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August 19, 2022
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Justice lost!
Pete Riehm

August 19, 2022
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

August 19, 2022
SIENA HOEFLING[Editor's note: In view of the Supreme Court's recent ruling that Roe v. Wade never was sound constitutional law, we thought it timely to revisit an April 2017 article by Siena Hoefling that poignantly made the same point—both in writing and with a masterful video featuring the song "Prayer of the Children," sung by Three Dog Night.]... (more)

August 19, 2022
CLIFF KINCAID — Professor Jonathan Turley was on Fox saying he had supported the confirmation of Merrick Garland as Attorney General but now says he is disappointed in Garland’s political pursuit of Trump. Turley still doesn’t get it. Garland is an agent of Barack Hussein Obama, who approved Hillary’s plan to launch the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of Trump.... (more)

August 19, 2022
More fear-porn
CNBC — Concerns are mounting that the window of opportunity for containing the escalating monkeypox outbreak may be closing, with vaccine shortages leaving some at-risk groups waiting weeks to get jabbed. Health professionals have warned that a failure to get the outbreak under control could see it spill over into other populations or species.... (more)

August 17, 2022
YOUTUBE — Former assistant U.S. attorney gives his take on a judge saying the Trump affidavit should not be sealed on 'Kudlow.'... (more)

August 17, 2022
'Schools hold God in contempt'
DENNIS PRAGER — Fewer young Americans affiliate with any organized religion than ever before in American history. This means, therefore, that the children—and certainly the grandchildren—of millions of faithful Christians have abandoned Christianity. The same holds true for Jews, but that decline began somewhat earlier. Until the 20th century, nearly all Jews were religious (which nearly always meant Orthodox). Today about 15 percent of Jews are Orthodox, while most Conservative and Reform Jews have the same values as the secular Left, and very few of their children attend synagogue.... (more)

August 17, 2022
Randi Weingarten heads the American Federation of Teachers, the second largest teachers union
YOUTUBE — ‘The Five’ discusses how schools continue to push the woke agenda amid teacher shortages and how the American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten is blaming the GOP.... (more)

August 17, 2022
Claims the therapy is a 'traumatic practice based on junk science'
BOB UNRUH — The governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, has joined the agenda to censor Americans' free speech, unleashing an executive order banning "conversion therapy." While that term has been used by opponents derogatorily, a common understanding is that it is talk therapy delivered by professionals to those who have unwanted same-sex attractions.... (more)

August 17, 2022
JACK CASHILL — Unlike the rest of the world, here in the Show-Me State we are inclined to ask questions before voluntarily abandoning our cars, surrendering our farms and wrecking our economy. Question 1: Is our world really growing warmer? If so, show us the data, the real data, not the computer projections, not the CO2 index, not the tales of heat spells in Sri Lanka or Shangri-La, but the data that matters, the temperatures close to home that we can verify.... (more)

August 17, 2022
YOUTUBE — "Lawrence Jones Cross Country" host Lawrence Jones joins"Fox & Friends" to discuss the latest on the FBI's Trump raid and Joe Rogan's thoughts on the motive behind the incident.... (more)

August 17, 2022
PJ MEDIA — As is expected, Rep. Liz Cheney went down in flames in her bid to fend off her opponent, Harriet Hageman, in Tuesday’s Wyoming At-Large Republican Primary (see the complete results below). Decision Desk HQ (DDHQ) was able to call the race for Hageman just before 9:30 p.m. EDT with only 7% of the vote in:... (more)

August 17, 2022
Jill Biden—also quadruple vaxxed—likewise now has Covid
RED STATE — Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tested positive for COVID Monday despite receiving four injections of his company’s vaccine, which was developed with BioNTech. He says he’s experiencing mild symptoms and is taking a course of Paxlovid. Paxlovid, coincidentally made by Pfizer, is an anti-viral that is now used to treat symptoms of the virus. Bourla was quick to point out that he was “thankful” for the vaccines, which is especially rich considering that he recently revealed that he had to cancel a 2021 trip to Israel due to not being fully vaccinated – with his own product.... (more)

August 16, 2022
LIFE SITE NEWS — Texas MassResistance is leading the way back to normalcy. On July 24 the Texas Tribune, a prominent left-wing newspaper, published a banner article “‘We failed’: Gay Republicans who fought for acceptance in Texas GOP see little progress,” describing how the Texas branch of the Log Cabin Republican organization, which pushes homosexual and transgender issues into the Republican Party across the country, was now admitting defeat in Texas.... (more)

August 16, 2022
PETER LEMISKA — Political polling data can often be confusing and misleading. A recent Monmouth University poll indicates that the vast majority of Americans – 88 percent, in fact – believe the country is on the wrong track. Other polls support those results with similar numbers. They suggest that Americans are fed up with Joe Biden’s radical agenda and that the "red wave" in November, predicted by many, would bring the country back on course.... (more)

August 16, 2022
CLIFF KINCAID — Communism has come to America, but the conservative and Republican establishments can’t admit it. They are afraid of being labeled “McCarthyites.” An outfit called the Conservative Action Project, comprised of the conservative elite, just released a “Memo for the Movement“ entitled “Garland and Wray Must Be Impeached,” referring to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. It’s too little too late. We can’t impeach our way out of this predicament.... (more)

August 15, 2022
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — More than a dozen FBI whistleblowers have come forward to Republican investigators in Congress, according to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). The congressman, who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox News host Trey Gowdy the number has risen to 14 after the FBI raid at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.... (more)

August 14, 2022
TOWNHALL — Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) didn’t have to end her career this way. She’s the daughter of arguably the most powerful vice president in our history and part of a political dynasty in Wyoming. If she had just read the tea leaves, she could have been a congresswoman for life. No one could touch her in a primary challenge, but the incumbent Republican launched an all-out war on Trump. In 2020, more Wyoming voters cast their ballots for the former president than her, which was probably the most significant sign that maybe you shouldn’t go about setting yourself on fire in fighting your own party. Cheney didn’t listen. She lost her leadership position in the House and promised to stop Donald Trump from running again at all costs.... (more)

August 14, 2022
Dems' raid on Trump home 'clearly politically motivated'
FOX NEWS — On “The Ingraham Angle” Aug. 13, Fox News’ Sean Duffy interviewed Trump lawyer Christina Bobb about the unsealed warrant that led to Monday’s FBI raid on Mar-a-lago, a raid she called “clearly politically motivated.”... (more)

August 13, 2022
FOX NEWS — The Five's panelists weighed in Aug. 12 on the FBI's search warrant for former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence being unsealed by a judge.... (more)

August 13, 2022
(Our apologies: ad advisory)
NEWSMAX — Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla., believes the FBI acted in a biased manner with its search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort this week. He also found some humor in one of the reported accusations involving Trump stealing paper copies of nuclear codes. The confiscated items were not ''a national security immediate threat," Mullin told Friday's "Rob Schmitt Tonight" guest host Tom Basile. "[That the FBI would] go to this 'nuclear' level of raiding a former president of the United States' house" and removing documents that "are already declassified" has political overtones.... (more)

August 13, 2022
Greyhound sleeps with male same-sex couple
NEWSMAX — A recent study indicates that a same-sex male couple could have given monkeypox to their four-year-old greyhound, as questions over the virus's human-to-animal transmission still loom. The Lancet reported the finding in a medical journal entry published on Wednesday, which observed that the couple's greyhound started contracting the virus nearly two weeks into their own cases.... (more)

August 12, 2022
Wayne Allyn Root offers road map to a landslide victory—as suggested by a poll of his 20,000-person database of fans
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — Never in the history of America have these words applied more perfectly: "Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" – Chico Marx in the 1933 movie "Duck Soup" The Democrats are so dumb that they're literally handing the midterm election to us – because anyone with a brain can see the disaster perpetrated by President Joe Biden, his radical Marxist handlers, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Congress, and pretty much every other Democratic politician across America.... (more)

August 11, 2022
CLIFF KINCAID — Joel Gilbert argues that Michelle Obama will replace Joe Biden as the Democratic Party presidential nominee in 2024. Whether it’s Michelle or somebody else, Barack Hussein Obama is running the show. His former vice-president, Biden, is clearly a front man, who nominated another front man, Attorney General Merrick Garland. His job is to keep Donald J. Trump out of the White House so that the Democratic Party can consolidate its power as the leading socialist/communist organization in the “Free World,” on the road to a global utopia through a process the Marxists call “Permanent Revolution.”... (more)

August 11, 2022
Conservative Twitter users responded to AG Garland's tepid speech by calling for his resignation and the end of the FBI
FOX NEWS — Conservatives online ripped into U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland for his address to the nation on the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago on Thursday. During the speech, which was less than five minutes and contained no opportunity for press questions, Garland offered few details on why the raid occurred on former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate, though he mentioned that the search warrant and its contents would be unsealed at the behest of Trump.... (more)

August 11, 2022
GATEWAY PUNDIT — Trump lawyer Christina Bobb said in interviews Thursday night that President Trump and his family in New York watched the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago Monday via closed circuit TV security cameras. Bobb said the FBI had ordered staff at Mar-a-Lago to turn the cameras off but that Trump lawyers had the cameras turned back on.... (more)

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