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September 21, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — A new Yale study has concluded that the population of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. is close to double the generally accepted estimate. The population of undocumented immigrants is widely thought to be around 11.3 million. But the study, which was conducted by three Yale-affiliated researchers, indicates that the total may be more than 22 million. Even the authors were surprised by their findings.... (more)

September 20, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — Both sides are claiming the FBI can or will get to the bottom of the Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault matter. The Kavanaugh accuser's backers say she wants a full FBI investigation of her charges, and that a former FBI agent conducted a lie detector test that she passed. Kavanaugh's backers say the FBI has already conducted a background investigation of Kavanaugh.... (more)

September 20, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump said Wednesday that his order to declassify documents about FISA, Carter Page and the Russia probe is a "great service to the country" that could expose the special counsel investigation as a "hoax." In an interview with Hill.TV, Mr. Trump said the move is all about transparency but hopes to expose "something that is truly a cancer in our country."... (more)

September 20, 2018
MICHAEL BARONE — " I did not, and of course I looked for it, looked for it hard." That was Bob Woodward, promoting his book on the Trump White House, Fear, replying to talk radio host and columnist Hugh Hewitt's question, "Did you, Bob Woodward, hear anything in your research, in your interviews, that sounded like espionage or collusion?"... (more)

September 20, 2018
BOB UNRUH — A column by Julie Kelly at American Greatness contends the American media are destroying their credibility and are in a death spiral resulting from "we-are-a-collection-of-dishonest-miscreants-who-are-unworthy-of-an-ounce-of-the-American-people's-trust" behavior.... (more)

September 20, 2018
CONRAD BLACK — The current standing of the Democrats in the midterm election polls is a levitation. Their record when they had the administration was poor. Their official leader, former president Obama, bombed with his long-winded, self-serving monotone of historical revision at the University of Illinois two weeks ago and its dreary sequels in Orange County, Calif.... (more)

September 20, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The FBI pushed in 2016 to include the discredited dossier into the official intelligence community assessment that Russia interfered in the election to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton, two former senior officials said. The officials told The Washington Times that as the historic ICA, as it is known, was being drafted, the FBI wanted to fold in allegations and observations from dossier writer Christopher Steele.... (more)

September 20, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Project Veritas has caught a State Department bureaucrat on hidden camera proclaiming he is part of the anti-Trump opposition and his job is to "resist everything" at "every level." Conservative activist and Veritas chief James O'Keefe released the video on Tuesday. He said it kicks off what he promises is wide exposure of the so-called "Deep State" actively working to defeat President Trump from within via media leaks and policy sabotage.... (more)

September 20, 2018
PROJECT VERITAS — DOJ: "These allegations are deeply concerning...referred to Inspector General." Leaks at Department of Health and Human Services: "It's kind of like the Nixon, 'deep throat' type of thing." Department of Justice Paralegal Allison Hrabar: "what's kind of lucky is at the DOJ, we can't really get fired."... (more)

September 20, 2018
CAMPUS REFORM — Last week, President Obama stirred controversy after giving a speech where he told attendees that credit for the historically strong U.S. economy should go to him, and not President Trump. After accusing Trump of being a "threat to our democracy," Obama went on to say "When you hear how great the economy's doing right now, let's just remember when this recovery started," alluding to his own role in the economic upturn.... (more)

September 20, 2018
TRIGTENT — At a certain point, having ingested enough of Bernie Sanders' rhetoric and policies, one can't help but wonder: is Bernie Sanders really that dumb, or does he simply want to dupe the nation into impoverishing itself, both on an individual and group level?... (more)

September 20, 2018
PAUL BEDARD — Nearly half of the residents in the nation's five biggest cities do not speak English at home, choosing instead their native language, according to the latest Census Bureau data that details the impact of a decade of soft immigration policies.... (more)

September 20, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Archbishop of the New York Diocese Cardinal Timothy Dolan asked a former judge to conduct an independent investigation into abuse allegations within his own community of churches. Cardinal Dolan announced that Judge Barbara Jones accepted his invitation to become the diocese's special counsel and independent reviewer. He explained that Judge Jones will have access to all records, Church personnel, and himself to probe all allegations of abuse by priests, deacons and bishops.... (more)

September 19, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — President Trump announced Tuesday that he will launch an energy security collaborative with Poland to advance his energy diversity agenda for Europe, an initiative meant to counter the influence Russia wields through its supply of gas to Europe.... (more)

September 19, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — Incumbent Texas senator Ted Cruz is leading his Democratic opponent, Representative Beto O'Rourke, by nine percentage points among likely voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday. The poll found that 54 percent of likely voters supported Cruz and 45 percent backed his opponent, a widely profiled progressive star who currently represents El Paso in the House. Notably, just 1 percent of those surveyed were undecided while 93 percent reported having made their final decision.... (more)

September 19, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The NRA has joined with President Trump and others to decry protesting professional sports figures, mostly in the NFL, who continue to take a knee to protest the National Anthem. National Rifle Association President Oliver North, in a new video titled "We Stand For Our Flag," said that protesting players are turning their backs on the flag, police and troops who gave their limbs and life "so you could spend your Sundays playing games."... (more)

September 19, 2018
HOLLYWOOD REPORTER — The film focuses on anti-abortion activist Abby Johnson, who spent years working for Planned Parenthood before switching sides. A $6 million anti-abortion film that takes a critical look at Planned Parenthood recently wrapped after being shot in secret in Oklahoma, and the filmmakers behind such surprise hits as God's Not Dead and I Can Only Imagine are hoping for similar success when they release the movie wide next year.... (more)

September 17, 2018
ALAN KEYES — In an issue (Sept. 6, 2018) of the New England Journal of Medicine this month, two professors have written an article calling for euthanasia of the elderly to harvest their body parts for organ donation, "if consent is obtained."... (more)

September 17, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — Conservatives who backed Judge Brett Kavanaugh without examining his record are looking like complete fools. Before the sexual assault charges surfaced, he was already on record saying the atrocious Supreme Court decisions on abortion-on-demand and "gay marriage" were "settled law." Now, his character is under assault as questions surface about the party atmosphere and secular nature of his Jesuit-run Catholic high school. Catholic "education" has become another crisis.... (more)

September 17, 2018
JOAN SWIRSKY — Judge Brett Kavanaugh has always been in the crosshairs of the left, ever since he played a major role in urging the impeachment of their icon of moral rectitude, President Bill Clinton, and also led the investigation into the alleged suicide (or fishy murder) of Vince Foster, Clinton's Deputy White House Counsel and close friend of Ms. Hillary.... (more)

September 17, 2018
BRYAN FISCHER — An accuser has crawled out of the shadows to charge Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with sexual assault. The accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, contends that 36 years ago Kavanaugh, in a drunken stupor, shut her in a room at a party and clumsily attempted to undress her.... (more)

September 17, 2018
JOSEPH FARAH — I have always found the story of Nicodemus, told in three separate passages in the Gospel of John, among the most fascinating stories in the Bible. Like much of Scripture, there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. Here was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin whose very Greek name has two seemingly relevant meanings -- "Innocent Blood" and "Victory of the People." With a name like that, Nicodemus might have been expected to be on the lookout for the Messiah who would restore the world to the way it was intended to be at Creation before the fall. Or maybe we read too much into some Bible names.... (more)

September 17, 2018
ART MOORE — President Trump has directed the Justice Department and the director of national intelligence to immediately declassify documents related to the Obama administration's handling of claims of Trump campaign collusion with Russia during the 2016 election.... (more)

September 17, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — Ever wonder how the Deep State works? Do you understand how what is becoming known as "the Media-Intelligence Complex" works? Fox News' Maria Bartiroma took the time Sunday morning to explore these issues with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who patiently exposed how leaks by law enforcement and intelligence agencies to the media result in fake news stories that bolster the case for investigations and indictments of innocent people and prosecutions in which no crimes were actually perpetrated.... (more)

September 17, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Another climate-change claim by former Vice President Al Gore is coming under fire, this one involving Hurricane Florence. Mr. Gore said Friday that two major storms from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans had never made landfall at the same time, referring to Hurricane Florence, the Category 1 hurricane that struck North Carolina on Friday, and Super Typhoon Mangkhut, which hit the Philippines early Saturday.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

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FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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