New tea party unity song by Lloyd Marcus: 'We The People'
Premiering June 23 at YouTube
Lloyd Marcus
June 18, 2009

Date: Tuesday, June 23rd
Time: 12 noon EST

Dear Fellow Patriots,

No marketing firm could have started this incredible spontaneous Tea Party Movement. It is totally driven by love, passion and concern of the America people.

The passionate voice of one man, Rick Santelli, ignited a fire which spread across America. You came by the tens of thousands to tea parties. Your message was loud and clear, "ENOUGH!...STOP the hijacking of our Freedom, Liberty and Culture!"

In my NEW Tea Party unity song, We The People, I humbly try to be your voice. I thought, what if every patriot joined and sang together. What would it sound like and what would we say? Brothers and sisters, from my heart to yours, I give you, "WE THE PEOPLE."

God Bless, Lloyd

Lyrics: "We The People" by Lloyd Marcus

You work hard raising and providing for your families.
Protest is not in your nature
But when the hijacking of our freedom, liberty and culture reached a critical mass
You came...By the tens of thousands...American Patriots...
To Tea Parties across our great land
You came.

We the people
Of the United States of America
Stand for the rights of the individual
Endowed by our Creator
His great gift to you and me
The birth right of every citizen
From sea to shining sea

Extreme taxation
Like our founding fathers, we will not stand for
A strong and united majority
Silent no more

We the people, vow to
Take back America
Restore the values
That have made us great
Defeat is not an option
The stakes are far too high
For the sake of our children
We'll do much more than try

We the people
Of the United States of America
Stand for the rights
Preserve the rights
Stand for the rights of the individual


PRODUCER: Frank Starchak/ Deltona Records:

ORATOR: Bud Hedinger:

BACKUP VOCALS POSSE: Jen Stackpole, Jimi Pappas, GINGER!, Steve McPherson, Rhonda McPherson & Bill Scott

VIDEO: Doug Balch

ARTWORK: Camille Bonnell

AGENT: Bob Bonnell

MANAGER: Mary Parker Marcus

SPECIAL THANKS: Aubrey Chernick PJTV, Michael Patrick Leahy (TCOT Report), Andrea Shea King (Andrea Shea King Show), Tom La Falce, Joe Wierzbicki (, Kelly Eustis, Bob McCarty, Chris Baker (Select-o-Hits), Stephen Stone (, Dr. Rich Swier (Red County), Alan Gray (NewsBlaze), Frances Rice (National Black Republican Association), Dave Logan (ThirdWaveDave), Thomas Lifson (,

© 2009 Zephyrus Music, BMI


They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31