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July 18, 2017
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July 17, 2017
ALAN KEYES — In the debate over homosexual marriage, much is made of the emotional bond established by mutual consent. But all human friendship involves such a bond. No institution is required to regulate emotionally formed human friendships.... (more)

July 17, 2017
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump told GOP Senators Monday night they should go ahead and simply vote to repeal Obamcare now, then work out a replacement.... (more)

July 17, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Two Senate Republicans late Monday said they oppose the Republican health care bill, effectively stopping in its tracks the push to replace Obamacare and pushing GOP strategy toward an outright repeal without a replacement. Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas simultaneously announced their opposition, meaning four Republicans have declared that they will vote against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's bill, forcing both President Trump and Mr. McConnell toward "Plan B."... (more)

July 17, 2017
NEWSMAX — The U.S. Navy already has deployed lasers that can take out land- and air-based targets, and is developing second-generation weapons to hit missiles at the speed of light, CNN reported.... (more)

July 17, 2017
USA TODAY — The good news on America's report cards: More high school teachers are handing out A's. But the bad news is that students aren't necessarily learning more.... (more)

July 17, 2017
NEW YORK TIMES — The condition for which Senator John McCain had surgery on Friday may be more serious than initial descriptions have implied, and it may delay his return to Washington by at least a week or two, medical experts said on Sunday.... (more)

July 17, 2017
WORLDNETDAILY — Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to testify against alleged Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami via gunshot wound to the head.... (more)

July 17, 2017
BYRON YORK — The public learned on March 10, 2015 that Hillary Clinton had more than 60,000 emails on her private email system, and that she had turned over "about half" of them to the State Department and destroyed the rest, which she said were "personal" and "not in any way related" to her work as Secretary of State.... (more)

July 17, 2017
ROBERT KNIGHT — If you don't think the Left is terrified by the prospect of clean voter rolls, you might not have heard about the latest ploy by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU has sued President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, charging them with violating federal "transparency" laws.... (more)

July 17, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Democratic operative James Carville is not optimistic that his party will be able to take back the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections. "I would say we have a pretty good chance of taking the House back. The Senate is very, very difficult," the Clinton loyalist told the John Catsimatidis radio show.... (more)

July 16, 2017
ASSOCIATED PRESS — Sen. John McCain's absence from the Senate as he recovers from surgery for a blood clot has led the GOP leadership to postpone consideration of health care legislation already on the brink.... (more)

July 16, 2017
BRYAN FISCHER — An arrogant junior level judge in Hawaii has appointed himself dictator-for-life for America's immigration policy. He should be ignored by the man with genuine, constitutional, and legal authority over immigration policy, the president of the United States.... (more)

July 16, 2017
PAUL BEDARD — A coalition of conservative groups whose advocacy has been labeled "hate" by the leftist media-darling Southern Poverty Law Center are launching a counteroffensive Monday, accusing it of fueling hate, killing free speech and even encouraging terrorist-style attacks on those it doesn't agree with.... (more)

July 15, 2017
SELWYN DUKE — The obsession with Donald Trump Jr.'s "Russian" email chain is just the latest example of what the Media/Democrat Party/Establishment Axis does best: engage in misdirection to confuse people about who America's real enemies are.... (more)

July 15, 2017
NEWSMAX — More Christian refugees have arrived in the United States under President Donald Trump than Muslims, a shift from the previous administration. The Pew Research Center looked at data from the Department of State and concluded that 9,598 Christians have emigrated to the U.S. from Jan. 21 to June 30. 7,250 Muslim refugees came to the U.S. during the same time frame.... (more)

July 15, 2017
LEO HOHMANN — Should taxpayers fund sex changes and hormone therapy for soldiers, sailors and marines who suffer from "gender dysphoria" and are in the process of "transitioning" from male to female or vice versa?... (more)

July 15, 2017
GREG COROMBOS — As Senate Republican leaders scramble to find the votes to pass a health-care bill, their fidelity to a warped understanding of the filibuster rules is deeply impacting the content of the legislation and the odds of passing anything in a deeply divided chamber.... (more)

July 15, 2017
WORLDNETDAILY — Officials at Great Ormond Street Hospital in the United Kingdom, who have recommended that life support for 11-month-old Charlie Gard be withdrawn so that he dies, now have tried to exclude his parents from a meeting that could very well decide his future. Unsuccessfully.... (more)

July 14, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Senate GOP leaders hope offering more money for reducing insurance premiums for poor people is enough to get centrists to support their healthcare bill after they were cool to the latest version. Republican leadership released a new version of the healthcare bill that adds $70 billion to a stability fund to stabilize the individual market and $45 billion for fighting opioid abuse. However, leadership faces a monumental task of winning support from several key centrists, especially after leaving in place more than $700 billion in Medicaid cuts.... (more)

July 13, 2017
NEWSMAX — Tuesday's release of photos of a chance encounter between evangelicals and President Donald Trump in the White House, which shows leading evangelicals laying hands on and praying for the president of the United States in the Oval Office, has touched off an angry backlash on Twitter and in the mainstream media.... (more)

July 13, 2017
BOB UNRUH — So the media claim there are links between President Trump's campaign and Russia. They make wild claims about a "set-up" that had Donald Trump Jr. meet last year with a woman claiming to have information from Russia about Hillary Clinton.... (more)

July 13, 2017
RALPH Z. HALLOW — President Trump is facing the double standard with which the left-wing press and Democrats have been soiling American politics for many years. Absurdity is now the norm in the left's drive to undermine the public's confidence in the institutions that have made this the go-to country for seekers of opportunity and freedom all over the world for more than two centuries.... (more)

July 13, 2017
MICHAEL BARONE — Overreach. President Trump seems to have an uncanny knack for provoking it in his opponents and critics. This often hurts him and the country. But it has the potential to hurt those doing the overreach as well.... (more)

July 13, 2017
ALICIA POWE — Members of the House Freedom Caucus are demanding GOP leaders cancel the annual August recess so they can tackle top-line policy issues, including the debt ceiling, repealing the Affordable Care Act, a tax overhaul and building a wall along the nation's southern border.... (more)

July 13, 2017
GREG COROMBOS — Senate Republican leaders are still scrambling to craft a health-care bill capable of attracting 50 GOP votes, and while success appears elusive right now, a prominent House conservative still believes a good bill can get passed thanks to the pressure from voters and the resolve of President Trump.... (more)

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