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March 24, 2023
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A walking miracle
Jerry Newcombe

March 24, 2023
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 24, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Recently I met a man who is a “walking miracle.” A survivor of a horrible accident, 55-year-old Danny Yamashiro, a pastor’s son and native of Hawaii, is grateful for every day of life. Danny’s website tells what happened: “At 18, he survived a deadly 400 foot fall from the famed Pali ridge in Hawaii. Rescuing his girlfriend from a 20 foot fall, Danny slipped and fell head first 300 feet and later another 100 feet. He suffered traumatic brain injuries (skull fractures, torn scalp), a shattered ankle, smashed organs, extensive lacerations, and being comatose. A spiritual awakening impacted his recovery.”... (more)

March 23, 2023
CLIFF KINCAID — More than one thousand communists, socialists, and fellow travelers rallied on March 18 in Lafayette Square, next to the White House, and then marched across town in support of Russia, China, Cuba, and causes such as reparations for blacks and massive defense cuts. I was there covering the rally, taking dozens of pictures, in order to prove to my fellow Americans that communism is not dead, but very much alive.... (more)

March 23, 2023
DAVID HOROWITZ — Last week, the other shoe dropped on the Biden crime family. James Comer, chairman of the committee investigating the most disturbing scandal in the history of the White House, finally received the records from a bank—one of 12—that the Bidens have used to stash their payoffs from China’s Communist dictatorship. Comer had previously been stonewalled for two years by the corrupt and incompetent Biden Treasury head, Janet Yellen.... (more)

March 23, 2023
An executive order by Joe Biden endangers the integrity of our elections
PJ MEDIA — Roughly two years ago, President Biden issued an executive order that went relatively unnoticed and has been mostly forgotten by now, but which endangers the integrity of our elections. Executive Order 14019 instructs federal agencies, some of which are unrelated to election administration, to collaborate with external private groups to “promote voter registration and voter participation.”... (more)

March 23, 2023
DENNIS PRAGER — Given the damage the Left and the Left’s political party, the Democrats, are doing to America, you would think conservatives would understand that defeating the Left is by far their most important task.... (more)

March 20, 2023
ROBERT SPENCER — PBS has wasted more of your tax dollars on a lavish, loving American Masters documentary on America’s most famous (and notorious) physician, Dr. Anthony Fauci. It is set to premiere on Tuesday, and clips from it are already posted on PBS’ website. The far-Left propagandists of PBS invite us to “follow Dr. Anthony Fauci as he grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic and his 50-year career as the nation’s leading public health advocate.” Amid all the hagiography, however, the documentary contains a segment showing Fauci and Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser walking through Washington’s historic Anacostia neighborhood, which is 92% black, trying to sell residents on the COVID vaccine. To their surprise, it’s not as easy a sell as they clearly expected.... (more)

March 20, 2023
YOUTUBE — Lila Rose reacts to Chris Rock's new Netflix special where he was honest about abortion. “He’s basically showing people this is the extremism of being pro-abortion to the point that you’re proud of paying for women’s abortions, and then he calls it murder. If you’re sitting in the audience and you’re pro-choice, you’re uncomfortable because he called abortion what it is. It’s killing a baby.”... (more)

March 20, 2023
'I'm woke. Why aren't my jeans woke?' Now they are.

March 20, 2023
WORLDNETDAILY — There long have been concerns that Hunter Biden, and others in the Biden family, were selling access to Joe Biden – as vice president and now president. There's evidence of significant payments to the family – for which there was no apparent reason. Just this week, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., released a summary of bank records showing how a $3 million payment from a Chinese company came into the United States, was broken up and eventually infused $1.3 million into the accounts of President Joe Biden's family members.... (more)

March 20, 2023
Trump supporters shown thanking cops escorting them out of Senate chamber
PETER LABARBERA — Newly-released police bodycam footage from Jan. 6 shows Trump supporters obeying cops leading them out of the Senate chamber, with some even thanking the police — further eviscerating the Democrats' "deadly insurrection" J6 narrative. The footage came to light due to the sentencing trial of Jacob Chansley, the infamous horned J6 protester dubbed the "QAnon Shaman" by the media. Chansley is shown in the video thanking the police officers who are clearing ralliers out of the Senate chamber in the U.S. Capitol building.... (more)

March 20, 2023
But Democrat Hobbs installed as executive
WORLDNETDAILY — The idea that the 2020 and 2022 elections across American were clean, accurate and without fault took another broadside this week when a poll confirmed that Republican Kari Lake got 51% of the vote for governor in Arizona, while Democrat Katie Hobbs got 43%. Only Hobbs was installed as governor in an election result that still includes many unanswered questions.... (more)

March 20, 2023
TOWNHALL — Former President Donald Trump made his comeback to social media after nearly two years with a simple two words. “I’m back!” Trump wrote in his first post after the platform restored his account, which has been deactivated since 2021. Trump included a 12-second video clip from his 2016 speech after his election night victory along with his post.... (more)

March 20, 2023
WORLDNETDAILY — When COVID-19 apparently came out of a Chinese lab that had been experimenting, with U.S. support, on bat coronaviruses, there was an immediate search for treatments – even as pharmaceutical corporations were developing their billion-dollar experimental shots. One anti-parasitic treatment that already was available, but mostly used in the veterinary industry, was ivermectin.... (more)

March 20, 2023
PJ MEDIA — Those dastardly right-wingers, the enemies of all that is good, are getting out of line again, and Chasten Buttigieg wants you to know that he is peeved. The loving husband of Trans Pete, that is, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, appeared with the gals on “The View” Thursday, and boy oh boy, was he in an almighty snit. We are, said the Trans Secretary’s better half, living in an “extremely dangerous time.” Why, Chas? Because of skyrocketing inflation? Chinese saber-rattling? Old Joe’s manifest capacity? No, you silly goose. Because Florida is banning porn in school libraries.... (more)

March 18, 2023
Dad jokes can enable kids to cope with embarrassment or awkwardness, the study suggests
FOX NEWS — A recent study says that despite the embarrassment that "dad jokes" can cause, it might do some kids good in the future. Humor researcher Marc Hye-Knudsen published a study in British Psychological Society‘s journal this week arguing that "dad jokes" actually have a positive effect on development. "When considered properly, dad jokes are an intricately multi-layered and fascinating phenomenon that reveals a lot not just about how humour and joke-telling work but also about fathers’ psychology and their relationships with their children," Hye-Knudsen wrote.... (more)

March 17, 2023
YOUTUBE — To learn more about the most influential book in the history of the world—the Bible—Dr. Jordan Peterson takes his viewers on a journey through the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC, and through the history of learning itself, accompanied by a group of theologians, artists, and philosophers. MUST SEE.... (more)

March 17, 2023
YOUTUBE — Newsmax's Greg Kelly: Right now, the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance are the number one song in America on Spotify and iTunes. And the song is narrated by Donald Trump and sung by the J6 Prison Choir. It's a 501(c)(3), and all the proceeds will go to help the families of those J6 prisoners.... (more)

March 17, 2023
Re-posted a month after star's January 18, 2023, death
YOUTUBE — Filmed at Santa Monica High School in 2011. Special appearances by Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell from the band America, and Richard Page from Mr. Mister. Venice band: Kipp Lennon, Mark Lennon, Michael Lennon, Pat Lennon. Additional musicians: Dann Gillen, Mark Harris, Chris Horvath, and Rich Mangicaro, with David Crosby's son James Raymond on Roland keyboard.... (more)

March 17, 2023
LARRY TOMCZAK — "When Irish eyes are smiling, 'tis like a morn in spring. In the lift of Irish laughter, you can hear the angels sing." On March 17, people throughout the world, celebrate St. Patrick's Day as a festive occasion. There are parades, singing, dancing and toasting – yet how many of the celebrants know why we pay tribute to the man behind the big event? Each month we receive a publication from Voice of the Martyrs, a ministry that educates masses on persecuted Christians. Why do they feature someone like the legendary Irishman? Why do they mention uncomfortable words like "slavery, suffering and smuggling of children" in connection with this famous figure?... (more)

March 16, 2023
AMERICAN GREATNESS — We truly are living in an alternative universe the founders of this republic would not recognize. It’s bad enough that the America-hating Left seeks to undermine the First Amendment as a means to crush dissent; in conservative circles that is now taken for granted. What is worse is the shameful abandonment of the freedom of the press . . . by the supposed press.... (more)

March 16, 2023
DENNIS PRAGER — The primary concern of the people who ran the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)—the bank that just went bust—was not banking. Nor was it making money for the bank’s shareholders or safeguarding the funds of its depositors. Their primary concern was social activism—LGBTQIA+, DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), ESG (environmental, social, and governance), and climate change.... (more)

March 15, 2023
MIRANDA DEVINE — Now that Democrats are in the minority in the House and unable to abuse their power as easily as they have done the last two years, they are resorting to shameless lies to sabotage oversight hearings and trash whistleblowers and other inconvenient witnesses. They have anointed as queen of this disinformation operation, a little-known Democrat named Stacey Plaskett, who is not even a full-fledged member of Congress.... (more)

March 15, 2023
YOUTUBE — Newsmax TV's Lyndsay Keith talks with GOP Rep. Richard McCormick, a physician, about the origin of COVID-19, in light of revelations by former CDC director Robert Redfield about high-level efforts to cover up the pandemic's origin. To avoid similar deception in the future, McCormick said, “We have to have the truth, we have to have accountability, we have to have transparency." He added that Fauci and Biden "want to ignore the science, ignore the facts, and not get to the bottom of this.”... (more)

March 15, 2023

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