Curtis Dahlgren
From Victoria Day to Memorial Day; a conservative chronicle
By Curtis Dahlgren
May 28, 2011

The splendour falls on castle walls
And snowy summits old in story:
The long light shakes across the lakes
And the wild cataract leaps in glory.
Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying
Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying.
Lord Tennyson

MEMORIAL DAY "TAPS" WILL LITERALLY ECHO ACROSS SNOW THIS YEAR (in places such as Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Oregon, and California). There are 25-foot snowdrifts on one of the roads to Yellowstone, and 17 feet of snow on a road in Rocky Mt. Nat. Park. The Bridger-Teton Avalanche Center is still open in Wyoming, and they're skiing at Aspen.

Here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the water froze to ice on Friday, the eve of the "Memorial weekend." Anyone babbling about Global Warming up here is liable to get a custard pie in the old pie hole. Or something.

GRANTED, the world didn't end last Saturday, but for Joplin it almost did on Sunday. Meanwhile our President tried to shore up his base among Irish-Americans, Polish-Americans, French-Canadiens, and maybe even the English. But anyway, here are some recent headlines:

- William/Kate honeymoon over

- World to end (sometime)

- Iran claims to already have a nuke

- Obama promises Arabs 1967 borders

- Netanyahu addresses Congress (20-some standing ovations)

- Egypt opens border with Gaza

- Mexico-U.S. border as open as ever ("We'll leave the light on for ya.")

- California ordered to release 30-some thousand felons from crowded jails

- Ed Schultz suspended for attacking conservative woman/women

Teenagers who think that life is, like, "boring" evidently haven't been paying attention to the news! What are they doing, listening to FM or Serius or what?

"Looks like we're in for nasty weather . . . There's a bad moon on the rise."


By the way, when it's hot out, the climate-change advocates tell us it's AGW ('anthropogenic global warming'). When it's cold and snowy out, they tell us it's El Nina and the jet stream (of course)! As the old saying goes, you can't win for losing. Where the Axis powers failed, our "democratic" demogogues could still succeed.

But I suspect that the shoe (the snowshoe) is going to be on the other foot pretty soon!

If they were so smart, why didn't they call it "Climate Change" in the first place? "Global Warming" turned out to be, public relations-wise, as appealing as the term

"Bovine Growth Hormone" was, eh?

BTW, in 1975 Newsweek magazine was saying that Global Cooling was causing more tornadoes. There's some truth to that one! We have more southbound Arctic air than usual in the USA this spring, colliding with the "normally" warm air in the South. but those who think that they can predict the next 40 years' worth of climate are no more accurate than false prophets in churchianity.

P. S. To follow up on last week's review of David Horowitz' "Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution," here are a few more excerpts:

"Alinsky is regarded as the propnent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy. As such, he has been feared — just as Eugene Debs or Walt Whitman or Martin Luther King has been feared, because each embraced the most radical of political faiths — Democracy." — Hillary Rodham, conclusion of senior thesis at Wellesley (1969)

"But democracy as understood by the American founders is not 'the most radical of all political faiths' or, if it is, they regarded it as dangerous enough to put checks and balances in its way to restrain it." — David Horowitz, "Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution" (2009)

"When Alinsky would ask new students why they wanted to organize, they would invariably respond with selfless bromides about wanting to help others. Alinsky would scream back at them that there was a one-word answer: 'You want to organize for power!'" — Ryan Lizza, The New Republic (ibid)

"It is filled with workshops and chapter headings on understanding power: 'power analysis,' 'elements of a power organization,' 'the path to power.' — Lizza (on the Alinsky manual for training "organizers")

"We are not virtuous by not wanting power. We are really cowards for not wanting power [because] power is good [and] powerlessness is evil." — Saul Alinsky

"Who actually runs the government? I can tell you for certain it is not the president of the United States, nor his cabinet, nor the Congress. It is the army of government bureaucrats in Washington and across the nation who hold the kind of power it takes to complicate the lives of American citizens and destroy the freedoms which the Founding Fathers intended them to have." — Barry Goldwater ("THE COMING BREAK-POINT"; Macmillan, 1976)

"The Republicans can come along for the ride, but they gotta sit in the back." — President Oboma

"Sarah Palin not only refuses to sit in the back of the bus, but she has her own d--- bus!" — Rush Limbaugh

[more to come]

PPS: Remember our Vets and pray for them!

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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