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January 6, 2017
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The President is no friend
Rev. Mark H. Creech

January 5, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Republicans won the first skirmish in the Obamacare fight Wednesday, voting to begin debating fast-track budget procedures that, if successful, would allow the GOP to kill the 2010 health care law without having to face a Democratic filibuster in the Senate.... (more)

January 5, 2017
WARNER TODD HUSTON — On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him with the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.... (more)

January 5, 2017
JEROME CORSI — By piecing together recently revealed WikiLeaks emails with evidence that has emerged over the past several years, it's become increasingly clear that President Obama and his secretary of state at the time, Hillary Clinton in 2011, armed the Free Syrian Army rebels in an effort to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad, mirroring a strategy already under way in Libya to help al-Qaida-affiliated militia overthrow Moammar Gadhafi.... (more)

January 5, 2017
NEWSMAX — Four detainees being held at the U.S. military facility at Guantanamo Bay are slated to be transferred to Saudi Arabia by sometime Thursday, according to a new report.... (more)

January 5, 2017
ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO — Over the New Year's weekend, President Obama's chief policy adviser and closest strategist, Valerie Jarrett, told a talk show host that her boss would have a happy legacy because there was an absence of scandal in his administration. When first I heard this preposterous claim, I thought I had misheard it. Yet it is apparently true that Mr. Obama and his team somehow can overlook recent history and behave as if events with which we are all familiar never happened.... (more)

January 5, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — A moving truck was seen on Wednesday parked outside the White House, where President Obama will live and work for just two more weeks. The truck was parked on West Executive Avenue, a street inside the White House gates and situated in-between the Eisenhower Executive Office Building and the West Wing.... (more)

January 5, 2017
WORLDNETDAILY — Can Islamic terrorism be funny? That's what the writers for "Revolting," a new BBC satirical comedy show, were thinking when they cooked up a sketch about British women who had become brides of fighters for ISIS, or the Islamic State, and framed it on the "real housewives" reality-TV model that has proved popular in the U.S.... (more)

January 5, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — A Massachusetts sheriff wants to offer his jail inmates a deal: Do community service by volunteering to go build President-elect Donald Trump's border wall. Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson detailed the offer as he was sworn in to a fourth term in office on Wednesday. He hopes Mr. Trump will take him up on the plan, which he said would pay dividends for the country and the inmates.... (more)

January 5, 2017
BYRON YORK — President-elect Trump stirred yet more controversy Saturday night when, as he entered his New Year's Eve party at Mar-a-Lago, he said he is not convinced the intelligence community is sure about allegations Russian hackers sought to influence the election.... (more)

January 4, 2017
CONSERVATIVE REVIEW — The Republicans are faking the repeal of Obamacare. Conservative Review Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz has read the proposed repeal bill and he went on "The Mark Levin Show" Tuesday night to discuss what he learned about the bill.... (more)

January 4, 2017
KEN BLACKWELL — Dishonest media attacks against President-Elect Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, won't derail his confirmation. But it's important to discuss where they come from because not everyone who realizes their origin is comfortable with that conversation.... (more)

January 4, 2017
THE BLAZE — The American College of Pediatricians is speaking out against National Geographic's decision to put a 9-year-old on their January cover who identifies as a transgender. The magazine, which has been in publication for 128 years, made headlines when it decided to highlight what it called "the gender revolution" in its January 2017 issue. The issue displayed pictures and a story of a 9-year-old boy named Avery, whose parents say he identifies as a girl.... (more)

January 3, 2017
ERICK ERICKSON — Senate Republicans have just drawn up their budget resolution for 2017 and it contains language to repeal Obamacare. The method by which the GOP is doing this is important. By putting the Obamacare repeal in the budget resolution, Democrats cannot filibuster it. Budget resolutions are not subject to the filibuster rule in the Senate.... (more)

January 3, 2017
DALLAS NEWS — Sen. Ted Cruz and two fellow Republicans are pressing the State Department to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Congress passed legislation in 1995 that called for moving the embassy to Jerusalem, but Democratic and Republican administrations alike have declined to enact the change, citing security concerns. The latest measure, introduced Tuesday as the new Congress convened, would withhold funding from the State Department until it makes the move.... (more)

January 3, 2017
NATIONAL REVIEW — In the waning hours of his presidency, Barack Obama has designated more than 1.5 million acres for two new national monuments -- Bears Ears in Utah and Gold Butte in Nevada. State lawmakers in the region have for years debated creating these monuments and had yet to reach a conclusion before Obama made his controversial move Wednesday.... (more)

January 3, 2017
ERICK ERICKSON — As the nation prepares to formally enter the Age of Trump and leave the Age of Obama, it is worth noting that the left cannot honestly assess Barack Obama's legacy. To honestly assess his legacy would be to conclude his eight years were a pyrrhic victory for progressivism.... (more)

January 3, 2017
DAILY WIRE — On Sunday night, Syrian refugees residing in Germany kicked a one-year-old baby in the face during a barbaric brawl on a bus. When paramedics showed up to treat all those injured, including the innocent infant, the refugees attacked the paramedics with belts.... (more)

January 3, 2017
DANIEL HOROWITZ — One of the breakthrough aspects of Conservative Review in 2016 was our increased focus on judicial tyranny up and down the federal judiciary. I was proud to accompany the release of my book, "Stolen Sovereignty," with dozens of columns about the federal judiciary, demonstrating conclusively that its entire modern construction is irremediably broken. - See more at:... (more)

January 3, 2017
TOWNHALL — A stunning case of corruption inside the Department of Homeland Security was overshadowed by headlines about Russia and Israel this past week. Yet, federal employees accepting millions of dollars in bribes to avoid doing their job, is certainly worth a look.... (more)

January 3, 2017
THE BLAZE — Famous gospel singer Kim Burrell is coming under fire for comments she recently made while speaking at her church, when she spoke about the dangers of living a homosexual lifestyle and how it is contrary to the message of Jesus Christ.... (more)

January 3, 2017
LIFE NEWS — It was New Year's Eve morning. A small group of pro-life activists gathered peacefully on the sidewalk outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in St. Louis, as they routinely do, to offer help to women. But today wouldn't be routine.... (more)

January 3, 2017
DAILY CALLER — Over the last year, we've heard over and over again that civility is dead, but it's important to know that Donald Trump is not the one who murdered it. Discourse came crashing down thanks in large part to Democrats' idea to use identity politics as a party platform. The left spent years calling blue collar workers -- and the majority of the middle of the country -- bigots, racists, homophobes, sexists, Islamophobes and white supremacists.... (more)

January 3, 2017
DANIEL HOROWITZ — It's 2017, and it's show time. This is what we've been anticipating for years. We have a mandate and now it's time to use it. No, we are not going to save every aspect of our national security, economy, and traditional values in just four years. However, there is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enact some solid reforms as it relates to immigration, national security, and counterterrorism policies.... (more)

January 3, 2017
ALAN KEYES — Winston Churchill famously said that "To 'Jaw, Jaw' is always better than to 'War, War.'" My experience as U.S. ambassador to ECOSOC (the UN Economic and Social Council) and assistant secretary of state for International Organization Affairs compels me to disagree. Since the ultimate purpose of war is to break the enemy's will, talk that effectively stigmatizes one's adversaries can be a decisively important strategic weapon.... (more)

January 3, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — A Soros-funded faux Catholic group called Faith in Public Life is holding what it calls a "special briefing" on "Faithful Resistance to Rising White Nationalism," featuring Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). This exercise is designed to further demonize white Americans who are waking up to what President Obama has done to them during his eight years in office.... (more)

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