News analysis
President Trump reconsecrated our nation back to Christ
Barbara Kralis, RenewAmerica analyst
June 2, 2020

On the first day of June, in the year two thousand and twenty, President Donald J. Trump reconsecrated our United States of America back to God.

The president’s extemporaneous act provides a courageous memorial for all children of God to continue to believe that, no matter how dark the days may grow, We the People of the free and United States of America are one nation where all are equally created in the likeness of God.

Recent attempts by Satan and his minions to destroy our nation's beautiful cities did not and will not deter for one moment our individual lifelong pursuits of faith, family, and freedom. These anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-law and order purveyors and agents of anarchy are no longer a threat to our people. Their attempts to discourage us will instead re-ignite in Americans a renewal of our faith to pursue happiness as God intended.

Just as our president boldly promoted the unfailing word of God before all nations on earth and on behalf of all Americans, let us together declare that neither the powers of darkness nor the winds of war or the false gods of communism can break our destiny to always remain free as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice equally for all.

© Barbara Kralis

RenewAmerica analyst Barbara Kralis also writes a column for RenewAmerica.


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They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. —Isaiah 40:31