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September 8, 2011
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September 8, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — "America's mayor," Rudy Giuliani, told a National Press Club audience Tuesday that there had been about 40 attempted/planned attacks on America in the ten years since 9/11, and he assumed there will be more. He believes future attacks on America could come at us in a form and on a level we don't anticipate. That conjecture is prescient... (more)

September 8, 2011
Activist alert!
DECLARATION ALLIANCE — URGENT UPDATE: There is an active campaign to delegitimize and isolate Israel -- and the White House is maliciously complicit in it, if not directly responsible... (more)

September 8, 2011
FOX NEWS — A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected Virginia's challenge to President Obama's health care law, saying in a ruling that the state doesn't have a right to bring a lawsuit... (more)

September 8, 2011
NEWSMAX — A Magellan Strategies poll indicates voters could be on the brink of delivering a real shocker to New York City's Democratic establishment by electing Republican Bob Turner over Democrat David Weprin to succeed firebrand Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner... (more)

September 7, 2011
REUTERS — President Barack Obama should say clearly and publicly the United States will use its veto on the U.N. Security Council to block any Palestinian bid to gain U.N. membership, a senior Republican lawmaker said Wednesday. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a conservative who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, made the call as Obama's administration made diplomatic moves to try to head off a Palestinian plan to gain statehood recognition at the U.N. General Assembly session that begins on Sept. 19... (more)

September 7, 2011
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — There is an old saw that insanity means doing the same thing over and over, in the vain hope that the outcome will somehow change. But having seen the early reports on the jobs package that President Obama is expected to propose tonight during his speech before a joint session of Congress, it appears the chief executive is attempting a variation... (more)

September 7, 2011
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — Rush Limbaugh reacts to NBC political director Chuck Todd saying that "our pollsters" are "concerned" after sharing that the network's latest poll shows dismal numbers for President Obama and the economy... (more)

September 7, 2011
MICHELLE MALKIN — Barack Obama and Jimmy Hoffa are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Lady Gaga and hype, the "Jersey Shore" cast and hairspray: inseparable. The president can no more disown the Teamsters Union's leader than he can disown his own id... (more)

September 7, 2011
RICH LOWRY — Pres. Barack Obama delivered hi s loviest speech as president in Tucson, Ariz., after the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords. It was moving, pitch-perfect and -- in its key passages calling for civility in our political discourse -- brazenly insincere. Obama said we should be sure that "we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds." He framed his call as a way to honor the victims of the Tucson tragedy... (more)

September 7, 2011
WALTER E. WILLIAMS — At one of last month's Congressional Black Caucus-sponsored "job fairs," Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., told the audience: "This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow. Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens. Some of them in Congress right now with this tea party movement would love to see you and me -- I'm sorry, Tamron -- hanging on a tree"... (more)

September 7, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — Jihadists among the Libyan rebels revealed plans last week on the Internet to subvert the post-Moammar Gadhafi government and create an Islamist state, according to U.S. intelligence agencies. U.S. officials said spy agencies are stepping up surveillance of Islamist-oriented elements among Libyan rebels... (more)

September 7, 2011
ROBERT SPENCER — The St. Louis-based children's publisher Really Big Coloring Books is in hot water this week. The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Islamic supremacist groups are enraged, and Really Big Coloring Books is even receiving threats from enraged Muslims... (more)

September 7, 2011
THOMAS SOWELL — A few weeks ago, I had what seemed to me a small medical problem, so I phoned my primary physician. However, after we discussed the problem, he directed me to a specialist. After the specialist examined me, he directed me to a different specialist elsewhere. When I was examined and tested in the second specialist's office, he immediately phoned a hospital, asking to have an operating room available in an hour... (more)

September 6, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — When the leader of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters declares of tea partiers that it's time to "take these sons of b---hes out," one union watchdog warns, it should be taken as more than just ranting rhetoric... (more)

September 6, 2011
ED FEULNER — So are we safer now, a decade after the terrorist strikes that killed more than 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11? Yes, thanks to everyone who works - day in and day out - to keep us safe and secure. But there's considerable room for improvement. Law enforcement officials have become much better at sharing information and linking databases... (more)

September 6, 2011
NEWSMAX — President Barack Obama's approval rating has sunk to an all-time low, with more than half of Americans now saying they disapprove of his job performance, two significant new polls reveal. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey found that for the first time since his inauguration, more than half of Americans, 51 percent, are disapproving. Just 44 percent approve of the job he is doing as president... (more)

September 6, 2011
CNSNEWS.COM — The percentage of American adults who lack health insurance coverage has not only increased during the presidency of Barack Obama, but it has continued to increase since Obama signed his signature piece of legislation last year mandating that by 2014 every American carry health insurance, according to a Gallup survey released today... (more)

September 6, 2011
ASSOCIATED PRESS — California's same-sex-marriage ban faces its next legal test Tuesday when the state's highest court attempts to shed light on whether the voter-approved measure's backers have legal authority to appeal the federal ruling that overturned Proposition 8... (more)

September 5, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — History has pictured the great railroad-driven 19th century settlement of the deserts, mountains and flatlands of the American West as a mixed blessing. The railroad barons of the era were devious and knew how to cut ethical corners, but they achieved the noble end result of bringing our then-very-young nation together, much to our economic and cultural benefit to this day... (more)

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