Laurie Roth
Refuse to let go--"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit."
By Laurie Roth
November 8, 2012

Election day was a huge disappointment and shock to at least half the country. It appears we have re-elected Obama, who is on an inspired course to transform us into a Marxist regime of big government controls. God be damned. Freedom be damned. Leadership in the world be damned. The economy and Judeo-Christian values be double-damned! He says he needed four more years to finish his goals. He has finished America, all right. I can hardly wait for the next course! Obama has plans...well, so do we.

Counts and recounts along with endless "voter fraud" speculation will go on for days, but it appears that the dictator 'n chief has won again. Last night when I did my show and Obama got over 270 electoral votes, my stomach nearly exploded, as did some of yours. It was supposed to be a big blow-out for Romney. Why wasn't it?

You have to know in your gut there was all kinds of voter fraud. We heard about the busload of illegal aliens allowed to vote. Judges looked the other way, knowing they weren't registered voters. The votes and judges were thrown, but how many more buses across the nation full of illegal aliens got away with voting? Was this a token "dog bone" thrown to the media to make us all think that the illegal voting schemes were being exposed and caught? My guess is that this one was a "bright shiny" thing and gift of distraction, so we wouldn't notice the 500 other bus loads of unqualified voters showing up to vote.

Remember, with the progressive Democrat Party of today and Obama's Chicago politics mindset, the ends always justify the means. Lying and deception are done to justify the greater good. We heard about rigged voting machines and Black Panthers, once again watching and no doubt intimidating voters as they walked in and out.

Regardless, Obama seems to have been put back in for another four years. What do we do as Americans now?

1) We acknowledge that our strength, direction, and hope MUST come from God, not a fancy movement, money, or politician — NOR hopelessness, fear, and depression. Snap out of it. We have much work to do.

"For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and

discipline" (2 Tim 1:7).

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit" (Zechariah 4:6).

2) Remember that God created and loves this country. He hasn't abandoned us even though Obama got in again. He has used America to save the world several times. Take time to thank God for being the God of our country and pray for His solution regarding Obama, and ask that God Himself will bring about justice and guide us all with clarity and peace. There is a reason for all of this. We don't understand it all yet. Trust!!!

3) We must draw lines in the sand regarding what we will not compromise on, no matter what Obama might throw at us the next four years. We must get ready to march in the streets regarding many issues. We must grow Tea Party groups with peaceful assembly in all 50 states and start regular campaigns of faxes, emails, and calls to our Representatives and Senators regarding the fundamental issues. Obama will attack if we let him. We will stand and fight in every way that is possible.

NO on any executive order, treaty, or scheme that demands we register our guns, turn in guns, or shut off ammo supplies. Remember, even with the NDAA bill allowing Obama to turn U.S. troops on us for suspected terrorism charges, not all military will obey. They didn't all obey with the "stand down" orders by Obama regarding helping Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, did they? To counter that potential attack on the people, we must first remind ourselves that we have more armed hunters than any country in the world — millions in most states. The government hasn't forgotten that. DON'T YOU FORGET IT, EITHER.

Obama might try martial law, but not all military and not all local police will turn into "Stepford Wives" and walk all over our Constitution, laws, and Miranda rights. Those who do will have to meet our fierce and organized resistance. Which starts growing to the size of KING KONG starting today. Pray things don't ever come to this, but if they do...., millions of us are ready and millions more are getting ready now. THERE WILL BE NO CAMPS, ARRESTS, OR SEIZING OF PEOPLE AND MORE OF OUR RIGHTS.

NO on any more attacks on our 1st Amendment, right to assemble, and speech. We may have to "act up" with the spirit of Martin Luther King. He was a real patriot who would unite, not divide people.

Demand a REAL investigation and formal response from leadership in the House regarding the war crimes of Benghazi. This makes "Whitewater," "Watergate," and any other scandal in our country look like a cakewalk. This is criminal in my view, and Obama WAS responsible for turning down formal requests for help by the CIA, military, and Ambassador Stevens. I call that murder. What do you call it? Obama should be tried for treason on this issue alone. We must put "lava- like" heat on our Congressman and Senators to DEMAND not only the collection of all the facts (most of which we already have), but DEMAND justice, which, at the very least, is impeachment.

NO on any scheme of "Fairness Doctrine" attempting to silence and destroy talk radio, and TRIPLE NO on any controls of the internet.

We lost the White House, but remember the biggest branch of government won. We the people must get past the training that this election was mostly about two men, Romney and Obama, and all the various Senate and House races. It is about the U.S. waking up, organizing, demanding our country and freedoms back, and making enough noise through prayer, faxes, emails, calls, marching, and organizations.

We WILL get our country back with God's help. Remember..."For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and discipline." Let us work together, believe, and get our country back on track, even with Obama in the White House and a Senate still controlled by progressives.

Join me each day on my national radio show from 7-10 pm PAC at You can download and listen to archives at no charge.


© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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