Laurie Roth
Soon just breathing will be considered "sexist"
By Laurie Roth
April 24, 2013

The way the "progressives" are going, it will be considered sexist or a "walking hate crime" to simply be a heterosexual and be attracted to the opposite sex. After all, being attracted to and having sex with just your husband leaves everyone else out. It deprives and judges others by our exclusive sexual choice. Surely, that is wrong.

Does the above scenario sound absurd? That is exactly what the progressives and sexually motivated leftists are trying to do...draw up new 1st Amendment rights for just them and no one else. They are re-writing the English language, how rights are defined, erasing our real history based on Judeo-Christian values, and indoctrinating our children to believe Big Government and Obama is God.

This week, I thought I would lose my mind when I saw the latest "over sensitivity" moment in my own state of Washington. Over the last six years, there has been a bold effort to get what they call "sexism" out of the English language. Just this week, it was signed into law. Gender-neutral vocabulary will now replace classic words like "fisherman" and "freshman." Now, they will be "fisher" and "first-year student." Thank God, this finally happened. For years, I have been in therapy over hearing my husband and friends refer to themselves as fisherman. What about me? What about me? The loneliness of it all...

They are also replacing those evil words...journeyman and penmanship to "journey-level plumber" and "handwriting." 3,500 code sections have been cleared of "gender bias."

I am all for playing fair ball and not living in denial regarding stereotypes and racism. During the women's sufferget movement, just because women had not been allowed the right to vote didn't mean it was right. That needed to be challenged and changed. We also needed to wake up and smell the coffee with slavery and throw that out. We did.

Nowadays, however, the progressive and leftist movement is pushing America, her core Judeo-Christian values and history, away from God and morals reflected in the Holy Bible, away from the Constitution, and away from known use of words for hundreds of years.

Just because I am against marriage between gay people doesn't mean I wish them harm or disrespect. It means I acknowledge that marriage was defined by God Himself in the Holy Bible as between a man and a woman. I didn't define it.

America's cultural core and skeleton was built on Christian values, believes, and reference for the God of the Holy Bible. It was not built with a "Unitarian-like" ooze of political correctness, "no right and wrong" and morals defined as you go along based on anything you feel like.

Words are important, but so is common sense, tradition, and our history. The notion that we can't have the words "journeyman," "plumber," and "penmanship" because it is sexist tells us just how far the progressives plan to go if given a chance. Are we not humans anymore? Perhaps we are "hu-its" or "hu-people" or just "hu" for short.

Progressives will rewrite the entire English language, take out every reference to the God of the Holy Bible, and rewrite all public school curriculums with the platform "Common core" already in place.

Morals, God, The Bible, traditions, and history be damned. That is the real message from progressives. Is that what you want?

Since we are being ever so careful with words these days, so will I. The minds and people behind this bill and movement aren't morons....that would be "junior high" and offensive to call them that. They are idiot, un-American, anti-God, psychotic, perverted, money-wasting, waste of mind space, jerk-weed morons. There, I said what I could. I have to be careful about my reputation you know. I am a professional.

I am also a word serial killer. Hear me roar.

Airman, alderman, bailsman, bandsman, bandyman, anksman, bargeman, Batman, beadsman, bedesman, busman, boardman, boatsman, bogeyman, bondsman, boogyman, bothyman, brakeman, brideman, brinkman, buttyman, chainman, chairman, choreman, clansman, classman, coachman, colorman, corpsman, cragsman, dairyman, dalsman, Doberman, doomsman, doorsman, dragonman, Dutchman, earthman, everyman, feeryman, floorman, foilsman, forgeman, frontman, fugleman, funnyman, gamesman, gangsman, glassman, goadsman, gownsman, handyman, headsman, helmsman, henchman, herdsman, hielaman, hoastman, hoistman, horseman, hotelman, houseman, huntsman, islesman, landsman, layman, leadsman, liegeman, linesman, linksman, locksman, lodesman, madman, marchman, marsman, peresman, merryman, moneyman, motorman, nobleman, nonhuman, oversman, panhuman, penman, pterman, pilotman, pithman, placeman, plaidman, plateman, pointman, prehuman, pressman, prizeman, proseman, puntsman, puillman, radioman, raftsman, rampsman, ranchman, reinsman, rifleman, riverman, roadsman...........

I love men. See all they have done.

I have to hurry up and finish my article. I have a signalman, journeyman plumber, fisherman, and a freshman coming over for dinner. We are having Chicken De la man for dinner.

Join me each night on my national radio show from 7-10 pm PAC at


© Laurie Roth


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Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. She has hosted successful talk shows on radio stations from Boston to L.A. with no shortage of callers... (more)


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