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December 22, 2017
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December 22, 2017
PETER LEMISKA — Christians and peace-loving people around the world are struggling today – struggling to find hope in a world filled with violence and hatred. They see men, women, and children indiscriminately killed by despots and zealots who care nothing about peace. They see soldiers dying in conflicts around the world. At home, we see random killings and senseless violence in the streets of our cities. We see a fractured nation, deeply divided with no common ground in sight, a nation in which rational, civil discourse is gone – replaced by rigid ideology and hateful words.... (more)

December 22, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Christopher Steele, the former British spy who fueled an ongoing investigation into President Trump's administration, was a lot more confident of his charges when he wrote his now-notorious 2016 dossier than he is today in defending it in a libel lawsuit.... (more)

December 22, 2017
GREG COROMBOS — Republicans are celebrating after both the House of Representatives and Senate approved major tax reform legislation, which supporters claim will put badly needed money in the pockets of American families and give an already improving economy an even bigger boost.... (more)

December 22, 2017
JOSEPH FARAH — In perhaps his biggest day of accomplishment in his first year in office, President Trump took on the United Nations (more appropriately called the United Nothings) and took a victory lap over the new tax cut that already has at least five corporations celebrating by passing on money to their employees.... (more)

December 22, 2017
WORLDNETDAILY — Former Obama deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes sent a chilling tweet Thursday in which he appeared to fantasize about reading the newspaper obituaries of Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.... (more)

December 22, 2017
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON — Congress instructed the Department of Justice on Thursday to turn over all documents and communications that may be related to newly disclosed efforts by the Obama administration to handicap an investigation into the terror group Hezbollah and its Iranian benefactors, according to a letter sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.... (more)

December 21, 2017
NBC NEWS — On the orders of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Justice Department prosecutors have begun asking FBI agents to explain the evidence they found in a now dormant criminal investigation into a controversial uranium deal that critics have linked to Bill and Hillary Clinton, multiple law enforcement officials told NBC News.... (more)

December 21, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — They wanted him dead. For years, a clandestine U.S. intelligence team had tracked a man they knew was high in the leadership of al Qaeda -- an operative some believed had a hand in plotting the gruesome 2009 suicide attack in Afghanistan that killed seven CIA officers.... (more)

December 21, 2017
SF GATE — The Latest on the U.N. vote on Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and related developments (all times local)... (more)

December 21, 2017
NEWSMAX — Former CIA Director John Brennan on Thursday ripped President Donald Trump after he threatened to pull funding from U.N. nations that voted against his Jerusalem declaration, saying the move smacked of "qualities usually found in narcissistic, vengeful autocrats."... (more)

December 20, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Republicans barreled toward a massive victory Tuesday with the House and Senate voting to approve a $1.5 trillion tax cut, notching the first major legislative win of the Trump presidency. In one bill, Republicans said they were checking off three major parts of their agenda: The massive tax overhaul is coupled with a repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate and authority to drill for oil in a remote Alaska refuge.... (more)

December 20, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Senate Republicans passed a major overhaul of the tax code early Wednesday morning, bouncing the bill back to the House for one last vote before it is to be sent to President Trump's desk for his signature. The bill passed 51 to 48, along party lines, with Vice President Mike Pence presiding. Republican John McCain missed the vote while recuperating in Arizona.... (more)

December 20, 2017
NEWSMAX — The House of Representatives will have to vote again on the Republican tax bill passed Tuesday because of a technical glitch in the bill. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the do-over will take place Wednesday after the Senate votes on a version Tuesday night with the problem portions removed.... (more)

December 20, 2017
NEWSMAX — Passing tax reform legislation is a "huge step forward" for making American businesses more competitive in the world marketplace, Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, said Tuesday. "When they take business taxes from 35 percent -- the highest in the world, the least competitive in the world -- socialist China is at 25, we are at 35 and we wonder why we have problems?" Norquist told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program.... (more)

December 20, 2017
NATIONAL REVIEW — After the GOP's tax proposal was finalized, a familiar cry rang out: The bill will raise taxes on all but the richest . . . in 2027. Which just happens to be after the tax cuts are set to expire, a gimmick designed to make the bill comply with congressional budget rules.... (more)

December 20, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Talk of a "deep state" or "shadow presidency" at work against President Trump surfaced before he was even inaugurated. And it continues. On Tuesday, Rep. Jim Jordan said he believes a powerful plan had been in place to prevent Mr. Trump from reaching the White House, citing the ongoing Russia collusion investigation and other factors.... (more)

December 20, 2017
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — The striking thing about the latest Mueller investigation controversy -- a kerfuffle over the special counsel's acquisition of voluminous files from Trump's transition organization -- is how unnecessary it is.... (more)

December 20, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, on Monday asked the General Services Administration to turn over more information about how special counsel Robert Mueller obtained the Trump transition team's communications.... (more)

December 20, 2017
NEWSMAX — North Korea has begun tests to load anthrax onto intercontinental ballistic missiles, Japan's Asahi newspaper reported Tuesday, citing an unidentified person connected to South Korea's intelligence services.... (more)

December 20, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — The empty retail space next to a Discount Liquors and Smoker Friendly used to house a Planned Parenthood, but no more. The Planned Parenthood Express Clinic in Parker, Colorado, is one of the 32 Planned Parenthood centers that shut down this year, according to a study released this month by the pro-life American Life League.... (more)

December 20, 2017
THE OREGONIAN — A federal judge Wednesday declared a mistrial in the prosecution of Nevada cattleman Cliven Bundy, his two sons and a co-defendant, citing the government's "willful'' failure to turn over multiple documents that could help the defense fight conspiracy and assault charges in the 2014 Bunkerville standoff.... (more)

December 19, 2017
Elites are quashing presumption of innocence, due process
ALAN KEYES — The headline reads, "Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probably suicide' in Mt. Washington." The story at reports: "Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson, who was under investigation for alleged sexual molestation, died from a single gunshot wound to the head, according to the Bullitt County Coroner...."... (more)

December 18, 2017
FOX NEWS — A lawyer for the Trump presidential transition team is accusing Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office of inappropriately obtaining transition documents as part of its Russia probe, including confidential attorney-client communications, privileged communications and thousands of emails without their knowledge.... (more)

December 18, 2017
NEWSMAX — Former Rep. Michael Patrick Flanagan says President Donald Trump must clean out the bad elements of the FBI and be "brutal" about doing it. "You have a banana republic secret police whose job is regime preservation, not law and order preservation, and Trump is going to clear it out," Flanagan, an Illinois Republican who now heads a lobbying and public policy firm in Washington, D.C., told Newsmax TV's JD Hayworth on Friday.... (more)

December 18, 2017
BYRON YORK — Something is happening in the final days of 2017. People are noticing that Donald Trump has gotten a lot done in his tumultuous first year in the White House.... (more)

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