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March 23, 2017
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Blasphemous religious warps
Rev. Mark H. Creech

March 23, 2017
PETER LEMISKA — Considering America's 240-year history, 16 years is not a long time. But for some, it's long enough to forget the outrage and fear all Americans felt after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.... (more)

March 22, 2017
CLIFF KINCAID — President Donald Trump is usually a fan of Fox News, but his opinion may now be changing. Fox News has been caught misrepresenting its own interview with Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) on the subject of alleged wiretapping of President Trump, in order to make Trump look bad. The cable channel also threw one of its own commentators, Judge Andrew Napolitano, under the bus for highlighting a possible British role in gathering intelligence on Trump and his associates.... (more)

March 22, 2017
BOSTON HERALD — President Trump's transition team may have had its communications picked up and distributed throughout the intelligence community, according to a leading Republican on the House Intelligence Committee -- news that had conservatives claiming vindication as shock waves spread across Washington.... (more)

March 22, 2017
BOB UNRUH — President Trump's tweet claiming the Obama administration "wiretapped" Trump Tower was met with derision and doubt by establishment media, which then spent several weeks repeatedly describing his claim as "unsubstantiated" and "without proof."... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Trump presidential transition officials had their communications monitored and "unmasked" by the intelligence community, the chairman of the House intelligence committee said Wednesday, offering the first major piece of evidence of possible illegal activity by Obama officials against Donald Trump as president-elect.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The Washington Post's Bob Woodward warned on Wednesday that there are people from the Obama administration who could be facing criminal charges for unmasking the names of Trump transition team members from surveillance of foreign officials.... (more)

March 22, 2017
PHILIP KLEIN, ROBERT KING — In a last-minute bid to woo conservatives ahead of a high-stakes vote on Thursday on repealing and replacing Obamacare, House leaders are considering gutting more Obamacare regulations.... (more)

March 22, 2017
PHILIP KLEIN — Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said on Wednesday that the Senate parliamentarian has told him that it may be possible for Republicans to push harder on repealing Obamacare's regulations than the current House bill, which contradicts the assertion by House leadership that the legislation goes after Obamacare as aggressively as possible under Senate rules.... (more)

March 22, 2017
NEWSMAX — The conservative Koch network is promising to spend millions of dollars to defeat the health care overhaul backed by President Donald Trump and top House Republicans.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — A lone attacker mowed down pedestrians and then stabbed a policeman in the shadow of the British Parliament Wednesday, in what police described as a terrorist strike that left the attacker and at least four others dead and some 40 people injured on nearby Westminster Bridge.... (more)

March 22, 2017
BOB UNRUH — A Pennsylvania school district that was sued for deliberately allowing a girl into a boys' locker room, causing embarrassment and humiliation for a boy already changing his clothes there, on Wednesday doubled down on its advocacy for transgenderism.... (more)

March 22, 2017
NEWSMAX — The conservative House Freedom Caucus is threatening to formally oppose the American Health Care Act unless dramatic changes are made to the Republican proposal by Wednesday night, a source said Tuesday. The plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, in its current form, is "going down as of now," the source told CNBC.... (more)

March 22, 2017
NEWSMAX — Negotiations between conservative holdouts and President Donald Trump over the GOP healthcare bill were fruitless, and the legislation will not pass, House Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said. Any hopes of passing the Obamacare repeal plan are "over," Meadows said Monday, according to The Hill.... (more)

March 22, 2017
GARTH KANT — A highly placed source in the House Freedom Caucus told WND that lawmakers in the conservative group have absolutely no fear that President Trump will retaliate against them if they vote against the health-care bill backed by the White House.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The national spotlight is trained on House Republicans' furious efforts to pass a healthcare bill this week, but the measure faces an even more difficult path in the Senate, where just three GOP senators could sink it.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Senate Democrats got into several testy exchanges with Judge Neil Gorsuch during Tuesday's 11-hour hearing, which could end up being their opening move in a strategy that calls for doing anything it takes to keep him off the Supreme Court.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Judge Neil Gorsuch repeatedly defended an "undocumented immigrant" against the massive crush of the administrative state during his confirmation hearing Tuesday, picking a fascinating fight with his potential future colleagues on the Supreme Court.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — A moment of levity snuck into Tuesday's confirmation hearing for Neil Gorsuch, President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, when a Republican senator brought up a beloved science fiction comedy "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."... (more)

March 22, 2017
NEWSMAX — Israel will continue air strikes in Syria if it deems it necessary, despite reports indicating otherwise, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday at a press briefing, Haaretz reported.... (more)

March 22, 2017
NEWSMAX — Former Trump aide Paul Manafort received illegal payments from the party of Ukraine's toppled president, a Ukranian lawmaker and journalist said during a press conference in Kiev Tuesday morning, the Washington Post reports.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The fence-jumper who wandered around the White House complex for 17 minutes was able to elude the Secret Service in part because the agency has taken down alarm sensors along an area of one fence that he scaled, according to two sources familiar with details of the incident.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Family members of more than 800 people who were killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have filed a lawsuit against the government of Saudi Arabia, alleging its support of al Qaeda and its complicity in the attacks. The lawsuit, filed in the federal court that covers lower Manhattan, is one of several brought in recent months after Congress last year passed a law allowing countries to be sued in terrorism cases. Lawmakers overrode a veto by former President Barack Obama to enact the law.... (more)

March 22, 2017
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — In a 6-2 ruling Tuesday, the Supreme Court limited the appointment power of the president, deciding that President Obama improperly filled the position of general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board, the main federal labor law enforcement agency.... (more)

March 20, 2017
ALAN KEYES — The spiritual "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" has reportedly become an anthem popular among British rugby fans. Recently I read an article about this noting the "solemn origins" of the song as a "slave spiritual." The article mentions that "Josephine Wright, a professor of music and black studies at the College of Wooster in Ohio" says that the spiritual's lyrics "allude to feelings of despair and a desire for release from suffering."... (more)

March 20, 2017
LARRY KLAYMAN — Thanks to yet another runaway hack federal judge, now all of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims have a constitutional right to enter the United States -- unrestricted at any time. That is the shocking but preposterous ruling of Judge Derrick Watson in Hawaii v. Trump, issuing a temporary restraining order (TRO) against President Trump's rewritten executive order temporarily suspending travel from the world's most dangerous terrorist countries, to allow time to devise a strict means to vet potential terrorists... (more)

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