Michael Bresciani
Cell phones and the antichrist – modern tech solves ancient Biblical question?
By Michael Bresciani
March 3, 2021

Prior to the advent of the modern cellphone or mobile phone, part of the great prophetic warnings in the book of Revelation, could not be fully understood.

Many great prophetic interpreters exist in today’s Christianity. A refinement few eschatologists are endowed with, is the ability to see what leads up to the fulfillment of prophecy.

While apathy, indifference and complacency serve to blind the minds of the status quo, interpreters of the great eschaton can hardly afford to become settled – there are too many people, and far too much at stake to be slack.

The Two Witnesses and Television

The entire eleventh chapter of Revelation deals with the two witnesses that arise during the reign of the world’s last and worst dictator.

Not being familiar with the prophecies of the coming two witnesses is the most basic problem for most people. But for those who are familiar the story it is quite simple.

Two Holy Spirit empowered preachers of the gospel are stationed in Jerusalem for three- and one-half years. Unlike other prophets, they possess unusual and powerful gifts. They can stop anyone that tries to stop them.

At that time Antichrist arises and will come against them. He may send some of his own against them and they are subsequently killed.

People around the world are informed that these two seemingly invincible preachers are finally dealt with, so they send gifts to each other and begin rejoicing over their demise.

They refuse to bury the bodies and after several days of observing them lying in the street, they are resurrected and ascend upwards as the entire world watches.

The common Greek verb blepo, is utilized to convey the idea that all people can see these events in a most universal manner. At the time these verses were added to New Testament canon not one person could understand how anyone outside of Jerusalem could see these events in other cities or nations.

Never, since the commercialization of television in 1946 have so many worldwide events been broadcast. Today, we can see what the Prime Minister of Israel had for breakfast while he is still eating.

While the advent of international TV broadcasting helps to explain Revelation eleven, it falls short of explaining Revelation thirteen.

With the Antichrist free to force all people around the world to show allegiance to him alone, the idea of it just being a product of TV falls short.

There are few choices to help explain the phenomena of a universally available image of the Antichrist. One would be that the image is purely mechanical. A TV image is always not available to all people. Then comes the idea that it is holographic. But none of these are interactive image until the mobile phone is considered.

Everyone’s got one – everyone’s using them.

Antichrist and The Mobile Phone

It is impossible to go anywhere without seeing people with their heads bent with eyes glued to the screens of their mobiles. It is a great dumbing down in full color and high definition. They don’t need to greet, acknowledge, or talk with anyone around them – they are enchanted, enthralled, and fully occupied.

They act as if they were possessed.

The phone can scan the events of the day in a minute, and now they can scan universal codes with a simple wave.

Pictures are almost old stuff, now we can watch events by live streaming.

How does all this fit into the coming rule of the Antichrist?

In Revelation 13:5 is another depiction of a universal wonder. It cannot be understood apart from the advent of today’s technology.

It seems that the false prophet of the last days decides to make an image of the Antichrist, so the whole world can give him the homage and attention he not only craves, but demands.

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Rev 13:15)

Somehow, people will be monitored, probably at specific times to see if they comply. With only TV, that would be nearly impossible, but the mobile phone can not only fill the bill, but now it can scan the personal number or code of the Antichrist to show compliance.

That code or number will most likely be an indelible mark, perhaps a tattoo or an invisible, but magnetic implant on, or just under the skin. With a simple wave of the mobile phone any person can show that they are in full compliance with their master’s call.

If they are not in compliance, they will be removed from his economic system at first, (Rev 13:17) but as the whole system advances, they will simply be put to death for non-compliance.

This is one tough master. Thank God, his rule is limited to only a few years.

Revelation 13:17 calls it a name or a number. Regardless of what we call it – it is an active, online connection between all the people on earth and the coming last leader of the world.

Only today could such a connection be imagined and fulfilled.

It would seem, that everyone in our information bloated world would be aware of these prophesied events, but another strong verse of prophetic warning says that the people in the last days will be under the sway of a giant brain fog.

Reprobation abounds in this generation and people don’t want to be told that their perversions, distractions, and beliefs are saturated with sin and error.

Reprobation is just another word for a brain fog. When people approach a state of reprobation, they can no longer see the difference between right and wrong, or good and evil.

You cannot properly decide between two things when you cannot discern between either one.

The last day’s rudderless crowd will gleefully submit to the Antichrist, until they see a blinding light in the eastern skies and the sound of a trumpet blast that can penetrate every known barrier on or under the earth.

How’s your cellphone working? Will you be able to call a friend and tell them you are mourning or afraid?

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Mt 24:30)


Michael Bresciani is the editor of new.americanprophet.org and americanprophet.org archive since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at Parler, GAB, Spreely, USA.Life, Twitter and Facebook

© Michael Bresciani


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