Madeline Crabb
The destruction of America
By Madeline Crabb
August 31, 2013

Believe it or not, the United States of America as we have known it, no longer exists. It is being destroyed from within and without. While we have been "tip-toeing through the tulips," trying not to offend anyone, the Radical Left has been working at warp-speed to not only offend conservative, traditional, patriotic, Christian, and yes, even gun-toting Americans, but to conquer and enslave us as well. We either capitulate, or stand-up and speak truth with boldness. But first, we need to discern the truth.

Millions upon millions of confused, frustrated, and fearful Americans are seeking answers for the deteriorating state of our nation. While low-information folks wring their hands in worry, high-information citizens are doing what we have been taught to do: petition our government for answers and change. The problem is that our elected officials no longer listen to We the People. Their power comes from lobbyists who bankroll them. They only need our votes every two, four, or six years and they pretend to care for us long enough to secure those votes. But then, we are abandoned until the next election. So what can Americans do?

Like today's Republican Party, we have mostly been reacting to "symptoms" of the disease, and not attacking the sickness itself. We are always on defense, never on offense. Consequently, we have now gotten ourselves into a possibly irreversible position. But before we can solve any problem, we first need to identify the source of the problem, which is what we will be addressing in this article. Information discovered through my research is both enlightening and frightening, but is knowledge We the People must have in fighting for our nation.

Dear fellow Americans, ultimately, our nation is failing because we have abandoned the God of the Bible, turning instead to other gods. As Patrick Buchanan has said, "Christianity is the cradle faith of western civilization, and what has held us together as a community and a civilization." He also reminds us that Christianity is the basis of our moral code, and when we no longer have a common moral code, we no longer have a community. So then, it seems we should identify and understand the reasons for our abandonment of our faith in God and His Son Jesus.

Surprisingly, as I was preparing to write, I found information on a Soviet defector, the late Yuri Bezmenov. Working for the KGB before defecting to the West in 1970, his specialty was psychological warfare, subversion, and mind control. I watched and studied him in a video called "Deception was my job." ( ) All concerned Americans should view and study this video, or others of his teachings. What is being done in America is the product of many such KGB operators over the years. As we will discuss in future articles, the KGB wasn't alone in their efforts to destroy America. But this is a good starting place for us. This information is so important that it should be taught in our schools from an early age, but then, that will never happen.

A main part of the Bezmenov's teaching concerned the takeover of societies through cultural and ideological subversion. The strategy is what he called "non-traditional Marxist psychological warfare" with a goal to "change the perception of reality." This happens in four stages, which are:
    1.) Demoralization
    2.) Destabilization
    3.) Crisis
    4.) Normalization
After studying these teachings, I am convinced we are in the Crisis stage. However, the first stage is all we will be discussing in this article.

First, it might be helpful to understand a couple of theories we will be referring to throughout our discussion: Marixism/Leninism and Communism. Marxism is basically a political/social theory or system that seeks to eliminate the idea of private property by taking from the rich and giving to the poor. It is communism-lite. Communism is a system in which everything is owned by the state that then distributes wealth according to individual needs.

The Soviet Union (USSR) embraced a Marxist/Leninist godless ideology with a goal of establishing a world-wide communist regime, with the USSR being the center. Militarily, they were a serious threat to America for decades. By now, this threat probably isn't even discussed in history books due to the re-writing of our history – which, by the way, is one of the tools of deception used against us. Unfortunately, we didn't know, or ignored the fact that through "cultural Marxism," they were waging war on our society without firing a single shot. And the results of this war are devastating.

The first stage in the takeover planned for America, demoralization, was directed toward religion, education, and culture. Bezmenov said it takes only 15-20 years to educate one generation of children. Through infiltration and propaganda, the "outlook, ideology, and personality" of these children is shaped. Mind control also involves what we now would call the "dumbing down" of our children. The belief is that students be taught anything but serious skills like reading, writing, mathematics, or science. In colleges, particularly liberal arts schools, the trend has been to offer increasing numbers of non-essential elective courses that have little to do with "higher education." Bezmenov joked about the proverbial basket weaving major...again, teach them anything, but don't teach them how to think and reason. Mediocrity is necessary for our destruction.

How has this been accomplished? Marxist/Leninist sympathizers or outright socialist/communists have been living among us since at least the early 20th century. Some were probably immigrants. Others were Soviet plants, sleepers, or spies. Bezmenov said untold numbers of Soviet "sleepers" have been sent to America and remain dormant until needed to implement the next stage of their plans, which can be decades. And then there are our diplomats, politicians, and journalists who travel to the Soviet Union and bring propaganda back home. Of course, some of these people have been converted into spies for the cause, and some have become communists. Bezmenov said that the purpose of subversion is to make your enemy think you are his friend. Through lies, deception, infiltration, propaganda, and direct contacts, communists have wooed Americans, then used them to advance their cause. And we gladly performed.

Simultaneous to destroying education, religion has been attacked on all fronts. In destroying religion, the ultimate goal is to remove any belief in, or dependence upon, a supreme being. To accomplish this, religion must be ridiculed and marginalized. Faith organizations, churches, pastor/teachers, and religions have been replaced by fake ones. The Bible warned us about false teachings and false prophets, but then, the Bible has also been increasingly marginalized during this subversion process, even within the Church. There are still solid churches and teachers in America, but it is becoming difficult to find them. Whether from the pulpit or the pews, people started looking to sources other than God's Word for life's direction, and consequently believed the lies of the enemy of our nation and of our individual souls.

The Federal Government has also had a major role in destroying religion in America. In the 1960's, critical court decisions removed prayer and the Bible from public schools. But today, reference to Christianity is all but forbidden in most public places. Just mentioning the name of Jesus is akin to "hate speech." And all of this was orchestrated.

The subversion process has successfully eroded the power structure of the Federal Government. One of the important pillars of our society, government has become a monster that is attacking its own citizens. While we have been on this Marxist course for over a century, the current administration has taken us close to becoming a communist nation. A telling sign that we are doomed is when people without any qualifications for various positions are not only put into these positions, but are kept there. The prime example of Barack Obama comes to mind. Exactly what did this man ever do to be the leader of perhaps the most powerful nation on earth? He was a social activist, a community organizer. Hmmm...

In conclusion, Bezmenov said the first step of ideological subversion, what he called the "great brainwashing," takes from 15-20 years, which is how long it takes to educate one generation of children. This process has been going on for over 60 years, or over three generations, and has not been challenged or counterbalanced. He explained that when people are demoralized, they are unable to assess true information. Because their "perception of reality" has been altered, and their minds confused, they wouldn't believe facts even if presented with them. Referring to the "hippies, dropouts, and half-baked intellectuals" graduating in the 1960's, he stated they are now our leaders in civil service, government, mass media, business, and education fields, but their thinking is "contaminated" and will never change. Getting rid of them would be a good idea, but due to the mass brainwashing in America, people can't do what is necessary or right. It is the proverbial Catch-22 position.

Just from learning about the demoralization process we can begin to understand the seriousness of our situation. The forces attempting to destroy America have been very thorough, and we are in profoundly serious jeopardy. Americans are doing damage to fellow Americans due to our lack of moral standards. Far too many can no longer distinguish right from wrong.

In the next column, we will discuss step two in the destruction of America – destabilization. Until then, let's remember that just as we have drawn away from the God of the Bible, we can return to Him. He really is our only hope, so let's pray it isn't too late. To anyone willing to hear....

© Madeline Crabb


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Madeline Crabb

Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.


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