, 2014

When a Roman centurion came to Jesus asking him to heal his servant (see Matthew 8), the centurion did not ask Jesus to make his servant comfortable, nor . . .

MUST SEE: Ted Cruz goes head-to-head with befuddled Sen. Diane Feinstein at gun hearing following Sandy Hook (VIDEO)
RenewAmerica staff
February 24, 2014

Senators Ted Cruz and Dianne Feinstein during a Senate Judiciary hearing on Mar. 14, 2013, got into heated exchange while discussing the California . . .

It's time to fix the debt with the 'Compact for a Balanced Budget'
RenewAmerica staff
February 4, 2014

[Editor's note: The following is a response to RA columnist Publius Holdah's Jan. 30 article "Balancing the budget? Or adding a national sales tax to the . . .

Alan Keyes knocked by two 'progressive' media sites for saying many conservatives want Obama impeached because of their Christian faith
RenewAmerica staff
January 13, 2014

Amid headlines like "CNN head Jeff Zucker: Fox News is Republican Party 'masquerading as a news channel,'" and "Gun nuts: Perhaps you should just stop acting . . .

Christmas message from Alan Keyes
RenewAmerica staff
December 25, 2013

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, . . .

WND's Joseph Farah calls for taking back America from Washington DC's ruling 'princes'
RenewAmerica staff
December 15, 2013

On the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah told a rally of tea party activists last month across . . .

Thanksgiving Proclamation
RenewAmerica staff
November 28, 2013

By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation. Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to . . .

Beyond the scary headlines: three key facts about the defund Obamacare battle
RenewAmerica staff
September 24, 2013

Defund = shutdown? No. On Friday, the House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution that will keep the federal government funded through December . . .

Freedom Watch: 'Occupy Washington' on November 19 and demand that Obama resign
RenewAmerica staff
September 23, 2013

(Washington, D.C.) On Sept. 18, President Barack Hussein Obama was convicted by a citizens' court of defrauding the American people with regard to his . . .

Airline pilot shares letter of resignation he sent to BSA
RenewAmerica staff
May 30, 2013

Wayne Brock Chief Scout Executive Dear Mr. Brock, It is with great sadness and disappointment I hereby tender my resignation from Troop 501 and the Boy . . .

Satan wins back the scouts
RenewAmerica staff
May 27, 2013

Many pundits are weighing in on the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow open homosexuality into the organization. I, for one, am not surprised. The . . .

An open letter to the Supreme Court of the United States of America
RenewAmerica staff
May 16, 2013

We the People, by the authority vested in us by the Declaration of Independence and secured as unalienable rights by the laws of the U.S. Constitution, do . . .

RA writer Paul Byrne on the Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show today from 5-6 PM EDT
RenewAmerica staff
May 7, 2013

HOW TO HEAR THE SHOW * "On demand" 24-hour listen line: 605-562-7703 Show can be heard live, then looping until it is replaced by the next show * Live . . .

Dr. Carson's Remedy for Obamacare
RenewAmerica staff
April 28, 2013

"I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful. Nobody could even challenge them militarily, but what happened to them? They destroyed themselves . . .

Keeping faith -- an Easter reflection
RenewAmerica staff
March 31, 2013

I was reminded by an old friend this Holy Week, which liturgical Christians such as myself also call Easter Triduum, of a post of mine she had found consoling . . .

Walk Across America
RenewAmerica staff
March 5, 2013

Each of us, including myself, spends hours each day in front of the Internet writing comments on the blogs. Over and over I kept reading that "someone" needs . . .

NRO editorial reflects 'chameleon brand of conservatism'
RenewAmerica staff
March 4, 2013

On Mar. 1, the editors of National Review, the flagship of the modern conservative movement, ran an editorial that all professing conservatives would do well to . . .

Life story of Dr. Ben Carson on video
RenewAmerica staff
February 11, 2013

After acclaimed neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson's National Prayer Breakfast speech last week went viral, a 90-minute film of his remarkable life story is making the . . .

An open letter to the hierarchy of the LDS church
RenewAmerica staff
January 14, 2013

To the members of the hierarchy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I find myself writing on behalf of Stephen Stone for several reasons, not . . .

Christmas message from Alan Keyes
RenewAmerica staff
December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas, Dear Friend, In this blessed Christmas season and as 2012 comes to a close, I can't help but think of you and the many God-honoring . . .

Photo gallery of the Stone family’s political activism
RenewAmerica staff
November 27, 2012

Click images to enlarge  . . .

That's what families are for
RenewAmerica staff
November 24, 2012

It's barely been a week since our son Ellery got married and our family was again barred from attending a wedding of one of our children. Does that . . .

A Mormon Story
RenewAmerica staff
November 12, 2012

The LDS Church’s Un-American persecution of the politically-active Stone family The following account — still being added to — is true. It is . . .

Introduction to A Mormon Story
RenewAmerica staff
November 11, 2012

Having presented, in excerpt form, all currently-written chapters of A Mormon Story (see the list below), we now include a final excerpt that consists of the . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story, installment 8
RenewAmerica staff
October 29, 2012

We now present the last installment in our series of excerpts from A Mormon Story. Sometime after the November election, we'll undertake to add the final . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story, installment 7
RenewAmerica staff
October 15, 2012

The Stone family's degrading treatment at the hands of the LDS church bureaucracy continues with installment 7 of A Mormon Story, which reveals the obstinance  . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story, installment 6
RenewAmerica staff
October 1, 2012

We continue with more excerpts from A Mormon Story — this time elaborating on the malicious threat of excommunication Steve was forced to endure for . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story, installment 5
RenewAmerica staff
September 17, 2012

This latest installment of A Mormon Story describes unthinkable bureaucratic mischief at the highest levels of the LDS church toward members of the Stone family . . .

Demagoguery and deception in Tampa
RenewAmerica staff
September 3, 2012

One valid definition of "demagoguery" is the intentional use of emotion to sway people's thinking. Suppose a speaker wants to convince an unsympathetic . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story, installment 4
RenewAmerica staff
September 2, 2012

As America continues to delude itself that widespread disrespect for God and His laws is less relevant to our nation's strength and well-being than "jobs," we . . .

Obama's extreme abortion record
RenewAmerica staff
August 28, 2012

On August 28, 2012 the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced the launch of a $150,000 television ad campaign across Missouri highlighting President Obama's . . .

Romney is hiding Bain abortion profits in his tax returns, says Tampa foe
RenewAmerica staff
August 22, 2012

TAMPA, FL (MMD Newswire) August 16, 2012 — Republican spokesmen for a rising "DUMP ROMNEY" rebellion today charged that Mitt Romney is "hiding Bain . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story, installment 3
RenewAmerica staff
August 19, 2012

On the presumption that a candidate's religious background is fair game in assessing and understanding that candidate, including lifelong Mormon Mitt Romney, we . . .

Alan Keyes
RenewAmerica staff
August 8, 2012

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Dear Patriotic American
RenewAmerica staff
August 7, 2012

If people who believe in American liberty are ever to see it reclaimed, I implore them to gather at Here, they will be participating in a . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story, installment 2
RenewAmerica staff
August 5, 2012

The possibility of electing a Mormon president of the United States should motivate diligent voters to inform themselves about the LDS church, whether Mitt . . .

Excerpts from A Mormon Story
RenewAmerica staff
July 8, 2012

RenewAmerica has special reason to encourage objective examination of the LDS church. For over a decade, the work of RenewAmerica has been intrusively . . .

Abandoning the republic -- American elites and the 4th of July
RenewAmerica staff
July 4, 2012

Most Americans who value their liberty realize by now that the survival of their life as a free people is currently endangered by a threat greater than any it . . .

2012 Utah Republican State Convention
RenewAmerica staff
April 23, 2012

Photos by Ethan . . .

Amy Contrada on ‘Word of Truth’ radio show
RenewAmerica staff
February 28, 2012

On Feb. 24, Amy Contrada, author of Mitt Romney's Deception, was interviewed by Pastor Brad Brandon on his 'Word of Truth' radio program, broadcast by Salem . . .

The era of persecution has begun
RenewAmerica staff
February 13, 2012

"... it is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of Citizens, and one of the noblest . . .

Vanderbilt U. promotes religious intolerance in the name of 'diversity'
RenewAmerica staff
February 2, 2012

Last year, Vanderbilt University placed five longtime extracurricular religious groups on "provisional status" — jeopardizing their continued role on . . .

The real American crisis
RenewAmerica staff
January 27, 2012

Everyone in the Republican Party understands that America is in a deep financial crisis. That's obvious. But there is a deeper problem, one that is . . .

A way for grass roots to bypass the elite?
RenewAmerica staff
January 14, 2012

The elitist faction mouthpieces of GOP hackdom are already spinning the results of the votes in Iowa and New Hampshire in an effort to stampede voters in the . . .

Rick Santorum is right
RenewAmerica staff
January 12, 2012

Now that Rick Santorum has emerged as a viable alternative to Mitt Romney, he will have to face a media onslaught that very few candidates can handle. But this . . .

Sham representation signals end to liberty
RenewAmerica staff
December 30, 2011

A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place ... — James Madison, The Federalist, No. 10 Recent . . .

A Christmas warning
RenewAmerica staff
December 26, 2011

In scripture, when His chosen people take to worshipping other gods, the Lord God Almighty refers to their apostasy as "whoring" and "adultery." The Lord Jesus . . .

GOP elite offer no choice for principle
RenewAmerica staff
December 10, 2011

I never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence. — Abraham Lincoln, Address at . . .

Laurie Roth running for president as independent
RenewAmerica staff
November 8, 2011

Dr. Laurie Roth, a national radio talk-show host, has joined the race for president on the American Independent Party ticket. The self-described patriot and . . .

Cain's 'pro-life' endorsement of Roe v. Wade
RenewAmerica staff
October 31, 2011

Words don't have the same import once you have changed their meaning. Given the position he has taken on the government's responsibility to secure the . . .

Herman Cain falls far short
RenewAmerica staff
October 17, 2011

Many grass-roots voters (especially those who identify with the tea party) are reacting adversely to the elite faction's assault on the Constitution. With . . .

The perfect conservative storm: Urgent call for action!
RenewAmerica staff
September 28, 2011

The United States is at risk. It is urgent that Americans everywhere join today in support of a true conservative Republican candidate for the United States . . .

Obama to sell out Israel with rogue Palestinian state
RenewAmerica staff
September 7, 2011


Is Rick Perry the answer to GOP's prayers?
RenewAmerica staff
August 13, 2011

Based on the evidence of both past experience and current events, I am bound by rational conviction to reach the verdict that the GOP offers no prospect but . . .

Open letter to Sen. Mike Lee
RenewAmerica staff
August 2, 2011

Dear Senator Lee, Tea Party conservatives are counting on you to step up and filibuster easy Senate passage of Speaker Boehner's House-approved debt deal . . .

Special message: Update and thanks
RenewAmerica staff
July 30, 2011

Dear friend of RenewAmerica, I want to thank all those who've been so kind and gracious in helping my family following my emergency surgery for a life . . .

Has Mitch gone mad?
RenewAmerica staff
July 16, 2011

Did Mitch McConnell really propose allowing Obama discretionary authority to raise the debt limit for the remainder of his term? According to an AP story I read . . .

Obama overcomes inability to read
RenewAmerica staff
July 9, 2011

So, the Obama faction's media claque has finally discovered language in the U.S. Constitution they aren't willing to ignore. In the context of the ongoing . . .

Osama takedown: Questions abound
RenewAmerica staff
May 7, 2011

Following the track of events in America's governmental and political life these days is like reading Pravda in the heyday of Soviet Communism. This should come . . .

Birth document: The liars lost -- who won?
RenewAmerica staff
April 29, 2011

The other shoe has dropped. As I predicted in a previous column: "When truth is being suppressed, people who refuse to accept the deception have every reason . . .

Mormon Church backs illegal immigration
RenewAmerica staff
April 21, 2011

In the wake of Utah's passage of a guest worker/amnesty bill, the role of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in that effort, and the stance of the . . .

GOP congressional aide compares 59 principled conservatives to 'Hanoi Jane'
RenewAmerica staff
April 15, 2011

Earlier Thursday, the Republican establishment showed their true colors towards conservative dissenters when an internal email sent from a top aide to House . . .

Sen. Mike Lee puts the Senate on record
RenewAmerica staff
March 3, 2011

Dear Fellow Conservative: I'm writing to let you know about an important vote that took place in the Senate last night. Newly-elected Senator Mike Lee (R . . .

The case for state-proposed amendments to the Constitution
RenewAmerica staff
February 23, 2011

The Framers anticipated that the U.S. Constitution would need to be amended from time to time, necessitating what James Madison referred to as government's . . .

9,500 now enjoying RA's Facebook page
RenewAmerica staff
February 7, 2011

Recently, fans at RenewAmerica's informative Facebook page surpassed 9,500 — indicating that RA's daily commentary and news, fans' interactive postings . . .

Keyes calls on Americans to return to God
RenewAmerica staff
November 25, 2010

In a Thanksgiving message issued through Declaration Alliance, former Reagan UN ambassador Alan Keyes said America's problems are the result of four decades of . . .

Bachmann, Keyes, Klayman, and ex-CIA head Woolsey address Iran policy
RenewAmerica staff
November 21, 2010

Last week, former CIA Director James Woolsey headlined a forum at the National Press Club in Washington, sponsored by Freedom Watch and the Foundation for . . .

Faithful citizenship
RenewAmerica staff
November 4, 2010

Since its launch in January 2002, RenewAmerica has worked to bring you the information you need to faithfully fulfill your duty as a citizen. By  . . .

'Nonpartisan' Vote iQ -- the establishment's answer to Tea Parties?
RenewAmerica staff
November 1, 2010

RenewAmerica received a mass emailing last week asking RA to publicize a new "premier nonpartisan social networking site providing civic services and connecting . . .

Operation Black Storm: Tea party support of black conservative candidates
RenewAmerica staff
October 29, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC — Patriot PAC held a news conference Friday at the National Press Club to discuss the TEA Party's and GOP's support of their black . . .

Morally-conservative Pennsylvania Tea Party to host 'October Surprise'
RenewAmerica staff
October 25, 2010

PITTSBURGH — The Pennsylvania Tea Party is hosting an "October Surprise" pre-election event to maximize momentum for the mid-term elections, and to . . .

Patriot PAC laments GOP's lack of respect for black tea party candidates
RenewAmerica staff
October 21, 2010

Houston, TX — Patriot PAC ten days ago announced Operation Black Storm, a national coalition effort to unite the nation behind the 15 black conservative . . .

Gary Sinise film 'Lt. Dan Band' to be honored by Heartland Film Festival
RenewAmerica staff
October 7, 2010

LOS ANGELES/INDIANAPOLIS — The feature film documentary Lt. Dan Band: For The Common Good — featuring actor Gary Sinise and his "Lt. Dan Band" as . . .

Do more than vote Nov. 2 — get involved!
RenewAmerica staff
October 6, 2010

Dear Friend of RenewAmerica, On Nov. 2, Americans will have what may be their last chance to save our country from the destructive designs of communistic, . . .

Sept. 11 first responder sues Ground Zero mosque
RenewAmerica staff
September 13, 2010

A 9/11 "first responder" has brought a multimillion-dollar class action suit to stop a planned mosque and cultural center near Ground Zero, saying the . . .

Between the Lines
RenewAmerica staff
September 10, 2010

To order a copy of this book, contact:  . . .

RenewAmerica's Fred Hutchison passes away at age 60
RenewAmerica staff
August 13, 2010

Fred Hutchison, longtime feature writer at RenewAmerica, passed away Tuesday at his home in Dublin, Ohio. He was 6 . . .

Keyes files complaint against Kagan for 'conspiracy to defraud Supreme Court'
RenewAmerica staff
August 4, 2010

Dear Friend of RenewAmerica, Recently, we received the following message from Alan Keyes' national pro-life organization — Declaration Alliance — . . .

DeMint calls attack by Senate candidate in Utah 'disgraceful lie'
RenewAmerica staff
June 22, 2010

As the increasingly bitter U.S. Senate race in Utah between Tea Party candidates Mike Lee and Tim Bridgewater geared up for Tuesday's GOP primary, Sen. Jim . . .

'Facing Life Head-on' to feature friendship between 6-year-old Chloe Kondrich and Pittsburgh Pirates' Andy LaRoche
RenewAmerica staff
May 9, 2010

On May 16, Facing Life TV will spotlight the special relationship between 6-year-old Down syndrome child Chloe Kondrich and Andy LaRoche of the Pittsburgh . . .

Arizona's immigration law is necessary
RenewAmerica staff
May 1, 2010

I'm an Arizona state senator. I want to explain SB1070, Arizona's immigration bill, which I voted for and which was just signed by Gov. Jan Brewer. Rancher . . .

Miscarriage of justice--the 'prenatal disability death sentence'
RenewAmerica staff
April 30, 2010

The news story was surreal: "A baby boy abandoned by doctors to die after a botched abortion was found alive nearly a day later. The mother, pregnant for . . .

Conservative singers/musicians wanted for patriotic CD
RenewAmerica staff
April 28, 2010

Lloyd Marcus — a traveling member of the Tea Party Express and composer-singer of the popular "Tea Party Anthem" — has penned a new patriotic song titled  . . .

Targeted for termination
RenewAmerica staff
April 19, 2010

This past week, I read an article that disturbed me deeply concerning a Florida doctor who had his license revoked. The article stated that the doctor "lost . . .

Arizona clears strict immigration bill
RenewAmerica staff
April 14, 2010

Arizona lawmakers on Tuesday passed one of the toughest pieces of immigration-enforcement legislation in the country, which would make it a violation of state . . .

Today marks fifth annual national memorial for "Terri's Day"
RenewAmerica staff
March 31, 2010

Ave Maria, FL — Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, will be the celebrant and homilist tonight at the Annual National Mass for Terri's . . .

RenewAmerica's Facebook fans at 7,000 and counting!
RenewAmerica staff
March 28, 2010

On Aug. 4, RenewAmerica's Facebook fan group reached 7,000 fans since its inception in early December. We welcome our new fans and appreciate their . . .

Tenth Amendment Center: state AGs miss target with health care lawsuits
RenewAmerica staff
March 25, 2010

LOS ANGELES — Relying on a federal lawsuit to invalidate the new health care reform law is not only an uncertain endeavor in the face of decades of bad . . .

RomneyCare revisited
RenewAmerica staff
March 18, 2010

Liberals are now trying to sell the fantasy, and maybe even convince themselves, that ObamaCare isn't among the reasons Senator-elect Scott Brown is headed to . . .

The failure of RomneyCare
RenewAmerica staff
March 17, 2010

Former Massachusetts governor and likely 2012 presidential aspirant Mitt Romney has been on the wrong side of the defining political battle of our . . .

RenewAmerica reaches 4,000 at Facebook!
RenewAmerica staff
March 16, 2010

In mid-Feb., RenewAmerica's newly-launched Facebook fan group reached 3,000 fans in less than three months — an increase of over 1,000 fans a month. On . . .

World Down Syndrome Day
RenewAmerica staff
March 15, 2010

March 21, 2010, is World Down Syndrome Day — an annual event that promotes awareness and understanding of Down syndrome and related issues, and the day . . .

Rep. Rogers' video of Obamacare reaches nearly 7 million at YouTube
RenewAmerica staff
March 10, 2010

When the president's socialized health care plan was first introduced in Congress in July 2009, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) of the House Subcommittee on Health . . .

Study: couples who live together before marriage less likely to stay married
RenewAmerica staff
March 4, 2010

A new study by the National Center for Health Statistics has found that those of the opposite sex who live together before getting married are less likely to . . .

RenewAmerica's Facebook page draws 3,000 fans in its first three months
RenewAmerica staff
February 15, 2010

On December 3, 2009, RenewAmerica launched its Facebook fan group page. Since then, fans have been joining at a rate of more than 1,000 a month. As of . . .

Nearly two-thirds of Republicans say Obama a "socialist"
RenewAmerica staff
February 4, 2010

A January 31 poll reveals that 63 percent of Republicans believe Barack Obama is a socialist. 21 percent of Republicans say he is not, and 16 percent aren't . . .

Atty Philip J. Berg defends Obama birth certificate lawsuits
RenewAmerica staff
December 24, 2009

Editor's note: Philip J. Berg, former deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania and an activist attorney who brought a lawsuit challenging the eligibility of . . .

Let's roll up our sleeves and do our part to make a difference!
RenewAmerica staff
December 21, 2009

As our country continues to be systematically dismantled by the Marxist designs and deceptions of Barack Obama and his fellow conspirators, thoughtful Americans . . .

The convenient death
RenewAmerica staff
October 6, 2009

Wait for patients to die before taking their organs, and the organs won't be as fresh. Let doctors take the organs from living patients — even if it means . . .

More than 2,000 have pledged to make a difference
RenewAmerica staff
October 1, 2009

The last week of September, we reached 2,000 signers at RenewAmerica's "Pledge for America's Revival"! To "image makers," that may not seem like a lot of . . .

Please don't listen to vicious rumors
RenewAmerica staff
September 16, 2009

I am getting close to removing the Usurper, and there are more and more vicious rumors about me and my whole family. It is 5:30 in the morning and I had to cut . . .

RenewAmerica columnist Jim Simpson to discuss Obamacare
RenewAmerica staff
August 20, 2009

RenewAmerica columnist Jim Simpson will discuss Obamacare and the "manufactured healthcare crisis . . .

1,776 signers at the 'Pledge for America's Revival'!
RenewAmerica staff
August 10, 2009

On Aug. 10, we surpassed 1,776 signers at RenewAmerica's "Pledge for America's Revival"! In the image-minded world of "politics," that may not seem like a . . .

RenewAmerica listed among top ten conservative websites by
RenewAmerica staff
July 30, 2009

Currently, — which is owned by the New York Times Company — lists RenewAmerica among the "Top 10 conservative web sites" in the United . . .

New tea party song by Lloyd Marcus now online
RenewAmerica staff
June 25, 2009

My fellow American patriots, I am honored to officially release the new song for our patriotic and passionate Tea Party movement: "We The People." Please  . . .

'Activist pledge' drive
RenewAmerica staff
June 23, 2009

America's founders ended the Declaration of Independence with these stirring words of patriotism, sacrifice, and integrity: "And for the support of this . . .

Q&A regarding RenewAmerica's 'activist pledge'
RenewAmerica staff
June 22, 2009

As RenewAmerica undertakes to quickly expand the number of grassroots Americans who are willing to sign the "Pledge for America's Revival," we think it might be . . .

New tea party unity song by Lloyd Marcus: 'We The People'
RenewAmerica staff
June 18, 2009

Dear Fellow Patriots, No marketing firm could have started this incredible spontaneous Tea Party Movement. It is totally driven by love, passion and concern . . .

'Activist pledge' drive
RenewAmerica staff
June 14, 2009

Dear Friend of RenewAmerica, For several months, RenewAmerica has quietly posted a "Pledge for America's Revival" that grassroots citizens can sign in . . .

We won the auction for!
RenewAmerica staff
June 5, 2009

Dear Friends of RenewAmerica, We won!!! We won the domain name just minutes ago at auction. In the auction's last minutes, one . . .

Day 3 -- Update of the 'URL auction'
RenewAmerica staff
June 4, 2009

Well — we're nearly there, Friends of RenewAmerica. In less than 20 hours, the auction to acquire the domain name will be . . .

Update -- Day 2 of the 'URL auction' for!
RenewAmerica staff
June 3, 2009

Midway through Day 2 of the private auction to acquire the domain name, things at the auction have remained the same as yesterday — with . . . 'URL auction' update--Day 1!
RenewAmerica staff
June 2, 2009

The private auction for the domain name started Tuesday, June 2, at noon. There are 34 bidders interested in acquiring this valuable URL, . . .

URGENT FUNDRAISER! Help us acquire!
RenewAmerica staff
June 1, 2009

We at RenewAmerica are participating in a 3-day private auction to acquire the domain name — a URL that we have long sought to obtain, which . . .

Quotes from the Founding Fathers
RenewAmerica staff
March 13, 2009

All three branches of the federal government may interpret the Constitution, and check usurpations of power by the other . . .

Operation Outcry seeks testimony from women who've had abortions
RenewAmerica staff
February 26, 2009

Operation Outcry — the Justice Foundation's project to reverse Roe v. Wade — is seeking testimony from women who have suffered harm from an . . .

'Rekindling the Spirit of America' video available
RenewAmerica staff
January 20, 2009

While America inaugurates the most Marxist-leaning president in the nation's history, RenewAmerica is inaugurating an inspirational new video that calls for a . . .

Blame the GOP for America's first Marxist president
RenewAmerica staff
January 5, 2009

(Originally published Nov. 16, 2008) Barack Hussein Obama has prevailed in the 2008 presidential election. Obama not only carried all the "blue" states that . . .

How Down Syndrome lifted me up
RenewAmerica staff
January 2, 2009

Recently I read an article about how scientists are going to use an outer space satellite to monitor the kangaroo rat, which is an endangered . . .

Sign the Pledge for America's Revival!
RenewAmerica staff
January 1, 2009

Dear Friend of RenewAmerica, This New Year, as America is about to embark on fundamental changes that threaten to alter — permanently — the very . . .

Christmas message from RenewAmerica
RenewAmerica staff
December 25, 2008

We at RenewAmerica want to wish you and your loved ones a Christ-centered Christmas and a joyous New Year . . .

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789
RenewAmerica staff
November 27, 2008

WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore . . .

RenewAmerica Report
RenewAmerica staff
November 17, 2008

In the wake of last week's election of Barack Obama — an event many believe is tantamount to a Marxist takeover of our country by powerful radicals who are . . .

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
RenewAmerica staff
November 16, 2008

Dear Friends in Christ, We the People have spoken, and the 44th President of the United States will be Barack Hussein Obama. This election ends a political . . .

Worshiping the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness
RenewAmerica staff
November 15, 2008

I was baptized in the Episcopal Church, and there I learned to worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. When I became a Catholic, one of the most difficult . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 21: Montessori and Drag Queen Story Hour

Tom DeWeese
Thinking globally, acting locally: How sustainable rule took over your city

Marsha West
Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft

Armand C. Hale
We are next

Linda Kimball
System of lies: Ideological paradise on earth and why the bloody, violent dream will not die

Rev. Mark H. Creech
Restoring ethical foundations: The Ten Commandments in American culture

Michael Bresciani
The all-white jury just convicted 'black man' Donald Trump

Jim Wagner
Islam for Dhimmis—Part II

Jerry Newcombe
Historical ignorance raises flags

Pete Riehm
Gloom and grift versus good and great

Cliff Kincaid
Honor victims of the U.S. government on Memorial Day

Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 20: In their own words: The sexual revolution begins in Kindergarten
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