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October 30, 2020
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October 30, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA — Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. This film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

October 30, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

October 30, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE — The issue of abortion has barely come up in the debates of Election 2020. But for many of us, it is still the issue that matters most. I am a one-issue voter, without apology, and that issue is abortion. I'm against it. If a politician thinks it is acceptable--whatever the rhetoric--to deliberately kill a living, developing human being in the womb, that politician is wrong. And he or she will never have my vote.... (more)

October 29, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID — Before Joe Biden committed a major gaffe by urging the eventual abolition of the oil and gas industry, he endorsed the idea of 8-year-old transgenders. This went beyond gaffe status to outright insanity. What's more, it was part of his appeal to the transgender "community." In this case, he called for "zero discrimination" against kids who want to parade around like members of the opposite sex. He didn't rule out these confused kids getting sex-change operations.... (more)

October 29, 2020
MUST SEE: Go to 16:35 of video
NEWSMAX TV — On Greg Kelly Reports, former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova responds to news Hunter Biden is under investigation by the FBI for a "major kickback scheme" involving his father, Joe Biden, and others. The criminal conduct involved includes mail fraud, wire fraud, and a RICO violation. Another guest, Bernard Kerik, adds there is "overwhelming evidence of criminal conduct within the [Biden] family."... (more)

October 29, 2020
YOUTUBE — Greg Gutfeld weighs in on latest developments involving Hunter Biden's business affairs on 'The Five'... (more)

October 28, 2020
'We have found the contents of the package and are arranging for its return'
THE BLAZE — United Parcel Service announced Thursday that after an extensive search it has located the contents of the package that Fox News host Tucker Carlson complained had been somehow lost in transit.... (more)

October 28, 2020
WESTERN JOURNAL — Sen. Ted Cruz obliterated Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey at a Senate hearing Wednesday over his company's decision to unilaterally censor a New York Post report allegedly linking Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to his son's foreign business dealings.... (more)

October 28, 2020
Nation's oldest paper, founded by Hamilton, says we can ‘make America great again, again’—warns Biden would support a ‘socialist left’ that seeks to ‘remake the nation’
NEW YORK POST — We can return to the explosive job creation, rising wages and general prosperity we had before the pandemic. We can have economic freedom and opportunity, and resist cancel culture and censorship. We can put annus horribilis, 2020, behind us and make America great again, again. We can do all this -- if we make the right choice on Nov. 3.... (more)

October 27, 2020
KSNT — President Trump's campaign website was hacked Tuesday evening. The message on the website stated that "this site was seized" and gave various codes to vote on if valuable information regarding coronavirus should be shared with the public.... (more)

October 27, 2020
We see, for the most part, what the people who run news organizations want us to see
POWER LINE — Byron York describes "The big Trump rallies you don't see." "I can't believe there aren't any newspeople here," said Linda of Greene County, Pennsylvania, as she stood among hundreds of cars and pickup trucks idling in long parallel lines in a vast big-box-store parking lot Saturday, waiting to join the Interstate 70 Trump Train. Indeed, although there were carloads of Trump supporters as far as one could see, and many more on the way from Ohio and West Virginia, and this enormous political event was happening less than two weeks before the presidential election, as far as I could tell, I was the only newsperson there. It was the biggest political rally no one saw.... (more)

October 27, 2020
Campaign contribution numbers indicate where Big Tech money may be influencing Republicans on Judiciary Committee
LIFE SITE NEWS — The Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Thursday to issue subpoenas to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over allegations of censorship. The social media giant had engaged in the "suppression and/or censorship" of bombshell reports by the New York Post charging members of the Biden Family with significant financial corruption -- allegations which could serve to hurt Democratic nominee Joe Biden's presidential run.... (more)

October 27, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY — "Don't threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid."... (more)

October 27, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID — Some scoff at the concept of a "Deep State" as a "conspiracy theory." But nobody knows the truth better than Senator Chuck Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, who once questioned why Trump would fight the intelligence agencies, since "they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you." The phrase "six ways from Sunday" means in every possible way. Another common formulation is "by any means necessary."... (more)

October 27, 2020
PETER LEMISKA — This is not Joe Biden's first presidential run, nor is it his first encounter with character issues. During the campaign of 1987, Biden's presidential ambitions were derailed after voters learned he had plagiarized a campaign speech. That led to the revelation that he had also plagiarized several pages of a paper while in law school. Back then, Biden knew that voters wouldn't tolerate that kind of dishonesty in their president and he withdrew from the race.... (more)

October 27, 2020
SELWYN DUKE — Something occurred to me recently while watching a post-debate Frank Luntz focus group. Comprising undecided voters who liked neither Trump nor Biden, the participants nonetheless believed the president won the debate and most said they'd probably vote for him as "the lesser of two evils." Their preference for him on policy overrode their higher estimation of Biden's character.... (more)

October 27, 2020
Nothing but fear-mongering
STEPHEN STONE — (Updated October 29, 2020, 1:45 am) The Utah Democratic Party, with help from local and national media, is seeking to prevent President Trump's re-election, as well as the election of Burgess Owens to Congress, through fear tactics that center in an imaginary "Trump plan" to restart nuclear testing in the Western United States.... (more)

October 27, 2020
Senate voted 52 to 48 to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a pro-life mom of 7, to the Supreme Court
LIFE SITE NEWS — The United States Senate voted 52 to 48 Monday night to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett as the next Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, marking a rightward shift in the federal judiciary's balance of power.... (more)

October 25, 2020
PJ MEDIA — Joe Biden did not have a great night during the second and final presidential debate. Despite being off the trail for five days, allegedly preparing, he couldn't land many punches, and had several moments that just didn't work well for him at all. Here are seven of them.... (more)

October 25, 2020
PJ MEDIA — It must seem surreal to the voters in oil and gas and energy states like West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and Texas that every four years the Democratic presidential candidate comes along and vows to kill their jobs. President Obama called for killing coal and raising gas prices to astronomical levels. Hillary Clinton vowed in 2016 to "put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business." And at Thursday night's debate, Joe Biden, again raised the scythe of death and squared it over the neck of energy workers.... (more)

October 25, 2020
Now considers himself a "non-denominational Christian"
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump, raised Presbyterian, now considers himself a "non-denominational Christian." "Though I was confirmed at a Presbyterian church as a child, I now consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian," Trump told Religion News Service in a written interview. Trump praised the power of faith and prayer in his recovery from COVID-19, crediting his parents who "taught me the importance of faith and prayer from a young age."... (more)

October 24, 2020
DAILY CALLER — Religious nuns wearing "Make America Great Again" masks at President Donald Trump's rally excited the attention of Twitter users Saturday evening. At least three different nuns can be seen standing behind the president as he spoke Saturday night in Circleville, Ohio. The nuns, dressed in white, black and purple habits and wearing crosses around their necks, also wore black masks with the letters "MAGA" on them, were in the front row of the Trump rally.... (more)

October 24, 2020
NEWSMAX FACEBOOK — "The Biden family is the most corrupt family in modern political history": Benny Johnson discusses the history of the Biden family's business dealings.... (more)

October 24, 2020
NEWSMAX TV — "A clear, unambiguous win for the president," even though the debate was rigged for Biden. Greg Kelly takes Democrat moderator Kristen Welker to task for repeatedly interrupting Donald Trump while giving Joe Biden more time to finish his thoughts – she also asked Trump hostile Democrat talking points, while giving Biden softball questions: "I actually thought she was terrible."... (more)

October 24, 2020
CONSERVATIVE DAILY NEWS — A new video posted on YouTube by the "No To Joe PAC" hilariously illustrates what most of America already knows. Joe can't do the job, heck he might not even make it to the job. Months of living in a basement, hiding from voters and flailing at last night's debate are all indications that Joe... isn't really ready for this.... (more)

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