Pete Riehm
Tolerance of sin is prelude to tyranny
By Pete Riehm
May 30, 2023

Once again Pride Month is upon us—that repulsive, pretentious, provocative celebration of perversion. The malicious and misguided will howl that that description is bigoted and hateful of the LGBTQ+ community. It is not. There is no animosity toward any persons burdened by depraved desires. Like any troubled souls lost in addiction, they need God’s guidance and our prayers to escape the bonds of sin. However, like any addict, the first step is to admit the problem, and that’s the challenge with the LGBTQ+ movement – they adamantly deny they have a problem and further even blatantly reject God’s law. Therefore, the revulsion with Pride Month is that it revels in the public display of perversion. In short, it extols sin.

Sin is sin, so no sin is really worse than another in God’s eyes. Until the sexual revolution in the 1960s, homosexuality was in the shadows like other sins, but soon gay Americans emerged into the public square simply asking for tolerance. Tolerance seemed innocuous as the initial request was that they just wanted the right to live as they chose, and American liberty allows the right to the pursuit of happiness whether or not you agree with another’s notion of happiness.

Steadily seeping into pop culture, tolerance of homosexuality was largely achieved by the 1990s as sodomy laws were ignored or repealed, and they were allowed to serve in the military under the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Then started the gay movement for acceptance and that, too, seemed reasonable if gays were not asking Americans to condone homosexuality but rather just allow them to openly practice homosexuality without persecution.

Americans tend to “live and let live,” so it seemed there would be no harm. However, we do not allow harmful activities that harm others or yourself. Alcohol and drug abuse are prohibited and punished when they endanger others. Licentious behavior that exploits children and women, like prostitution, is also barred. However, by the 21st century, the LGBT movement had convinced society it was not deleterious and the quest for endorsement was underway.

On June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same sex marriages and thereby de facto legalized it in all fifty states. The United States had endorsed gay marriage and quickly thereafter the LGBT movement exploded into a revolution of all manner of alphabetic fetishes in the ever evolving and quite militant LGBTQIA2S+ movement. No one can keep up with the proliferation of perversion.

The problem with sin is it always takes you farther than you want to go. First, we tolerated supposedly just one simple sexual sin; then we accepted it as not abnormal or immoral, and soon thereafter we endorsed it as normal and moral. So, with the fences around civil society broken down, all manner of perversions clamored for acceptance and endorsement. Transgenderism transcended its stigma of mental illness and stormed society into the mainstream, and under the guise of Drag Queens, pedophiles are waiting in the wings.

With Biblical morality and traditional values besmirched and diminished, we are now entering the enforcement phase. Corporate masters demand companies fall on their profit swords to advance progressive policies like climate change, systemic racism, and militant transgenderism. Global asset management firms, like BlackRock or Vanguard, buy up controlling shares of publicly traded companies, and then coerce them to advance progressive or “woke” nonsense to undermine western culture and society without regard for profits.

Make no mistake; they care about money, but they are after power – absolute power! There are no more American companies, but rather international conglomerates that only see people as consumers, so when they act like free citizens, it’s annoying and troublesome. They know if they can eliminate morality and virtue, the people will be undisciplined and malleable.

That’s how we got a quintessential American beer like Bud Light aligning with some ridiculous parody of transgenderism that is completely contrary to their customer base, so they lost market share. Adidas watching that drubbing says, “hold my beer,” and they trot out a dude in a woman’s swimsuit to sell swimsuits to women! HELLO?! Are any normal women looking at that ad thinking they would wear it better without a penis?!

Not to be out done, Target put “tuck friendly” (that’s for little boys to tuck in their penises to look better than the Adidas model) swimsuits for your children at the front door. That’s right. Target enlisted a Satan worshipping designer to create children’s T-shirts that cheer being “queer” and swimsuits for your young sons to tuck their penises in girls’ swimsuits.

Gay pride month celebrations have been typically profane and prurient, but now we have mainstream businesses promoting their perversions. The most glaring example is the Los Angeles Dodgers will honor the anti-Catholic demonic “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” this June. Baseball is supposed to be as American as apple pie, but the Dodgers want to insult their fans by celebrating a pack of bearded clownish men in erotic drag that advocate the most grotesque vile displays of perversion in front of families.

That all sounds crazy, but these companies are forcing this perversity down our throats because their corporate overlords hate traditional values, hate America, and hate God! They long for irresistible power like the Roman Empire where “bread and circuses” kept an immoral people compliant and idle. Therein is revealed the endgame and that is to at least sideline if not eliminate Christianity as the last obstacle to tyranny, so eventually pro-homosexual laws will outlaw anyone saying homosexuality is a sin (already happening in California). Soon some court will rule that Biblical morality and Christian teachings are illegal!

Not surprising, we expect the world to advance the desires of flesh and shun the needs of spirit, but the challenge is compounded by many churches that are embracing worldly cravings. These well-meaning churches preach the love of Christ without His holiness. They rightly offer Christ’s love to the lost, but they fail to teach repentance and accept the reprobate. They invite the LGBTQ+ community into their congregations but enable them to continue in sin. This is a great disservice to those sinners, because it leaves them separated from God and does not show them that truly accepting Jesus’ love creates a new being that longs to reciprocate His love with obedience to His commandments.

True love like Jesus’ love only wants good for every person, so justice is integral to that love. Our heavenly Father will chasten his children to correct them and set them on a path to communion with God and eternal happiness. Without repentance, we remain estranged from God and lost. The world and inevitably Satan wants us to rebuff God, so while global corporations worship profits over God, our churches must reject the world, and if they truly love the lost, show them the narrow path to the Father which must include repentance. Therefore, it's past time to show the LGBTQ+ community true love and lead them out of the tyranny of sexual idolatry by no longer tolerating their abominable sins.

"When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more" (John 8:11).

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

© Pete Riehm


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Pete Riehm

Born to German immigrants, Pete Riehm grew up in Texas as a first generation American. Working his way through college, he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. After graduating from the University of Houston, Pete was commissioned into the United States Navy through Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He also earned a Master's Degree in National Security from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas... (more)


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