Laurie Roth
Sharia Law must be outlawed in the U.S.
By Laurie Roth
October 26, 2012

What encourages, inspires, guides, and promotes tyrannical and criminal expressions of Islam? Sharia Law, that's what! The bottom line is that Sharia Law is Islam's skeletal structure, their constitution and legal code. It works in concert with the daily declarations of clerics and imams who reflect the dictates and orders of the Koran and Sharia Law. There is nothing hidden with Sharia Law and the caliphate push of Islam behind it. It is a dictatorial, theocratic government control device meant to herd people like cattle — control, beat, and slaughter them, if necessary — for "orders" sake.

Just some of the core values taught and enforced worldwide with Sharia Law include the following, which I have screamed about for years on my show and in other articles:

* Those converting to another faith should be executed.

* Islamic husbands can beat and rape their wives, marry many women, then divorce anyone of them for any reason. The wife cannot get out of her situation. She is trapped.

* Gays are to be executed.

* Rape victims are to be stoned if they do not have four supporting witnesses.

* Sharia Law supports beatings and dismembering of body parts for a variety of offenses, including stealing.

* You are to be killed if you criticize the prophet Mohammed.

In the news just this year, Sharia Law has inspired tons of nightmares. I have heard of a couple sentenced to death in Pakistan because they danced and sang at a wedding. Countless "honor" killings in America and the world have happened because of the perpetrator's call to obey Sharia — remember the Islamic TV network owner's wife in the U.S. who argued too much, so her head was cut off? Then there was the daughter who wanted a job working in a beauty salon. Her father took an ax, tied her to a tree, and chopped her to bits. Another Islamic father's teenage daughters talked to boys and would dress "worldly," so they had to die. Welcome to the ongoing "horror show" of Sharia Law here and abroad!

Each week on my show, I interview and talk through Islamic headlines with IQ Alrassooli, who was born and raised in Iraq as a Muslim. His native tongue is Arabic, and he has studied in depth the religious books of Islam from their Arabic roots. He now believes Islam is a dangerous cult, violator of human rights, and a government theocracy that wants to conquer and control the world. He calls each week from an undisclosed location in Europe, due to the threats on his life for leaving Islam and daring to share his thoughts about it. Sharia Law demands he must die, not be free to choose his own faith and share his thoughts.

On Mondays, I interview Ted and Whalid Shoebat, a father/son team, also talking of the real news regarding Islam here and abroad. Whalid was raised Islamic in Palestine and grew up thinking the only right way to live was to hate Jews and Christians. He was taught Jihad and attacked the Jews. He ended up for a time in an Israeli prison, then was deported from Israel. He came to America, went to college, and married a Christian, who he thought in time he would convert to Islam. Instead, he was exposed to and challenged to read the Bible by his wife, if for nothing else, to condemn it properly. Whalid shared that he did read the Bible and found it was the opposite of everything he had been taught. Instead of God being a warring and angry God promoting Jihad, God was revealed to be loving, forgiving, and good to all. He found the real history and involvement of the Jews with the Lord to be life-changing. He became a Christian and author who speaks on Islam and biblical prophecy all over the country. He also has to watch his step and protect himself due to Sharia Law and death threats.

Monday night's debate on international affairs, the meltdown in the Middle East and horror show of killings, and danger in Syria, Libya, and Iran were addressed. Both, Romney and Obama were talking about Bashar al-Assad in Syria being the bad guy and that he should and will be thrown out in time. Neither guy promoted another war but talked of the importance of Syria. They were both siding with the rebels.

Ted and Wahlid Shoebat have investigated and followed the Arabic news sources and on-the-ground sources of what is going on in Syria. They have acknowledged on my show that though al-Assad is not an angel, the rebels are murdering innocent civilians, even children all over the place. They are not just victims but extremists murdering and wiping out whole families and Christians wherever they find them.

The bottom line is if Assad is booted out, it will be the ushering in of an even more fundamentalist, Muslim Brotherhood-type government that will "Sharia Law purify" the new Syria with more murders of Christians and people of "difference" everywhere.

Whalid identified the Muslim Brotherhood as the most radical Islamic group there is — highly funded and focused on a takeover "caliphate" agenda. Think of it. They have taken over what was a moderate Egypt. Now, our 30-year ally, Hosni Mubarak, rots in jail awaiting trial. The Muslim Brotherhood have taken over and thousands of Coptic Christians have been murdered. Egypt will never be the same.

Syria is an ongoing nightmare of attacks and murders, not just because of al-Assad, but because the rebels are vile murderers of women, families, and children, while screaming "victim" and "underdog" to the media. The gullible Americans are being sucked right in.

Shame on Romney and Obama. Snap out of it, Romney. Both sides, al-Assad and the rebels, are different colors of Sharia Law evil. If al-Assad is booted out, an even more radical regime will take over. It has already happened in Egypt and Libya under the shameful leadership of Obama. We entered into an illegal war in Libya, then made sure their president was assassinated. This was followed by the endless and formal rejections of protection for Ambassador Stevens who was recently murdered with several of his aids.

Back to Sharia Law

We cannot control the world, but America can be a light on a hill again and protect her country. The only real way to do that — since Sharia Law supports and enforces beatings, killings, and endless abuse — is to completely outlaw it and its teaching anywhere in America and give it no protection. That should mean no protection in any mosque, school, cultural center, or court of law. Sharia is the bold opposite of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Judeo-Christian values, and therefore is the enemy of America and our freedoms!!!

We must snap out of our self-imposed "Stupidville" and export all those who continue to teach and preach this here. How is Sharia Law different than Hitler and the Nazis? It sounds shockingly similar in its goal and expression to Hitler's book "Mein Kampf."

America stands for freedom of speech and religion and not the beating and stoning of rape victims, execution of gays, execution of those who change religions, and beatings and rapes of women and wives. Long ago, this whole drama stopped being about "freedom of religion and speech" but is now clearly about the ongoing plan to seize and take over America. Islam plans, along with Obama, to continue raising up Sharia Law and Islam, while crushing our Judeo-Christian values, Constitution, and freedoms.

Obama has said in his own book he would side with the Muslims. He and Hillary have said they support Sharia Law and want a treaty passed out of the UN that bans any speech against Islam and its evil push and behavior. Obama has aligned with radical Islam by assisting in the overthrow of countries and supporting the radical Muslim Brotherhood in Libya and Egypt. He now is supporting the downfall of Syria so even more radical elements can take over there.

November 6th is almost upon us. Neither Romney or Obama are perfect. Each has their fans and supporters. However, Obama is vividly supporting the radical push of Islam and Sharia law and crushing civil liberties, our economy, and 1st Amendment rights. He is also crushing our Judeo-Christian values, strength, and reputation worldwide.

Romney and Ryan say they will repeal Obamacare — RIGHT! They will create jobs and fix the economy with tax cuts, pulling back draconian regulations, and actually assisting natural gas and oil — RIGHT! They will protect and defend life in the womb — RIGHT! Romney and Ryan, with real Americans and conservatives helping to keep them focused, will undo the endless assaults and damage from Obama, then launch us back to a country of exceptionalism, achievement, leadership, jobs, and wealth. Bring it on!

Join me each night on my show at: 7-10 pm PAC.

© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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