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September 5, 2017
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Joan Swirsky

September 5, 2017
ALAN KEYES — For years now, the "gods" of style when it comes to the written word have encouraged educated people to be obsessed with simplicity in speech and writing. They worship at the altar of writers like Ernest Hemingway and Jack London, idols of the 20th century's obsession with what became the "journalistic style" of writing. The "Twitter culture" epitomizes the demands of this style. Its purported ruling principle is that no thought is allowed that cannot be expressed in 140 characters or less.... (more)

September 5, 2017
JOAN SWIRSKY — All apologies to the hard-working street-walkers and penthouse prostitutes who, unlike the modern-media harlots and rent-boys, have no illusions and offer no excuses about what they do and why. For well over 75 years, Americans have naively trusted that the people who bring them the news every night -- and today, 24/7 -- are highly informed, deeply sincere, remarkably unbiased public servants. After all, why would anyone go into a notoriously low-paying profession if he or she was not at heart an idealist?... (more)

September 4, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — North Korea's leader is "begging for war," the U.S. ambassador said Monday at an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, as members called for punishing the country with even stronger sanctions for its powerful nuclear test.... (more)

September 4, 2017
LA TIMES — Not long after dozens of black-hooded protesters were filmed pummeling people on his city's streets, Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin made clear his disgust for the self-stylized vigilantes.... (more)

September 4, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson wants to defeat the so-called antifa movement so badly that he is willing to take a punch or even a beating, and he wants others on the right to do the same. Mr. Gibson implored his backers to remain peaceful and not hit back when and if they are attacked by militants of the far-left-leaning antifa, or anti-fascists, at the Peaceful Portland Freedom March and Texas Donation Drive scheduled for Sunday in the heart of liberal Oregon.... (more)

September 4, 2017
ROBERT KNIGHT — Progressives are in an uproar over the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, and we have to ask why? Why not look into ways to protect our elections from fraud? Because to do so would advance "white supremacy," according to Democratic Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York, who tweeted on Aug. 24, that "If the president wants to truly show that he rejects the discrimination agenda of the white supremacist movement, he will rescind the Executive Order that created this commission."... (more)

September 4, 2017
NEWSMAX — Sen. Bernie Sanders' expected introduction of a single-payer healthcare bill this month is worrying many Democrats who are concerned the proposal will divide the party by pitting his liberal base against more moderate Democrats, The Hill reported on Monday.... (more)

September 3, 2017
DAILY MAIL — President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump flew to Houston on Saturday morning for their second trip to Texas since Hurricane Harvey ravaged the state. Their first stop was the NRG Stadium in Houston, where thousands are evacuating after being forced out of their homes by the devastating floods brought by Harvey earlier in the week.... (more)

September 3, 2017
BYRON YORK — Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley and the committee's ranking Democrat, Dianne Feinstein, want to interview two high-ranking FBI officials about some key aspects of the bureau's role in the Trump-Russia investigation -- the Trump dossier, the firing of James Comey, and more. But the FBI doesn't want those officials to talk -- even though the Judiciary Committee has oversight responsibility for the FBI, and even though the request is bipartisan, and even though there appears to be no conflict with the ongoing Trump-Russia investigation conducted by special prosecutor James Mueller.... (more)

September 3, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump's chief of staff, John Kelly, has curtailed the flow of conservative-media reports reaching his boss amid a bid to block his access to unvetted articles, according to The New York Times. Hardly one month into his tenure as Mr. Trump's latest chief of staff, Mr. Kelly has made a noticeable impact on the president by reducing the number of right-wing news articles making their way to the oval office, The Times reported Friday.... (more)

September 3, 2017
DAILY CALLER — Public school teachers are behind a leading far-left militant group that is part of the Antifa network that federal officials say is committing "domestic terrorist violence."... (more)

September 3, 2017
LIAM CLANCY — Antifa. University students. University profs. Black Lives Matter. Even leftists in Congress who have, on occasion, "occupied" the House floor. All have a reputation for "civil disobedience."... (more)

September 3, 2017
BOB UNRUH — It was filmed some time ago -- with well beyond 2 million views -- but the video testimony of a British comedienne explaining why she defied a doctor's advice and refused a recommended abortion is making waves again.... (more)

September 2, 2017
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump is declaring Sunday a National Day of Prayer for victims of Hurricane Harvey and "for those suffering in this time of crisis." In proclaiming Sept. 3 a "National Day of Prayer for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey and for our National Response and Recovery Efforts, the president noted that from the nation's beginning, "Americans have joined together in prayer during times of great need, to ask for God's blessings and guidance."... (more)

September 2, 2017
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump thanked disaster relief organizations helping victims of Harvey Friday afternoon. The president was joined in the Oval Office by leaders of the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.... (more)

September 2, 2017
GREG COROMBOS — The devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey is hard to even fathom for residents along the Texas coast, but as the heroic rescues continue, the harrowing individual stories are emerging, including the dramatic saving of family members of a local reporter.... (more)

September 2, 2017
CRAIGE MCMILLAN — Antifa: No entry (Merriam-Webster) Intifada: Uprising, Rebellion; specifically: an armed uprising of Palestinians against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. First known use: 1985. (Merriam-Webster) For a movement that "traces its roots to the 1920s and '30s, when militant leftists battled fascists in the streets of Germany, Italy, and Spain," (The Atlantic) it seems odd that its name doesn't appear in the dictionary.... (more)

September 2, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Thousands of Dreamers have used a loophole in federal law to get on a full pathway to citizenship, top congressional Republicans revealed Friday, citing government data withheld by the Obama administration but provided by the Trump administration.... (more)

September 2, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — Two Republican senators say they've reviewed evidence that indicates former FBI Director James B. Comey began drafting a statement to announce the closure of the bureau's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server months before key witnesses, including the former Democratic presidential candidate, were interviewed.... (more)

September 2, 2017
BOB UNRUH — Hillary Clinton's bid to win election to the Oval Office may be over -- for now -- but it appears her email scandal will go on and on and on. On Friday, President Trump said on social media, 'Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over ... and so much more. A rigged system!"... (more)

September 2, 2017
BYRON YORK — Senate investigators have had problems getting the FBI to reveal information about the Trump dossier. They're not the only ones. Outside groups filing Freedom of Information Act requests are running up against a stone wall when it comes to the dossier.... (more)

September 2, 2017
BOB UNRUH — A federal judge has refused to dismiss an Alabama Supreme Court justice's case against an activist state commission and its private partner, the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center, making it likely a trial will decide if those groups violated the justice's First Amendment rights.... (more)

September 2, 2017
PAUL BEDARD — Americans continue to get fatter and it's delivering a huge blow to the country, both in higher health care costs and undercutting military recruiting, according to a huge new study.... (more)

September 1, 2017
WES VERNON — The vast "fake news" effort to hide the truth about Antifa as a "radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard-left censorial organization" has been exposed for all the world to know. It's nicey-nicey Deep State cover-up designation as simply a "civil rights" group has been torn to shreds in a delightful "emperor with no clothes" moment. The exposure was not publicly affixed by that guy who writes for RenewAmerica.... (more)

August 31, 2017
MARKET WATCH — About 100,000 homes were damaged by Hurricane Harvey, President Donald Trump's Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert told reporters on Thursday. Speaking at the White House, Bossert said the administration would soon ask Congress for an initial round of emergency funding to aid relief efforts.... (more)

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