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November 7, 2017
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November 7, 2017
WES VERNON — This column, in reviewing the enemy's century-old (at least) effort to take over the United States, has tried to shine the light on those who would bring America down, whether from afar or from within. Their nefarious efforts could rid the globe once and for all of U.S. influence in the cause of freedom.... (more)

November 7, 2017
ALAN KEYES — It has now been a year since Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Though I long supported many of the policies he eventually claimed as his own during his campaign, I was not one of the Trumpeters, confidently proclaiming that he was the changed man, chosen of God to "make America great again."... (more)

November 7, 2017
JOAN SWIRSKY — "...The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." Joseph Stalin, 1923 On Tuesday, American voters will once again go to the polls hoping that the candidate(s) they vote for will fulfill what should be their one and only mission, i.e., to serve the needs of We the People.... (more)

November 6, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — A former National Rifle Association instructor has come forward as the "good Samaritan" who shot and wounded the gunman who attacked the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Stephen Willeford, 55, has been hailed as a hero for confronting the shooter and forcing him to flee, but he insisted in an interview Monday that "I'm no hero."... (more)

November 6, 2017
CNN — Devin Patrick Kelley, the gunman who killed 26 people at a Texas Baptist church, suffered three gunshot wounds, including a self-inflicted shot to the head, Texas authorities said Monday.... (more)

November 6, 2017
NEWSMAX — The gunman who slaughtered 26 people at a Texas church was able to buy weapons because the Air Force failed to report his domestic-violence conviction to the federal database that is used to conduct background checks on would-be gun purchasers, authorities said Monday.... (more)

November 6, 2017
DAILY MAIL — New details about the Texas church shooter paint the picture of a menacing bully, who was prone to violent outbursts and had a disturbing interest in teen girls. Public records detail Devin Patrick Kelley's history of physical abuse - including arrests for animal cruelty and domestic violence.... (more)

November 6, 2017
FOX NEWS — Shocked former classmates who attended middle and high school with Texas church gunman Devin Patrick Kelley described him Monday as being heavily medicated and someone who kept to himself -- despite a deluge of posts on his apparent Facebook profile about weapons and atheism.... (more)

November 6, 2017
NEWSMAX — Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday hailed the bravery of an "ordinary citizen" who tried to thwart a deranged shooter during his killing spree at a small-town church -- and berated the media for asking about gun control and "politicizing" the tragedy.... (more)

November 6, 2017
THE BLAZE — Matt Drudge, founder of the famed Drudge Report, doesn't tweet much and keeps a very low profile on the internet. But when he does tweet, his statements usually make a very large impact. Saturday was no different.... (more)

November 6, 2017
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump's White House staff have prepared an executive order that would weaken the requirement that all Americans have health insurance, The Washington Examiner reports.... (more)

November 6, 2017
ROBERT KNIGHT — The deadly Islamic terrorist truck attack in New York City on Halloween exposed a caldron of issues, from national security to immigration policy. But it's about much more than that. The attack and its aftermath have shone a light on the left's campaign to radically transform America through cultural Marxism. That's the revolutionary philosophy that aims to cure inequality by destroying traditional Western culture. This includes massive, unrestricted immigration.... (more)

November 6, 2017
WASHINGTON TIMES — A gunman wearing black tactical gear and a ballistic vest killed 26 congregants Sunday at a small South Texas church, fled after being shot at by a local man, and died a short time later as his car veered off the road and crashed. The shooting, the worst in state history, left Texans stunned by the extent of the carnage and the unlikely location, a tiny First Baptist Church in the remote town of Sutherland Springs, population 683.... (more)

November 6, 2017
NEWSMAX — Texas authorities are offering more details about the timeline of a deadly church shooting at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, a community 30 miles southeast of San Antonio.... (more)

November 6, 2017
MY SAN ANTONIO — As emergency responders rushed into Sutherland Springs following the state's deadliest shooting, two men were headed the opposite direction - chasing after the suspected shooter.... (more)

November 6, 2017
NEWSMAX — South Korea announced new unilateral sanctions against Pyongyang -- the first under President Moon Jae-In -- on Monday, a day before US President Donald Trump arrives in Seoul on an Asian tour dominated by the North's nuclear programme.... (more)

November 6, 2017
BOWLING GREEN DAILY NEWS — U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has five rib fractures and lung contusions as a result of an apparent assault Friday by a neighbor at Paul's home in Bowling Green, a spokesman for Kentucky's junior senator said Sunday.... (more)

November 6, 2017
CBS SPORTS — Saturday night, former Dodgers announcer and Hall of Famer Vin Scully was at the Pasadena Civic Center for an event called "An Evening With Vin Scully." At some point during the event, Scully was asked about the NFL's national anthem protests, in which players have taken a knee during the anthem to protest police brutality and racism. Scully said he "will never watch another NFL game" because of the protests.... (more)

November 5, 2017
CBS NEWS — President Trump paid a solemn visit Friday to Pearl Harbor and its memorial to the USS Arizona, a hallowed place he said he had read about, discussed and studied but had never visited until just before opening his first official visit to Asia, the longest trip to the continent by a sitting president in more than 25 years.... (more)

November 4, 2017
NY DAILY NEWS — They say they want a revolution. Hundreds of protesters calling on President Trump to resign took to the streets of Manhattan on Saturday -- beginning their day with a rally in Times Square and a plan to force the commander-in-chief from office. "One of the things we say is we need to make a wake up call," said co-organizer Luis Barrios, 65.... (more)

November 4, 2017
REUTERS — U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl on Friday was spared prison time for endangering fellow troops when he deserted his post in Afghanistan in 2009, but a military judge ordered he should be dishonorably discharged from the service.... (more)

November 4, 2017
INDEPENDENT SENTINEL — During an interview on Fox News with Tucker Carlson, an attorney for the Las Vegas victims of Stephen Paddock revealed that not only did police officers respond to the Mandalay security guard Jesus Campos after he was shot, they were right outside of Paddock's door before he began shooting out of his hotel room window.... (more)

November 2, 2017
DONNA BRAZILE — Before I called Bernie Sanders, I lit a candle in my living room and put on some gospel music. I wanted to center myself for what I knew would be an emotional phone call. I had promised Bernie when I took the helm of the Democratic National Committee after the convention that I would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton's team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested.... (more)

November 2, 2017
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump on Thursday tapped Fed Governor Jerome Powell to become head of the U.S. central bank, promoting a soft-spoken centrist to replace Janet Yellen when her term expires in February 2018.... (more)

November 2, 2017
USA TODAY — Despite railing against the Republican establishment during his primary campaign, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore came to Washington on Tuesday to address the GOP senators he hopes will be his future colleagues.... (more)

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