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October 7, 2022
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America in name only
Cherie Zaslawsky
Power to the people
Cliff Kincaid

October 6, 2022
RENEWAMERICA STAFF — RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

October 5, 2022
Thoughts in the wake of Hurricane Ian
JERRY NEWCOMBE — My wife stitched a needlework for our home that says, “Life is fragile. Handle with prayer.” But to many with a secular mindset, prayer is meaningless. In our politically correct age, the notion of “thoughts and prayers” is old-fashioned—maybe even offensive to some. Consider some alternatives, declares one website: “It’s a lovely sentiment that may well be true…. But you might want to say something else.” Why do many downplay prayer? Because ultimately they don’t believe in God who answers prayers.... (more)

October 5, 2022
Satirist JP Sears mocks Scott Pelley's Biden-promoting '60 Minutes' interview
YOUTUBE — Satire: After JP Sears makes his way past J6 prison guards serving as Secret Service agents who see him as a danger to Democracy, he casually interviews the Big Guy in the White House, leaving little doubt about the pretender-in-chief's failed policies and lapses of judgment.... (more)

October 5, 2022
YOUTUBE — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich provides analysis on the FBI’s ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Biden administration’s inflationary spending, and more political news.... (more)

October 5, 2022
YOUTUBE — MUST WATCH: Louisiana's GOP Sen. John Kennedy began his speech at this year's CPAC in February by saying, "I believe that America was founded by geniuses, but it is being run by idiots." He then said to his enthusiastic audience: "You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out." He proceeded, in his down-home manner, to share why he believes America is the greatest country in the world's history—prompting one person in the comments section to liken him to American folk hero Mark Twain.... (more)

October 5, 2022
YOUTUBE — Clinical psychologist and public intellectual Dr. Jordan Peterson sat down with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan for an insightful and emotional interview discussing his work, free speech, and the world today.... (more)

October 5, 2022
YOUTUBE — According to Sound of Resistance channel's latest update of the war in Ukraine, Ukrainian armed forces are advancing unabated in both the east and the south, retaking land occupied by Russian forces with "lightning speed."... (more)

October 5, 2022
$475 million defamation lawsuit
NEWSMAX — Political strategist, best-selling author, and TV host Dick Morris sees no downside to former President Donald Trump's $475 million defamation lawsuit against CNN. "Oh yeah. It's about time. How much is the guy going to take? So many of the misstatements and lies about Trump have been broadcast on CNN," Morris told Newsmax Tuesday afternoon, while appearing on "The Chris Salcedo Show."... (more)

October 5, 2022
NEWSMAX — America First Legal filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday for allegedly failing to disclose communications between the agency and Big Tech companies, court filings showed. The group, founded by ex-staffers under former President Trump, is specifically targeting the FBI's communications with platforms like Facebook, whose CEO previously admitted to censoring information surrounding the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.... (more)

October 5, 2022
NEWSMAX — Elon Musk is abandoning his legal battle to back out of buying Twitter by offering to go through with his original $44 billion bid for the social media platform. The mercurial Tesla CEO made the offer in a letter to Twitter, Musk disclosed in a filing Tuesday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.... (more)

October 5, 2022
NEW YORK POST — Former President Donald Trump asked the Supreme Court Tuesday to step into his dispute with the Justice Department over classified records removed in August from his Mar-a-Lago resort by the FBI. In a nearly 300-page filing, the 45th president’s attorneys asked the justices to stay an earlier ruling by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals that allowed the Justice Department to continue using classified documents in the criminal investigation of whether Trump violated federal law relating to custody of government records.... (more)

October 4, 2022
NEWSMAX — There is no fairness in the treatment of former President Donald Trump versus the treatment of other former presidents when it comes to handling and storing documents, Trump attorney Alina Habba told Newsmax Thursday. Eric Bolling, host of "Eric Bolling the Balance," opened the segment detailing how former presidents, including George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, kept their documents in unsecure locations, as opposed to Trump, who kept his in a secure room at his Mar-a-Lago estate, which is also guarded by the Secret Service.... (more)

October 3, 2022
YOUTUBE — Stating that it is the "most powerful thing I have seen on TV in a long time," Dan Bongino showcases Jim Caviezel's recital of Reagan's "Time for Choosing" speech as a response to the present crisis Americans are facing.... (more)

October 3, 2022
CLIFF KINCAID — As we approach Halloween, let’s think about unleashing a hungry Vampire on the beast known as Big Government. On Monday, the big news was that the tax cuts being proposed by the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss were being somewhat scaled back because they might “favor the rich.” This is a Marxist line of attack.... (more)

October 2, 2022
'Every election cycle, tens of millions of American Christians do not vote!'
DAVID KUPELIAN — Horrified by what has been called the Sovietization of the Biden administration – including the shocking criminalization of dissent and the weaponization of the FBI, whose agents daily arrest, intimidate and persecute the regime's political opponents – tens of millions of Americans anxiously wonder whether November's midterm elections will bring any positive change of direction for a once-great nation now careening toward total destruction.... (more)

October 2, 2022
FOX NEWS — Fox News host Mark Levin breaks down efforts by the Democratic Party to 'kill and replace' parts of the United States Constitution on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'... (more)

October 2, 2022
PJ MEDIA — Disgraced ex-FBI official Peter Strzok is suing the Department of Justice, alleging that his 2018 firing was political in nature. Strzok’s infamous anti-Trump text messages with FBI lawyer Lisa Page that appear to promise that the FBI would stop Trump from getting elected proved to be a stunning blow to the perceived impartiality of the nation’s top law enforcement agency.... (more)

October 2, 2022
Top line focuses on protecting children from 'radical gender theory'
WORLDNETDAILY — The opposition was stubborn. And President Biden, frustrated. So, he started the year with a simple question: “What are Republicans for? What are they for?” Biden asked reporters at a January press conference. “Name me one thing they are for.” Six weeks from the midterm elections, one answer comes from the Republican Study Committee. They have written a comprehensive policy memo, called the “Family Policy Agenda” and first obtained by RealClearPolitics, which includes over 80 specific recommendations that they will try to make law if the GOP wins control of Congress.... (more)

October 2, 2022

October 2, 2022
Will rein in his environmental activism
CBS NEWS — Buckingham Palace confirmed Sunday that King Charles III will not appear at an international climate change summit taking place in Egypt next month despite the monarch's longstanding involvement in environmental advocacy. The statement came after reports that the British prime minister advised against his attendance. The news is fueling speculation that Charles will have to rein in his environmental activism now that he has ascended the throne.... (more)

October 1, 2022
JACK CASHILL — For those who do not know who Ray Epps is and why he matters—and this includes most Democrats and many journalists—U.S. Representative Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) served up a handy reference guide last week. Gosar did this in the form of a resolution of inquiry (ROI) directing Attorney General Merrick Garland to hand over all documents relevant to the Epps case within 14 days.... (more)

October 1, 2022
Romney continues to diss Utah, U.S., Republicans
MOLLIE HEMINGWAY — Republican senators are growing concerned by colleague Mitt Romney’s refusal to help fellow Utah Republican Mike Lee decisively win his re-election campaign — a posture that could potentially keep their party from gaining a majority in the November elections. Unlike every other Republican senator, the 2012 failed Republican presidential candidate is declining to express a preference in Republican Lee’s re-election effort against Democrat-endorsed Evan McMullin.... (more)

October 1, 2022
Assignment will be to 'represent [their] interests' in light of 'climate crisis'
WORLDNETDAILY — The Biden administration announced Wednesday that it is appointing a special diplomat to oversee international animal and plant habitats for the first time in U.S. history. The State Department appointed Monica Medina as the U.S. Special Envoy for Biodiversity and Water Resources to solve the world’s intertwined biodiversity and water crises, according to a department media note. Medina will adopt an “all-of-government effort” to represent the interests of plants and animals abroad because the administration believes that such species are currently threatened by the “climate crisis.”... (more)

September 29, 2022
Newsom signs bill that also weakens parental rights
WORLDNETDAILY — Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Thursday making California a “sanctuary state” for families seeking medical services related to child gender transitions as other states restrict those procedures. The new law aims to protect parents and their children from legal ramifications for pursuing cross-sex medical treatments that are illegal for minors in their home states, according to the bill’s sponsor, according to Democratic California State Sen. Scott Wiener. The legislation will block California courts from enforcing out-of-state court orders revoking custody for parents who allowed their children to get illegal sex changes.... (more)

September 29, 2022
JOAN SWIRSKY — A friend recently reminded me of an article I had written on October 5, 2020, just before the presidential election, that found all TV networks reporting that President Donald Trump was crushing Joe Biden across the board––including in the all-important battleground states––and then that coverage mysteriously stopped cold, disappeared for over three hours, and reappeared to report that the exact opposite was true, that Joe Biden had magically become the Crusher in Chief, ultimately “winning” the 2020 election.... (more)

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