Curtis Dahlgren
The "non-judgmental generation" is totally shocked by Chicago-nomics (WHY?)
By Curtis Dahlgren
December 11, 2008

"Politicians will never have a fear of the Constitution in a nation where the people never have a fear of their Creator." — author unknown

THIS MAY BE MY LAST COLUMN. I'm "totally" disillusioned with politics. Here I thought we were about to turn a new page in a new chapter in a new book in a new series of new autobiographies by Barack Obama. Cook County, Illinois was about to "reform" politics and bring in a New Age — everywhere from the White House to the Department of State. WOW -

Was I ever snookered. I think I've been horn-swoggled. Blind-sided. Boy, was I ever hood-winked. Caught unawares. SHOCKED.

We always knew that a U.S. Senate seat could be bought, but why would the Illinois governor even think of selling Obama's seat to Jesse Jackson, Jr. for one million dollars? I mean — Only ONE million dollars? That's cheap at twice the price. Such a cheap shot it ought to insult the Jacksons. I mean, this is so CHEAP it's going to give Chicago politics a bad name!

After all
, doesn't Governor Whats-his-name know that a U.S. Senator can collect a pension for life for himself and his family, plus he/she doesn't even have to write LAWS — OR READ THEM? A Senator has more perks than Santa Claus himself, and he doesn't even have to clean up the mess made by his reindeer. He doesn't even have to worry about Rudolf getting the other deer pregnant, because Rudolf is gay and, just in case, we're going to have the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCU).

That's not a typo; the U stands for "Unions" — which now control the gubmint from top to bottom (the top being the Supreme Court and the bottom being the national teachers' unions). Shoot — even the President doesn't have to read the laws he signs. It's a job "anyone" can now realistically aspire to.


All kidding aside, unless you people out there have a soul with the "fear" of God in it, the politicians will keep spitting on the Constitution (and collecting Big Bucks both over the table and under it). But of course, if a Republican governor had been trying to sell the Minnesota Senate seat, the investigation wouldn't have been cut short "to protect the innocent," and the names wouldn't have been changed to "candidate #2" and so on. U.S. Attorney Fitzwater would have kept the "process" going for another year or two looking for another Republican "Scooter."

At least the Chicago Democrats can't be accused of "hypocrisy," because they never aspired to Virtue, Modesty, or Honesty.

By the way, the Illinois Governor ought to be insulted by the measly $4 Grand bail he had to put up for what he "did" (of course, thanks to Fitzwatergate, he didn't actually "do" anything, and was probably released on one stroke of his pen). Now maybe he can write a letter to Santa Barack Obama (what Blago called him is a lot worse) — and ask for a pardon.

Two Border Patrol agents are sitting in Federal prison this holiday season, held without appeal, sentenced to a total of 23 years in jail for intercepting a shipment of illicit drugs at the border (wasn't that their job?), while Thanksgiving turkeys all over this land are enjoying their freedom thanks to executive "pardons."

Not to "ramble" of course, as conservatives are prone to do (we don't look at it as "rambling" — we call it MULTI-TASKING), but BTW: Did anyone ever question that drug smuggler as to where he was going with that load of crap when he got shot in the butt? If not, some dumb questions occur:

1) Did the gubmint KNOW where that dope was heading? If they didn't ask that dope where he was going with the dope, they must have already know where the dope was headed (they probably even knew not only his destination but his ETA, eh?)!

2) If the dopey drug mule had gotten gangrene in his butt from the bullet, would the gubmint have given him a prosthetic butt to replace it (like artificial limbs for the enemy combatants at Guantanamo.

THAT'S WHY THIS COLUMN MAY BE MY LAST. I ask too many questions, and it makes the head hurt. I can't guarantee that I'm retiring from writing columns, but one thing I can say for SURE:


P.S. Don't even think about asking me "What's your point?" because if you have to ask, you can't afford the answer. I actually "HOPE" that some of my readers will disagree with me for a CHANGE — because, as General George Patton said:

"If everybody is thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking."

Th-th-that's all f-f-f-folks!

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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