Obama won't run...his work is done
Joan Swirsky, RenewAmerica analyst
The drivel the media are blathering about Obama's 2012 race for reelection is absolute baloney! All those talking heads and print (so-called) journalists should be ashamed of themselves for prattling on about this unserious subject while studiously avoiding the urgent issues that threaten the very life of our country.
These are issues that a maniacal Nancy Pelosi, as House Minority Leader in the lame-duck session, is intent on cramming down the already-gagging throats of American voters who loathe her fetish with Marxism so much that on November 2 they decisively returned the House she had appropriated back to We the People. As columnist Ralph R. Reiland writes, it was "the greatest defeat for a newly elected president in a midterm since...1922."
Make no mistake about it, when the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-orchestrated disasters listed below take place, this triumvirate will applaud them, as any disaster that befalls our country fits neatly into their vision of Big Bad America. Yes, the very same America that brought them to the pinnacle of prominence, wealth, and power is the country they're working overtime to destroy.
Coming up
Here is just a sampling of what's in store:
According to TheDailyCaller.com, to accomplish this draconian agenda, John Podesta, head of the Center for American Progress — which is funded by George Soros — issued a report in which he suggested to the "president" that he use federal agencies and executive branch power to circumvent Congressional approval, as well as rulemaking, and even the armed forces, "to accomplish important change," and that such means "should not be underestimated."
The Armed Forces? Is Podesta mistaking America for Nazi Germany? This is nothing less than horrifying, but, I must add, vintage Leftism!
In other words: "Damn the torpedoes (in this case, the Congress) — full speed ahead." The hell with the November 2nd vote, the will of the people, the U.S. Constitution, and the law! They've meant nothing for the past two years...and to the Obama regime, they still mean nothing!
Mission accomplished
After the midterm shellacking and a decidedly less-than-successful Asian tour, Obama has been featured in tabloid headlines around the world, some saying that he's having a "nervous breakdown." Even Sean Hannity said on his radio show that "The feeling among some people in the White House is that this president is unhinged, that he's detached, that he's losing it. He's obsessed with critics, very specifically obsessed with Fox News. He can't stand Biden, he hates the Clintons, and the Clintons hate him. If the president is brought bad news on the economy, he has a meltdown every time he hears it. And this is what people — and I'm telling you my sources are reliable — are telling me."
I don't buy it. Many people, including me, have written about Obama's pathological narcissism, his out-sized self-regard, and an insecurity that impels him to use a teleprompter to speak to a kindergarten class! And now we see that he is psychologically unable to acknowledge any accountability for the massive midterm losses.
But this kind of loss makes people like Obama angry — not despondent — in turn fueling and energizing his lame-duck efforts.
You can hide, but you can't run
While the Obama-Pelosi-Reid destruction is taking place, the perpetrators will be exulting. Although they tout "equality" for the masses, meaning widespread mediocrity, they — like the communist oligarchs they admire — never tire of indulging in crass materialism, non-stop partying, and decadent excesses.
All of which brings me to the conviction that Obama will never run for a second term, for the following reasons:
Looking back over Obama's nearly two years in office, it should be obvious to everyone that as things got worse and worse — the tanking economy, escalating unemployment rate, the BP oil spill disaster, even the recent slap-down at the G-20 — he never lost the bounce in his step, his broad smile, his appetite for golfing (or vacationing, in general), or his predilection to entertain lavishly three or four times a week.
This is because for DNA Leftists like Obama, two things are immutably true:
The first is that if it's bad for America, it's intrinsically good! Remember Obama's strange interview with Steve Kroft of "60 Minutes," in which Kroft was so startled (horrified? appalled?) when Obama inappropriately smiled and chuckled when discussing the plunging economy, forcing Kroft to ask: "Are you punch drunk?" But Obama couldn't help himself...it made him happy!
The second is that everything done to further THE PLAN is good, meaning the plan to destroy free-market capitalism, subvert the Constitution, bloat the size of government, raise taxes, coddle terrorists, indiscriminately open America's borders, genuflect to the backwater tyrants at the U.N., and generally strip America of its exceptionalism.
No, Obama won't run in 2012, although he'll be coy about it for at least a year. He has no taste for compromise and his over-weaning narcissism won't allow him to be the head of a devolving minority party. Besides, I think his handlers are not pleased with the thwacking he took in the midterms, and will be looking hard for another puppet. In fact, George Soros, Obama's premier benefactor and perhaps even the puppet master pulling his strings, just told a group of Progressives: "We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line. And if this president can't do what we need, it is time to start looking somewhere else."
Pastures a-plenty
Instead of running, Obama will become a man of the world, traveling widely (no doubt to his favorite dictatorships), maybe allowing a few ghost-written books to bear his name, accepting the multi-millions offered him for speaking engagements, and working on his golf swing for the next 50 years.
Now wouldn't that be fantastic for America!
© Joan Swirsky
November 20, 2010

These are issues that a maniacal Nancy Pelosi, as House Minority Leader in the lame-duck session, is intent on cramming down the already-gagging throats of American voters who loathe her fetish with Marxism so much that on November 2 they decisively returned the House she had appropriated back to We the People. As columnist Ralph R. Reiland writes, it was "the greatest defeat for a newly elected president in a midterm since...1922."
Make no mistake about it, when the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-orchestrated disasters listed below take place, this triumvirate will applaud them, as any disaster that befalls our country fits neatly into their vision of Big Bad America. Yes, the very same America that brought them to the pinnacle of prominence, wealth, and power is the country they're working overtime to destroy.
Coming up
Here is just a sampling of what's in store:
- A second Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac implosion, this one immeasurably worse than the last in terms of human suffering and billions lost.
- Galloping inflation and hyperinflation that will inevitably result from the Fed's rash rush to print what amounts to $600 billion dollars worth of essentially worthless Monopoly money.
- Acts that cede control of agriculture to the international community and give control over our waterways and land to the federal government, both eerily reminiscent of Communist Russia and China.
Intention to reduce the number of our nuclear weapons to zero, the goal of which is to make the strongest nation on earth both weak and defenseless.
- Continuing to undermine our military by enacting plans, verbalized by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, to cut back military pay and reduce the cost of military health care.
- Bringing a stealth amnesty DREAM Act to grant young illegal aliens citizenship, as well as intensifying the attack on Arizona for following established federal law in going after illegal — and often drug-trafficking and murderous — aliens.
- Continuing to bully our reliable Middle East ally Israel and, worse, as Carolyn Glick points out, supplying her enemies with the means to destroy the Jewish state. According to the Congressional Research Service, the Palestinian Authority — under the de facto control of Hamas terrorists — is the largest recipient of foreign assistance in the world, having received $1.2 billion in 2009 and due to receive $1.8 billion by the end of this year.
- Actively encouraging the legal, political, and military path to Islamic law — Sharia — in the United States, which Peter Wallsten and Sudeep Reddy of the Wall St. Journal call "the preeminent totalitarian threat of our time." Sharia law affects every aspect of human behavior, from diet to worship, and includes the stoning deaths of female rape victims for marital infidelity, honor killings, genital mutilation, et al. (Read the entire riveting article by Nonie Darwish).
- Continuing the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) egregiously-intrusive body-search-and-x-ray policy to insure a drastic reduction in passengers and the ultimate destruction of the airline industry, the better to nationalize yet another market-driven industry.
- Placing in serious jeopardy the future of offshore drilling, further damaging the Gulf's economy, and threatening the jobs of more than 100,000 workers.
- Enacting S-510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, which would effectively grant the U.S. government authority over the public's right to grow, trade, and transport foods, and reportedly arrest and punish people who so much as plant tomatoes in their backyards!
- And don't count out an amendment to our Constitution about what author Paul Sperry calls "Obama's Stealth Reparations." Sperry quotes Obama as saying that more needs to be done to "cleanse America of its original sin."

The Armed Forces? Is Podesta mistaking America for Nazi Germany? This is nothing less than horrifying, but, I must add, vintage Leftism!
In other words: "Damn the torpedoes (in this case, the Congress) — full speed ahead." The hell with the November 2nd vote, the will of the people, the U.S. Constitution, and the law! They've meant nothing for the past two years...and to the Obama regime, they still mean nothing!
Mission accomplished
After the midterm shellacking and a decidedly less-than-successful Asian tour, Obama has been featured in tabloid headlines around the world, some saying that he's having a "nervous breakdown." Even Sean Hannity said on his radio show that "The feeling among some people in the White House is that this president is unhinged, that he's detached, that he's losing it. He's obsessed with critics, very specifically obsessed with Fox News. He can't stand Biden, he hates the Clintons, and the Clintons hate him. If the president is brought bad news on the economy, he has a meltdown every time he hears it. And this is what people — and I'm telling you my sources are reliable — are telling me."

But this kind of loss makes people like Obama angry — not despondent — in turn fueling and energizing his lame-duck efforts.
You can hide, but you can't run
While the Obama-Pelosi-Reid destruction is taking place, the perpetrators will be exulting. Although they tout "equality" for the masses, meaning widespread mediocrity, they — like the communist oligarchs they admire — never tire of indulging in crass materialism, non-stop partying, and decadent excesses.
All of which brings me to the conviction that Obama will never run for a second term, for the following reasons:
- He doesn't like the job. Above all, he doesn't like the all-important decision-making part of his job, just as his serial "Present" votes as a state legislator and U.S. Senator demonstrated a distaste for or inability to make decisions, with the notable exception of his full support for late-term abortions. His wishy-washy indecisiveness in the White House can be seen in the endless months it took him to decide on an Iraq and Afghanistan strategy and in his failure to take any significant action at all regarding the BP oil spill that put thousands out of work and ruined entire Gulf Coast industries.
He's not very good at the job. While wielding immense power from a Democrat-controlled House, Senate, and White House, as well as over 40 czars unaccountable to Congress or the American people, Obama has actualized very few of his initiatives, and monstrosities like Obamacare were successful only through the time-honored Soviet tactics of threats, bribes, and intimidation. In foreign affairs, the man who said he'd "restore respect" around the world saw his proposals rejected and repudiated by 19 world leaders at the G-20 this month; the Middle East "peace" fiasco is in a hopeless boondoggle; our traditional allies seem neither to trust nor respect Obama; and our enemies, sensing a weak man at America's helm, have become brazen in their saber-rattling.
- His work is done. As anyone with eyes and ears instinctively knows, Obama is a plant, an unsavory amalgam of a Trojan Horse and a Manchurian Candidate, the former ferreting a destroy-America agenda into our body politic, and the latter robotically delivering dulcet-toned platitudes and untruths to a public that, thank God, is no longer buying his snake-oil.
Looking back over Obama's nearly two years in office, it should be obvious to everyone that as things got worse and worse — the tanking economy, escalating unemployment rate, the BP oil spill disaster, even the recent slap-down at the G-20 — he never lost the bounce in his step, his broad smile, his appetite for golfing (or vacationing, in general), or his predilection to entertain lavishly three or four times a week.
This is because for DNA Leftists like Obama, two things are immutably true:
The first is that if it's bad for America, it's intrinsically good! Remember Obama's strange interview with Steve Kroft of "60 Minutes," in which Kroft was so startled (horrified? appalled?) when Obama inappropriately smiled and chuckled when discussing the plunging economy, forcing Kroft to ask: "Are you punch drunk?" But Obama couldn't help himself...it made him happy!
The second is that everything done to further THE PLAN is good, meaning the plan to destroy free-market capitalism, subvert the Constitution, bloat the size of government, raise taxes, coddle terrorists, indiscriminately open America's borders, genuflect to the backwater tyrants at the U.N., and generally strip America of its exceptionalism.

Pastures a-plenty
Instead of running, Obama will become a man of the world, traveling widely (no doubt to his favorite dictatorships), maybe allowing a few ghost-written books to bear his name, accepting the multi-millions offered him for speaking engagements, and working on his golf swing for the next 50 years.
Now wouldn't that be fantastic for America!
© Joan Swirsky
RenewAmerica analyst Joan Swirsky also writes a column for RenewAmerica.
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