Curtis Dahlgren
Stand athwart history and yell stop!
By Curtis Dahlgren
May 5, 2021

Note: Republished from August 8, 2020

"Over the last [year], Americans have lived through what is arguably the most consequential period of government malfeasance in U.S. history. Public officials' overreaction to the novel coronavirus put American cities into a coma; those same officials' passivity in the face of widespread rioting threatens to deliver the coup de grace." - Heather MacDonald, Imprimis (May-June 2020)

CALL IT MALPRACTICE by the governors mansions and well-to-do mayors. Their "concern for human life" rings hollow. In Italy, the median age for virus fatalities was 80, and the Left had legalized assisted suicide on our Left coast. MacDonald says:

"The politicians' ignorance about the complexity of economic life was stunning, as was their hypocrisy. Every elected official, public health expert, and media pundit who lectured Americans about the need for an indefinite lockdown had a secure('essential') job."

She mentions the March 30 Imperial College London model that predicted 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. by September 1, absent government action: "That prediction was absurd on its face, given the dispersal of the U.S. population and the fact that China's coronavirus death toll had already leveled off . . The lead author of the Imperial College model has admitted that up to two-thirds of all coronavirus fatalities would have died from their co-morbidities by the end of 2020 anyway . . [But] being fantastically risk averse is now a badge of honor."

"While the U.S. death toll from the virus has been demographically circumscribed and lower than the previous flu pandemics of 1918, 1956, and 1968 when adjusted for population, the economic toll has cut across every sector of the country and every population group . . .

"And what has been response to this economic carnage on the part of our ruling class? Branding strategies! Politicians have put cute names on what has been a taking of private property on an unprecedented scale. New York governor Cuomo calls the state lockdowns "New York on Pause," as if commerce can be indefinitely suspended and then magically resuscitated with the flick of a switch."

BUT THE RIOTERS? "Blue state governors and mayors ordered law enforcement to stand down or use at most (in New York City mayor de Blasio's words, 'a light touch' with the rioters [but] the fire of sadism and hatred could not be contained . . Soon cities across the country became scenes of feral savagery.

"The human lust for violence, the sheer joy of plunder and destruction, were unleashed without check."

P.S. And it has accomplished nothing for the good of the human race. "Revolution is not a dinner party, nor an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly, or modestly." – Mao Tse-tung

The war on police amounts to an enabling of an attempted revolution. A Michigan police officer wrote the following:

"I delivered a baby while the mother was pinned in a car after an accident. I pulled out an unconscious man from a burning car. I crawled through windows of mangled wrecks (one to retrieve a 5 year old lone survivor of a head-on collision). . . I've been the first on scene and triaged who to treat first after a several car pileup. I've recovered drowning victims. . . I've pulled out unrecognizable victims from wrecks only to find out I went to high school with them . . I've responded to a desperate call for 'bodies in the roadway' and no way to stop traffic coming over a hill in the dead of night . . "

[Many of the worst accidents happen during storms in the middle of winter too. Would YOU do that job, young smarty-pants?]

PPS: More shootings, even in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I periodically post the following on Facebook:


My shepherd is the God of love, and He's your Shepherd too.
Are you apart from one you love?
No warmth, no ease, no butterflies, no trees?
Me thought I heard One calling "Child,"
And I replied:

"Adonai, el Shaddai! Sweet Spirt comfort me, O God above.
And He replied:

"I move in mysterious ways, My Wonders to perform;
I plant my footprints on the sand, and ride upon the storm,
So focus on Me, not your enemies."

And I replied, on bended knees, "The God of love my Shepherd is."

[Those are the combined words of Herrick, Herbert, Hood, and Cowper (paraphrased). Pls pass it on.]

© Curtis Dahlgren


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Curtis Dahlgren

Curtis Dahlgren is semi-retired in southern Wisconsin, and is the author of "Massey-Harris 101." His career has had some rough similarities to one of his favorite writers, Ferrar Fenton... (more)


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