Cliff Kincaid
America’s turkey is the CIA
By Cliff Kincaid
November 23, 2020

Disgusted with cable news, including Fox, I turned on “Pawn Stars,” where people sell items, sometimes real and sometimes fake. The owners make sure the item is real before they bid on it. They would never buy into the “results” of the 2020 presidential election.

“The whole 2020 election process involved a near complete absence of any chain of custody over ballots, not just in the ‘swing’ states, but in most states, if not all,” notes conservative Catholic writer Vic Biorseth. “It was so rampant as to appear to have been by plan.”

Biorseth’s observation is shared by millions. The whole process stinks. Everybody knows it. Biden won’t even lift a finger to try to give the appearance of a fair and honest process, In his dilapidated mental state, he even bragged during the campaign about having a first-rate voter fraud organization.

I was watching “Pawn Stars” because I needed a break from the propaganda about “President-elect” Joe Biden. That’s a fraudulent term, like the kind of “Stolen Valor” that happens when people claim to be war veterans when they didn’t serve. Biden is impersonating a president and should never become one.

As Biorseth argued on my ASI TV show, what may be required is the Trumpian nullification of an unconstitutional election, in order to prevent the usurper, Biden, from taking control. That might be the only way for Trump to fulfill his duty to protect the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Remember that Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to keep the nation together and triumph over the confederacy. That made him one of our greatest presidents.

Interestingly, as I watched “Pawn Stars” to pass some time, I noticed a short quiz as they went to a commercial, about somebody in the news. Anderson Cooper was the answer to the question of who in the media had been an intern for the CIA. That was news to me.

These CIA-connected people, known as “presstitutes,” are all over the place. They serve the interests of the Deep State.

Digging deeper, I then found a story by Ben Norton about Cooper being the son of oligarch Gloria Vanderbilt, adding that, “A blue-blooded TV anchor coming from money and privilege is one thing, but a top news personality with a background at the Central Intelligence Agency is quite another.” Norton, an honest left-winger who refuses to toe the Democratic Party line, noted that Cooper worked for the CIA “while he was a student at Yale University – an intelligence agency-linked elite bastion where former CIA director George H. W. Bush also studied.”

Tucker Carlson, also known as Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, was born into money, is reportedly worth $30 million, and makes $10 million a year. He poses as a man of the people, but it turns out he tried to get a job in the CIA, and failed. Or so they say.

Journalist Sean Davis told Tucker the CIA was involved in the anti-Trump Russia-gate plot. That was a big story. But Tucker now seems uninterested in a possible CIA role in election fraud.

This is strange, since evidence of CIA involvement in many different aspects of American life is beyond dispute. Consider the firm In-Q-Tel, described as the CIA’s venture fund. Did you think the CIA only interfered in foreign countries? This group is described on its own web site as the following:

    In-Q-Tel was founded in 1999 as the global technological evolution is underway…. [T]he internet is widely available, mobile applications are launching, and the digital revolution has arrived. The CIA and government agencies, once innovation leaders, recognized they were missing out on the cutting-edge, innovative, and impactful technologies coming out of Silicon Valley and beyond.

The CIA website advertises its involvement in starting the firm, known as IQT. The CIA said, “On 29 September 1999, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was treated to something different. In many of the nation’s leading newspapers and television news programs a story line had appeared that complimented the Agency for its creativity and openness.” In other words, the news about the CIA start-up was greeted with applause from the press. So much for speaking truth to power.

“IQT accelerates the intelligence and national security community’s access to cutting-edge technology,” it says, in vague high-tech language. Its locations are Washington, D.C., Menlo Park, Boston, London, and Sydney.

I wonder if these technologies might include tampering with elections and electronic voting systems, here and abroad. A reported $15 billion is spent every year on the CIA, including on cyber-warfare.

One of the board members is former CIA Director George J. Tenet, a Clinton appointee held over by the G.W. Bush administration. Tenet and then-FBI chief Robert Mueller (remember him?) failed to detect or prevent the 9/11 disaster. Tenet is also the official who told Bush that finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq would be a slam dunk. For that, Bush gave Tenet a presidential Medal of Freedom.

Other board members include a former CIA general counsel and a military officer who advised Barack Hussein Obama.

With the CIA’s fingerprints all over this firm and others, the idea that the agency was involved in election fraud against Trump, whom they hated, has to be considered possible and plausible. But Tucker apparently doesn’t want to consider it.

I grew concerned when he opened a show with a story about the beauty of our national parks. That was feel-good nonsense when we deserved the hard truth about the country being stolen away from the people. Then he trashed lawyer Sidney Powell for refusing to go on his show to reveal evidence of vote fraud. On top of the ratings heap, he wanted more, more, and more. Ratings mean more money and ad revenue for his corporate globalist bosses. He hopes to expand his advertising beyond the firm My Pillow, which makes a great product.

Tucker’s Twitter feed is so uninteresting that it ought to be taken down on the grounds of boredom alone.

A former associate of neo-con Bill Kristol, Tucker turned on Kristol to appear in public as a traditional conservative, with a nod to Trump-style populism. It was an extreme makeover. I fell for the ploy, once thinking that Tucker was the new Trump.

Tucker warned in advance that Trump could lose the election, but now that the vote fraud schemes have been documented, he bails, saying he needs more proof, and that Trump lawyers have to provide it only on his show.

With all these turkeys on the air, the White House on Monday sent out an email asking for input. “Help decide which turkey President Trump pardons tomorrow,” it said. “President Trump will continue the longstanding White House tradition of pardoning the National Thanksgiving Turkey at a ceremony in the Rose Garden,” we were told. “The turkey who receives his pardon will become America’s official 2020 National Thanksgiving Turkey.”

On this Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for our ability to detect frauds and hoaxes. I submit that America’s real turkey is the CIA. Chop its head off, Mr. President. Show us the innards.

© Cliff Kincaid


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