Steve Farrell column
Steve Farrell
Steve Farrell is one of the original pundits at Silver Eddy Award Winner (1999–2008), associate professor of political economy at George Wythe University, the author of the highly praised inspirational novel "Dark Rose," and editor in chief of The Moral Liberal.

Divide and command
Steve Farrell
May 24, 2011

In Federalist No. 7, Alexander warned as to America divided, as to America under a loose offensive or defensive confederation, as some 'save America' groups . . .

Why I oppose the war in Libya
Steve Farrell
April 13, 2011

From the moment of the first notification of U.S. missiles being fired on Libya, I've been opposed to this war. I have my reasons. First, I believe in the . . .

Obama birth certificate issue still haunts the president
Steve Farrell
April 9, 2011

The to-the-point question — Where's the Birth Certificate? and for that matter, why is the President of the United States spending millions on legal teams . . .

Spontaneous? I think not
Steve Farrell
February 22, 2011

From the mouth of university professors, U.S. State Department officials, and the media we repeatedly hear the mantra that socialist and communist revolutions . . .

Moral beings and the law
Steve Farrell
January 14, 2011

I am always puzzled by the query "Why do you Christians insist on legislating morality?" I suspect many of those who ask it are equally perplexed by my brief . . .

Rights, wrongs, and the law
Steve Farrell
January 6, 2011

One of the oddest, most harmful political beliefs to emerge in the past 50 years is the notion that one cannot legislate morality. What utter nonsense. Man has . . .

Denying spiritual man
Steve Farrell
January 3, 2011

The apostle Paul prophesied the time would come when man's "conscience [would be] seared with a hot iron." Part of that searing, sad to say, has come in the . . .

Robbing man of his divine heritage
Steve Farrell
December 30, 2010

In the long battle to subvert the liberties of man a key to victory over the forces of liberty has always included center stage: 1. an all out effort to . . .

On the dangers of deficits and perpetual revenue
Steve Farrell
December 22, 2010

In the Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, Mr. Mason of Virginia, suggested: "the necessity of preventing the danger of perpetual revenue which must . . .

A meaningless old parchment?
Steve Farrell
December 2, 2010

Today we are bombarded with the idea that private virtue has nothing to do, nothing to say, about proper governing and the maintenance of free government.  . . .

Korea: the no-win war that keeps giving
Steve Farrell
December 1, 2010

In November of 1950, American General Douglas MacArthur triumphantly completed his reversal of the communist takeover of North Korea and their subsequent . . .

Time to leave No Child Left Behind, behind
Steve Farrell
November 12, 2010

It has been said that the most effective way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. There is no slave more devoted, no disciple more dedicated than one who . . .

Is democracy the voice of God?
Steve Farrell
October 27, 2010

Back in August 2010, Judge Vaughn Walker engaged in the increasingly played tyrannical game: "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool!" when with no . . .

Michelle Obama caught in the act
Steve Farrell
October 19, 2010

According to a pool reporter from the Chicago Sun-Times, the First Lady, Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois law when she solicited votes inside a voting . . .

Blessed tolerance: the virtue of a republic in decline
Steve Farrell
October 15, 2010

Approximately two and a half millennia ago, Plato, in his classic work, "The Republic," unveiled a more intimate look into our just discussed "National Law of . . .

National law of the harvest
Steve Farrell
October 12, 2010

There is a Christian church in America that contends, as did many of our Christian forefathers, that America "is a choice land; and whatsoever nation shall . . .

Young men think old men are fools
Steve Farrell
October 1, 2010

George Chapman observed, in 1605, "Young men think old men are fools." (1) So do American progressives young and old. They are the sort to daily spit into the . . .

Only those who do things are criticized
Steve Farrell
September 30, 2010

"He who fears criticism is hopeless," wrote Thomas Jefferson. He explained: "Only those who do things are criticized. To hesitate for fear of criticism is . . .

The event is in the hand of God
Steve Farrell
September 3, 2010

As the delegates filtered in the week and a half prior to the start of the Constitutional Convention in May of 1787, George Washington turned to Gouverneur . . .

Bringing America home
Steve Farrell
August 11, 2010

Talk about self-evident patriotism! In Tom Pauken's latest, Bringing America Home, here is a writer whose heart and mind unabashedly rings out 'God! Family! . . .

Common sense and the debate on minimum citizenship requirements at the Constitutional Convention
Steve Farrell
August 7, 2010

Some policies, laws, constitutional principles and traditions are about common sense. On August 9, 1787, Gouverneur Morris, one of the eight delegates to the . . .

I Demur
Steve Farrell
July 30, 2010

Emily Dickinson spoke to her time as well as ours when she penned this penetrating line: Assent — and you are sane — Demur — you're straightway . . .

Americanus speaks to Arizona's immigration crisis and to all of us
Steve Farrell
July 24, 2010

As the illegal immigration crisis proceeds a pace, and an American President has so far removed himself from his duty (and his wits) that he has ordered his . . .

Nil desperandum
Steve Farrell
July 16, 2010

Liberty Letters, Samuel Adams, 1772 Human nature being what it is, patriotic fervor tends to come and go. In 1772, when it seemed to be more going than . . .

University of Illinois professor fired for standing by Catholic teaching on homosexuality
Steve Farrell
July 14, 2010

Calling it hate speech, the University of Illinois has fired a Catholic professor hired to teach an introductory course on Catholicism and Modern Catholic . . .

What goes around comes around
Steve Farrell
July 5, 2010

There's a maxim everyone's heard, personally mouthed, and undoubtedly believes: "What goes around comes around." Or, "the boomerang effect." Remarkably, . . .

Rescuing our kids (& country) from Karl Marx
Steve Farrell
June 26, 2010

It bears repeating: If we hope to halt, reverse and permanently alter America's descent into the gutter of debauchery and that political tyranny that is forever . . .

The loyal opposition
Steve Farrell
June 17, 2010

On the 6th of June 1776, Boston's Samuel Adams wrote to fellow Son of Liberty, James Warren, President of the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts: "Tomorrow, a . . .

A rare phenomenon!
Steve Farrell
June 15, 2010

It is a rare phenomenon, but sometimes Johnny-come-lately political movements get it right. Case in point: The Tea Party Revolution's wise choice to hold up the . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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