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June 28, 2022
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June 27, 2022
Utah primary is June 28
STEPHEN STONE — As informed Americans are fully aware, the 2022 midterm election is one of the most important in our nation's history. Of course, the bicyclist-in-chief's undisputed tenure as the worst, most damaging president in our history is not itself something voters can opt directly to correct—since Biden himself will not be on the ballot. But his continued opportunity to do mischief is definitely on the ballot. Should the leftist Dems lose their narrow control of both Houses of Congress on Nov. 8, Biden's grip on the levers of power will be substantially diminished and America's voters will win a critically important victory over those forces actively seeking to destroy our country.... (more)

June 27, 2022
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

June 25, 2022
Saturday rally in Maryland featured Alan Keyes
CLIFF KINCAID — As a result of the electoral power of the Trump movement, the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New York could elect conservative Republican governors. That was the message Trump-backed candidate Doug Mastriano brought to the Dan Cox for Governor rally in Maryland on Saturday.... (more)

June 25, 2022
'BONCHIE' FROM RED STATE — I regret to inform you on this otherwise glorious Sunday morning that "democracy" is once again in danger. That's the word from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who appeared on NBC News' "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd to deliver multiple hot takes on the landmark Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. If you still carry any doubt about the sheer lack of intellectual ability possessed by the ultra-woke New York congresswoman, stick around.... (more)

June 25, 2022
TOWNHALL — A horde of pro-abortion Democrats marched to the Supreme Court Friday to protest the Dobbs ruling, which overturned Roe v. Wade. This was not a shock. The leaked draft of the opinion already pointed to the direction the Court was heading on this issue. Still, it's abortion, so the left is just uber-frothing at the mouth right now. It hasn't been a good week for them.... (more)

June 25, 2022
Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan: ‘Life wins’
BOB UNRUH — The U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision on Friday overturned the 1973 abortion precedent set in Roe v. Wade, a move that now will return oversight of the nation's lucrative abortion industry to the individual states. The ruling, which had been leaked apparently by a court insider to reporters several weeks ago, said stare decisis, the doctrine of recognizing previously precedents, "does not compel unending adherence to Roe's abuse of judicial authority."... (more)

June 24, 2022
Former communion recipient Pelosi: ‘This cruel ruling is outrageous and heart-wrenching’
TOWNHALL — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday said the GOP finally achieved their "dark and extreme" goal on abortion with the Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which overturns Roe v. Wade and returns the issue of abortion back to the states. "Today, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has achieved the GOP's dark and extreme goal of ripping away women's right to make their own reproductive health decisions," Pelosi said in a statement. "Because of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party and their supermajority on the Supreme Court, American women today have less freedom than their mothers.... (more)

June 24, 2022
Says Court should revisit Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell—which concern contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage—and ‘correct the error’ established by those precedents’ arguments, which are similar to Roe’s
TOWNHALL — In a solo concurring opinion to Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Justice Clarence Thomas said the Supreme Court should reconsider other opinions. Specifically, the conservative justice pointed to Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell, which concern contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. "The Court's abortion cases are unique...and no party has asked us to decide 'whether our entire Fourteenth Amendment jurisprudence must be preserved or revised," he wrote. "Thus, I agree that "[n]othing in [the Court's] opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.... (more)

June 24, 2022
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Ever since the unprecedented leak of an early draft of the Dobbs decision from the Supreme Court which may overturn Roe v. Wade, the "shock troops of tolerance" have been busy interrupting church services. And they have done much destruction of crisis pregnancy centers.... (more)

June 24, 2022
MICHAEL BRESCIANI — We are still waiting for Justice Ketanji Brown's answer to what is a woman, when along comes another hard-to-answer whopper for Speaker Nancy Pelosi. For all those who ever asked what America is all about, Nancy gave the quintessential answer. Nancy declared that drag queens expressing themselves are precisely "what America is all about."... (more)

June 24, 2022
Start with getting children 'out of a godless educational setting'
BOB UNRUH — James Dobson, founder of the James Dobson Family Institute and FamilyTalk radio, is offering parents across America who are being confronted with "perverted" public school systems, a solution. Or several steps they can take, including the first, to "get my children out of a godless education setting quickly, before more spiritual and emotional damage could be done."... (more)

June 24, 2022
THE FEDERALIST — President Biden really does not want the public to know about his federal takeover of election administration. Dozens of members of Congress have repeatedly asked for details, to no avail. Good government groups, members of the media, and private citizens have filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Not a single one has been responded to. All signs indicate a concerted effort to keep the public in the dark until at least after the November midterm elections. The lack of transparency and responsiveness is so bad that the Department of Justice and some of its agencies have been repeatedly sued for the information.... (more)

June 24, 2022
DAVID HARSANYI — In the 2008 case of District of Columbia v. Heller, the Supreme Court recognized the individual right to gun ownership in the home. In the 2010 case of McDonald v. Chicago, it recognized that the right of individual gun ownership extended to states and local municipalities.... (more)

June 24, 2022
TOWNHALL — The Left was in an uproar yesterday. The Supreme Court handed down their opinion in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen case which struck down the justifiable need clause in the Empire State's carry law as unconstitutional. It also affirmed that we do have the legal right to carry firearms outside the home in public for self-defense. One of the last battles in the fight to maintain our gun rights has been decided and we won. Essentially, every state will be forced to adopt 'shall issue' carry laws. In other words, if you pass the safety courses and the background check, the state must give you a permit.... (more)

June 19, 2022
TWITTER — Watch Sen. Ted Cruz question high FBI official Jill Sanborn about the FBI's rumored involvement in the Jan. 6 protest — reasonable questioning she repeatedly rebuffs.... (more)

June 19, 2022
Check out the elite club of good ole boys (& girls) cited
ZEROHEDGEFLASHBACK: As the trial against Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann begins, questions have emerged over the judge's apparent conflicts of interest. In addition to having been "professional acquaintances" with the defendant, U.S. District Judge Christopher "Casey" Cooper, an Obama appointee (who was on Obama's transition team), is married to lawyer Amy Jeffress who's representing key 'Russiagate' figure Lisa Page in her lawsuit against the FBI. Jeffress also served as a top aide to former Attorney General Eric Holder, while current Attorney General Merrick Garland presided over the 1999 wedding of Cooper and Jeffress.... (more)

June 19, 2022
Trump at Faith & Freedom Coalition: 'In God we Trust'
NEWSMAX — The nation has a "schizophrenia" when it comes to the issue of God, considering there are people who believe religion should not be discussed, former Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson told Newsmax. "When you stop and you think about it, our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, talked about certain unalienable rights given to us by our creator, aka God," said Carson on Newsmax's "Prime News" Friday night.... (more)

June 18, 2022
NEW YORK POST — It's a vicious cycle. President Biden fell off his bicycle Saturday during yet another long weekend at his Rehoboth Beach, Del. vacation home as the nation's economy – along with his poll numbers – also continued to stumble. The 79-year-old commander-in-klutz dropped to the ground at 9:40 am and was instantly swarmed by Secret Service agents who rushed to help him to his feet.... (more)

June 18, 2022
NEWSMAX — Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Thursday praised fellow Justice Clarence Thomas for his dedication to the high court's integrity amid several high-profile Supreme Court cases on the docket.... (more)

June 17, 2022
Label hearings 'reprehensible, disgusting'
WORLDNETDAILY — Republican voters in Nevada who watched the Jan. 6 Select Committee hearings labeled them "reprehensible" and "disgusting" while becoming more supportive of former President Donald Trump, NBC News reported Friday. "It might as well be impeachment No. 3 for Donald Trump," Judy Cameron, a retiree in Reno and Republican primary voter, told NBC News. "This is their big push to get Donald Trump off the ballot."... (more)

June 16, 2022
NEWSMAX — A celebrated Ukrainian medic whose footage was smuggled out of the besieged city of Mariupol by an Associated Press team was freed by Russian forces on Friday, three months after she was taken captive on the streets of the city. Yuliia Paievska is known in Ukraine as Taira, a nickname she chose in the World of Warcraft video game. Using a body camera, she recorded 256 gigabytes of her team's efforts over two weeks to save the wounded, including both Russian and Ukrainian soldiers.... (more)

June 16, 2022
JERRY NEWCOMBE — As the debate over abortion rages, with the Supreme Court poised to possibly overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 pro-abortion ruling, I find myself wondering: How can anybody claim that God is in favor of abortion? But some do. Or how can they claim that the issue is important, but not really that important?... (more)

June 16, 2022

June 16, 2022
FREE BEACON — Billionaire Elon Musk, a progressive darling during the Obama administration, on Wednesday announced that he voted Republican--and predicted a "massive red wave in 2022." Musk, who owns electric carmaker Tesla and is in negotiations to buy Twitter, tweeted that he voted for Republican Mayra Flores, who on Tuesday won a massive upset victory in a special election in Texas's 34th Congressional District. Flores managed to flip a majority-Latino, longtime-Democratic district by enough votes that she will automatically take the seat, becoming the first Mexican-born U.S. congresswoman.... (more)

June 16, 2022
'Why didn't he mask and vaxx harder?'
ART MOORE — The National Institutes of Health announced Wednesday that President Biden's chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has tested positive for COVID-19. Fauci, who has directed the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, took a rapid antigen test, the government agency said.... (more)

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