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June 3, 2022
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A house of pain
Steve A. Stone

June 3, 2022

June 3, 2022
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

June 3, 2022
STEVE A. STONE — Dear Friends and Patriots, I want you to watch a couple of video interviews done since the school shooting in Uvalde TX. The first is Sandra Smith on Fox News Sunday interviewing Mo Brooks. It aired on 30 May. The video is on the general page for the show. If it doesn't come right up, look for it. I recommend you view the video at least twice. When you watch it, listen very intently to the way Smith phrases her questions. Pay very close attention.... (more)

June 2, 2022
After Texas school shooting, columnist laments Americans turning to God amid tragedy instead of gun control
FOX NEWS — L.A. Times opinion columnist LZ Granderson ripped Republicans who turn to faith in God during the aftermath of a tragedy like the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, claiming they sought a "return to the kind of faith that allowed brutal enslavement to be the law of the land for centuries."... (more)

June 2, 2022
NEW YORK POST — What was the role of the FBI? In the Russiagate probe, in which special counsel John Durham has been tasked with getting to the bottom of the Trump-Russia "collusion" farce, that is the key question. If you don't get the bureau's role right, you're apt to get the most consequential things wrong.... (more)

June 2, 2022
YOUTUBE — 'The Five' discuss the jury's verdict in Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's defamation trial with $15M to Depp and $2M to Heard... (more)

June 1, 2022
Ukrainians are not going to ‘compromise our independence, our sovereignty, or territorial integrity’
NEWSMAX — Ukraine has shown NATO, the European Union, the American people, and the world it is a "strong country" with "real heroes," and it is not going to "compromise our independence, our sovereignty, or territorial integrity," Ukraine presidential chief of staff Andriy Yermak told Newsmax.... (more)

June 1, 2022

June 1, 2022
NEWSMAX — President Joe Biden is looking at executive actions that he can take to combat gun violence, the White House said on Tuesday. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre did not provide details. She said Biden does not support a ban on all handguns in the aftermath of a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.... (more)

May 31, 2022
NEW YORK POST — A Russian official has issued an ominous warning to the U.S. that President Vladimir Putin could wipe out the East and West coasts with just four nuclear missiles Alexei Zhuravlev, a member of Russia's parliament, proclaimed on the state TV channel Russia-1 Monday that the country has the capability to launch a devastating nuclear attack on the U.S. over its support of Ukraine in the war.... (more)

May 29, 2022
Shifting cable TV network does its best CNN impression yet
JOSEPH FARAH — The title "2000 Mules" was finally uttered on Fox News the other day. No, it wasn't spoken by any anchor. It was unintentional. It was bravely mentioned by a guest on a program. The film is being censored by Fox. "2000 Mules" is the spectacular film produced by Dinesh D'Sousa with the help of True the Vote to call out the rampant election fraud in 2020 -- presenting irrefutable evidence.... (more)

May 29, 2022
PETE RIEHM — Americans across the country are preparing to observe Memorial Day, the annual holiday set aside to honor and remember all who served in the American armed forces and died in the line of duty. Since the Revolutionary War, Americans have selflessly taken up arms time and again to procure and protect freedom for themselves and for posterity. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance and the blood of patriots willing to go into harm's way to defend our way of life. What is the American way of life?... (more)

May 29, 2022
LINDA GOUDSMIT — On May 26, American Thinker published a brief, but in-depth, interview of me by education reformer Bruce Deitrick Price on my latest book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage. Bruce titled his interview, "This woman has done the research and knows exactly what's bedeviling America." Our discussion centered on the threat to America, and the world, posed by globalism and its collectivist alliance that seeks to replace all existing nations with world socialism, mainly through propagandizing children and, in turn, undermining families.... (more)

May 29, 2022
NEW YORK POST — An off-duty U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent fearlessly rushed into Robb Elementary School with his barber's shotgun and rescued dozens of children and his daughter after his wife texted him that there was an active shooter. Jacob Albarado had just sat down for a haircut when he received the horrifying message from his wife, Trisha, a fourth-grade teacher at the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school, he told the New York Times.... (more)

May 29, 2022
JUST THE NEWS — International speculation on the fate of Vladimir Putin increasingly centers on when and how the Russian president will fall from power, with some analysts suggesting that the "doomsday scenarios" may actually be a message to Putin that his days are numbered. Predictions from the former head of Britain's MI6 spy agency dovetail with comments from Ukrainian intelligence, showing that many minds are contemplating Putin's potential demise.... (more)

May 29, 2022
According to Dr. Robert Malone and other scientists, the global pandemic treaty is one of the biggest power grabs in political history
LIFE SITE NEWS — A petition calling on the World Health Organization (WHO) to stop the pandemic treaty surpassed more than 86,000 signatures just one week after its launch on May 19. LifeSite Petitions launched the petition on the eve of the start of the 75th World Health Assembly, whose members include 194 states. At this meeting in Geneva, which lasts until May 28, member states will decide on drafting a proposed pandemic treaty.... (more)

May 29, 2022
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Fox News anchor John Roberts recently asked on Twitter: "Question: anyone out there having chest pain after getting the booster?" Over 4,600 replies later, it would appear that many of his Twitter followers have indeed suffered chest pain, along with many other adverse events after getting injected with the mRNA or Adenoviral Vector DNA genetic products.... (more)

May 28, 2022
AMERICAN GREATNESS — The Biden Administration's Department of Education has announced that it will be withholding federal lunch funds from public school systems that do not allow students to use restrooms and other private facilities that are designated for the other gender. As reported by The Federalist, an Education Department spokesman said that, after the initial press release announcing the policy earlier this month, official rules outlining the new policy will be implemented in June.... (more)

May 28, 2022
Common denominator of Biden cabinet choices is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON — As the nation sinks inexplicably into self-created crisis after crisis, debate rages whether Joe Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or an ideologue who feels the country's mess is his success. A second national discussion revolves around who actually is overseeing the current national catastrophe, given Joe Biden's frequent bewilderment and cognitive challenges.... (more)

May 28, 2022
'The sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable'
ART MOORE — Reacting to the Biden administration's effort to give the World Health Organization the unilateral authority to declare a health emergency in the United States, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., has introduced legislation ensuring the Senate has power over any pandemic treaty. The "No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act," which has 15 Senate cosponsors, would require any agreement produced by the WHO to be submitted to the Senate as a treaty.... (more)

May 28, 2022
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) apologized after she was booed by graduates at the University of Wyoming for saying that male and female were the only sexes while delivering the school's commencement address. Lummis had said that "scientific truths such as the existence of two sexes, male and female, are subject to challenge these days" during her address to the graduates. Besides eliciting boos, the senator's comment drew a harsh response from several within the university, including from university President Ed Seidel, who released a statement noting that "one of our speakers made remarks regarding biological sex that many on campus take issue with."... (more)

May 27, 2022
TEXAS TRIBUNE — Days after Texas' top officials, including Gov. Greg Abbott, praised how police handled a shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead at a Uvalde elementary school, the state's top law enforcement official admitted Friday that officers made key errors when responding to the shooting.... (more)

May 25, 2022
CHERIE ZASLAWSKY — While Bill Gates trumpeted his so-called "Decade of Vaccines" in 2010—apparently given a new lease on life with Covid—he's been understandably quieter about his planned Decade of Pandemics. Of course the two go hand in hand, or perhaps hand in glove, as both are merely tools to further the Davos elites' two-pronged attack on We the People: genocide and subsequent enslavement of those who survive.... (more)

May 25, 2022
'No president has been reelected with numbers like these on job performance'
ART MOORE — Only about one-third of Americans approve of President Biden's job performance, according to polls, but the percentage who believe the nation is on the right path under his leadership is even lower. Just 16% are happy with the current path the United States is on, according to a Gallup survey, with 83% saying they are dissatisfied.... (more)

May 25, 2022
Study comes as data indicate COVID shots weaken immune system
ART MOORE — The nation's most politically powerful infectious disease physician, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has insisted vaccines provide immunity against COVID-19 that is superior to natural immunity derived from infection. However, researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease he has directed since 1984 have published a preprint study contradicting that claim. They found that while the mRNA vaccines target COVID's spike protein, natural immunity recognizes the whole of the virus, providing superior protection, Just the News reported.... (more)

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