Laurie Roth
Obama is murdering America and our leaders play nice
By Laurie Roth
March 11, 2012

The assaults against our freedoms, people, and businesses by this President are making Katrina and the tsunami that hit Japan look like a mud puddle kids play in. We have politicians putting on the "face" of human service in the House and Senate these days. These zombie people impersonators are peppered through the ranks of Republicans and Democrats. Their treasonous drool is staining our Constitution, freedoms, pocket books, health, and reputation as a people.

It is time for a real doctor to weigh in for the dying patient. There can be no more radiation, chemo, or surgeries. The disease has spread everywhere. Congress and our President cannot be trusted. There are only three ways to save the patient now: 1) Cut out 100% of the Obama and anti-America infection in November 2012. 2) Pray to the living God of the Holy Bible for help and guidance. 3) Put in a President in 2012 who loves and submits to the God of the Holy Bible, loves the United States of America, and has real and visionary ideas to get us back on track.

I don't know about you but I like plain talk and am sick of the sea of betrayals, attacks, and lies by the Obama regime and anti-America scum in the House and Senate. Why are there polite lunches and "appropriate anything" at this stage? There should be screaming, pounding of fists on tables, and demands by real conservatives in the House and Senate that the attacks and constitutional breaches stop at the hands of Obama's regime.

You would have thought ages ago our Congress would have filed impeachment papers against this president, but no. Whether the Senate cooperated or not it, doesn't matter a hill of beans. Some of our political leaders filing impeachment papers against Obama would have demonstrated at least leadership amidst rampant corruption in the White House!

The people are wondering — can and does anyone have the guts to lead and serve America and HER values. I think we now know the answer to that question. This week, I talked with Executive Director of, America's legal analyst, and regular radio guest Steve Eichler about the gross neglect of Congress all this time. He said at this point the best thing they could do is simply nothing. I was dumb struck at first hearing this, then realized he was probably right. Those who have voted against our Constitution, the people, and freedoms in the House, Senate, and White House must be thrown out.

Perhaps Congress could do the next thing that could serve America while we are awaiting the November election. That is most simple. Do you think they can follow these simple instructions. Do nothing — sign nothing — say nothing — commit the country to nothing — shut up and be the nothings you are.

We will make sure in November that the cowards and traitors in the House and Senate are voted out along with Obama. Perhaps they can then start turning their "nothing" routine into "something" by flipping burgers somewhere far away from us.

Let's case the very busy, socialite Representatives who don't seem to have a clue are unaware what they should have boldly acted against, here are a few thoughts from "outside the box" presidential candidate Dr. Laurie Roth — Annie Oakley of the Airwaves:
  1. Obamacare — Obama signed into law a completely unconstitutional violation of our rights, health, and freedoms. In this betrayal of a bill, we are forced to have government-approved health insurance or else big fines; doctors are dictated their salaries; we all pay for abortions whether we want to or not; our religious rights are violated and ignored unless we are Muslim — then we can opt out; forced RFID electronic chips (page 1001 in the bill) are to be put in all of our bodies for medical surveillance reasons, medical information, and account tracking reasons; there's forced end-of-life counseling, and pathetic and rationed care for our seniors — simply a perfect design to kill off as many as possible; there's illegal alien care....on and on. This bill is an unconstitutional horror show and has been attacked by over half our states and several federal judges now. We await the Supreme Court decision on it...why have our elected politicians done practically nothing (regardless of response from the Supremes) on this evil assault on the people? Where are the impeachment papers?

  2. NDAA bill — authored by the Marxist Senator John McCain and Democrat Carl Levin. This was signed into law by a sea of traitors to our Constitution. For the first time, our president has the power to turn the U.S. military on the American people and arrest us on vague, trumped up terrorist charges. This bill takes essentially ALL our rights away. This is the known shredding of Posse Comitatus, our Miranda rights, and a host of others. Obama was thrilled to sign this into law. Romney is also on the record saying he supports this vicious assault on the people. Gee...could there have been another reason for impeachment?

  3. What about the illegal war in Libya where we bypassed Congress, have spent billions of dollars, killed civilians and our military, assassinated a leader that wasn't at war with us, and have observed a complete violation of the 1973 war powers act. Any questions here, Congress people? Do I smell what should have been impeachment in the air?

  4. We have a president who is bypassing Congress wherever he can scheme to get things done against America, using his anti-American czars and administrative agencies to destroy and control in every area. These agencies include the EPA, NLRB, Office of Surface Mining, and FCC. He is using these agencies to destroy our coal industry, control and destroy power plants, attack and take over the Internet, and force schools, insurance companies, and religious organizations to supply abortion and birth control coverage or else. Do you think someone in the House could have used some solar energy or wind power and started impeachment proceedings due to the destruction of our coal and power plants?

  5. Just this week,'s Henrey Reske wrote about 9 Republican attorneys general who are saying the Obama Administration has violated law 21 times. Hello anyone home? Of course not — what am I smoking?
Finally, our president supports the killing of babies in the womb like never before. He has appointed dozens of appointees and czars who adore abortion; some even want "abortion" after a child has been born. Some medical ethicists, like Francesca Minerva, argue that killing a newborn baby is no different than aborting it in a womb. Let's just line up all the 1 and 2 year olds. Perhaps we could just lead them out into traffic during rush hour. Good Lord, why am I giving this administration any ideas?

Obama's science czar, John Holdren, is just a taste of the zombie nightmares Obama has placed around him. He co-authored a book in 1977 "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment" in which he wrote that women should be forced to have abortions whether they want to or not, and population control should be enforced through forced sterilization put through our water and food supply. All these lovely things were to be enforced by what Holdren called a "Planetary Regime" with an international police force to make folks submit to forced abortions and other political policies.

Congress people, wake up! Lives, young and old, are unique and protected under our Constitution and Holy Bible. Babies in the womb are protected by the 5th and 14th Amendments, as well as the Declaration of Independence and Holy Bible. Why isn't our president or Congress protecting the youngest citizens and lives in our country?

Our political leaders were voted in place to protect our people, laws, and rights, not look the other way, play, and watch our country destroyed.

Is there anyone with guts in Congress to file impeachment papers, call Obama on his criminal and un-Constitutional behavior — perhaps hold a press conference? Back to my simple instructions and request that will do the least damage at this point: DO NOTHING, NOTHING, AND NOTHING. Then be prepared to be voted out.

Let's get our country, freedoms, and moral foundation back in line. Help me as your patriot, outsider, visionary, and presidential candidate get this job done. With your donations, willingness to help me get on the ballot in your state, and prayers, we can get our country back.

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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