Curtis Dahlgren
Cotton candy-in-the-Sky: Promises from Bubba to Dubya to BO
By Curtis Dahlgren
April 25, 2009

"I owe these unions . . When they call me, I try to call them right back. I don't mind feeling obligated." Barack Obama ("Audacity of Hope")

THAT ONE PASSAGE CONTAINS FOUR PERSONAL PRONOUNS. I wonder how many "I"s one could count in his two autobiographies? We may have a problem here. "Uncle Sam" doesn't feel your pain, and he doesn't mind if you know it.

[DISCLAIMER: I wouldn't play the race card if I were you, because my horse in the race last year was a very dark horse, Alan Keyes.]

We old-fashioned Traditionalists honestly hope that President Obama "gets better," as he himself says Abraham Lincoln did, but so far the first 100 days haven't given us much reassurance. The company of Obama & Geithner ["I forgot" to pay taxes] keeps telling us "Just trust us," while other people sit in the Penitentiary for IRS crimes.

We also have political prisoners such as the Idaho developer who is in the Federal Pen for removing dead trees fallen into a dry creek bed on the high desert (the Fed argued that it was a "wet land" and they WON). I say "political" prisoner, because some people were just essentially teed off that he had the audacity to put a development in the shadow of the Tetons.

At the same time, there are rumblings from Washington about prosecuting lots of people, while the Administration tries to figure out how to free terrorists without a country from Gitmo, and "agonizes" over how to handle a pirate from Somalia. Horse stealing was once a hanging offense!

But Miss California USA is the person some people would like to put in Gitmo (for begging to differ, respectfully, from the prevailing "conventional wisdom"). None of this is inclining many people to "just trust them." This "chilling environment" reminds too many of us of the first 100 days of President Clinton's first term.

The White House press corps gave him a standing ovation for using the term "religious extremists" just a few days before Janet Napolitano-Reno burned 80-some Sabbath keepers alive. "We" are supposed to be "united" now? Not so fast, Kemo Sabi — what do you mean "WE"?

Now Janet Reno-Napolitano says that crossing the border (north-bound) isn't a crime "per se." I don't know, maybe in her mind, one cannot technically violate a U.S. law unless you are a U.S. citizen (and a Christian right-winger). Go figure. Unless you have the equivalent of a master's degree from the Ivy League, these things tend to be confusing.

After successfully destroying trust between the sexes, and trust in the federal government, now the DHS is trying to destroy trust between local citizens and our local law-enforcement agencies ["watch out for bumper stickers" etc, etc]. If being pro-constitution is a "danger" to some Ivy Leaguers, may God make the most of it (to paraphrase Patrick Henry).

The TEA parties, of course, were laughed at by former professional protesters in the media, but the White House immediately followed up with a Cabinet meeting that promised us "100 million dollars" in [future] spending "cuts." How stupid do they think we are?

With nearly 300 million people in this country (legally), an alleged "cut" of 100 million would amount to 35 cents per man, woman, and chile. And meanwhile, carbon taxes could cost the American people in general another 2 or 3 TRILLION. Duh!

Speaking of economics
, any dumb farmer could tell you that you can prime the pump all you want, but when the well runs dry, you ain't gonna lead no horses to no water (i.e., who's going to bail out Uncle Sam when the Fed runs dry?).

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the FBI had to put a left-wing terrorist on the "Ten most wanted" list. And let's not forget that the Unibomber was a Lefty, too. He may have been living in Montana, but he was from Chicago, and he hated all progress in business. To "Progressives," there is bad progress and politically correct "progress."

The theologian William Smith said, "All social engineering is preceded by verbal engineering." Totalitarians know that to conquer a nation without firing a shot, the entire psychology of a nation must be back-engineered.

Conservative beliefs thus become "controversial" no matter how many centuries old. Rad-lib beliefs are "centrist," of course, and deep-rooted values must simply be rooted out!

Across the pond in the Gulag-on-the-Thames, Oxford University Press eliminated most Christian words from the Oxford Junior Dictionary (words such as 'minister,' 'disciple,' 'devil,' and of course — "SIN"). (12/11/08)

Instead of taking warning from Orwell, the Left is following his prescriptions to the letter: forbidden words, doublespeak, newspeak, and non-stop cultural indoctrination from stereo speakers and high-definition television sets. The theory of Big Sister is, "Give us your chile in nursery school and we'll give you back a left-wing fanatic forever."

Be careful what you say over the Internet, because the two-way eye is watching you. Words such as "marriage between a man and a woman" may raise red flags, and don't even think about swatting a bratty child if he curses you or she hits you (because the United Nations says so, that's "WHY").

Big Sis says it's okay to invade the country (from the south), but don't even think about lighting a cigarette within 25 feet of the front door of a saloon! The comical thing is that such laws as that are being written by 1960s anarchists (the people who said that a marriage license is "nothing but a piece of paper").

Now a marriage license for same-sex couples is the Holy Grail, and anything goes, as long as they don't light up a cigarette afterwards! As Rush asks, "Is this what you voted for?"

Sixty-year-old hippies running everything from the Treasury to Homeland Security, and a 35 cent spending cut is supposed to WOW us into submission? You've gotta be kidding me! There is nothing more "dangerous" than the monopoly of a one-party regime with total control of two branches of the government (at least). But as Mark Steyn said on the Rush Limbaugh show the other day:

"It's not over yet!"

I say file a class-action lawsuit to have the nationalization of G.M. declared unconstitutional. General Motors could have gone through bankruptcy like the rest of us. Or the way things were (I keep hearing radio ads now saying that if I have $10,000 in credit card debt, I would be eligible for an Uncle Sam bail-out).

My dad bought the farm for $12,000 so how can one run up $10,000 on credit cards — unless that's the point at which one becomes "too big to fail"? This is the New Age of "responsibility"?

America is too young to die, so it's "not over yet."

We're not "angry." We're FURIOUS.


© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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