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October 1, 2018
JOAN SWIRSKY — The Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus that I attended in my youth showcased acts like the freak show in which people with all sorts of bizarre physical features would attract millions of morbidly curious wide-eyed visitors.But even Tom Thumb and the Siamese twins, the bearded lady and the dog-faced boy, and the head of Medusa that "turned men into stone" had nothing on the oddities of the 2018 circus that billed itself as the U.S. Senate's Judiciary Committee's Hearing to determine if Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump's selection for the Supreme Court, is fit for that august position.... (more)

October 1, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg withdrew his nomination to the Supreme Court in 1987 after admitting that he had smoked marijuana several times. President Reagan, who nominated him, was embarrassed by the disclosures. But today's conservatives, led by the Never-Trumpers, want President Trump to sink or swim with a proud beer-drinking "conservative" nominee that the Washington insiders in the conservative legal establishment foisted on him without adequate vetting.... (more)

October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018
BLOOMBERG — The U.S. and Canada have agreed on a trade deal that would save the North American Free Trade Agreement as a trilateral bloc, according to three people familiar with the matter.... (more)

September 30, 2018
ALICIA POWE — Throughout history, totalitarianism has been associated with storm troopers, blitzkriegs, and superior firepower, but a bestselling author and filmmaker says it's creeping into American culture, subverting privacy rights, instituting censorship, imposing speech codes, and threatening free elections -- without a government action or a shot being fired.... (more)

September 30, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — A decade-old flaw has been discovered that would allow for the hacking of a voting tabulator used to count ballots in more than half of the states. The M650 machine manufactured by Election Systems and Software could be infected with a malicious code, according to a report from the Voting Village at DEF CON, a renowned annual hacking conference.... (more)

September 30, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Actor Matt Damon received some glowing praise for his portrayal of an angry Brett Kavanaugh facing senators' questions about sexual assault allegations during the cold open of the 44th season premiere of "Saturday Night Live" on NBC.... (more)

September 30, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Thursday's explosive hearing pitting sexual assault accuser Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh surprisingly changed few minds, according to a new survey. The latest YouGov/Economist survey said that the answers given by over 1,000 poll respondents before and after the hearing were largely the same, a sign that political partisanship is more powerful than the testimony.... (more)

September 29, 2018
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump said Friday he found the testimony by a woman who said she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh decades ago to be "very compelling," but added that he'd given no consideration to the idea of nominating someone else. "Not even a little bit," Trump said.... (more)

September 29, 2018
PATRICK J. BUCHANAN — Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court was approved on an 11-10 party-line vote Friday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Yet his confirmation is not assured. Sen. Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, has demanded and gotten as the price of his vote on the floor, a week-long delay. And the GOP Senate has agreed to Democratic demands for a new FBI investigation of all credible charges of sexual abuse against the judge.... (more)

September 29, 2018
NEWSMAX — A nation riveted by the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford hearings on Thursday translated into big audiences for broadcast and cable TV networks. Six major networks providing coverage of the hearings attracted a total of 20.4 million viewers, according to Nielsen. The viewership spanned ABC, CBS and NBC, and three 24-hour news channels: Fox News, MSNBC and CNN.... (more)

September 29, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — Brett Kavanaugh's high school friend Mark Judge would be willing to cooperate with an FBI investigation, Judge's lawyer announced Friday. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) proposed that the FBI probe allegations that the Supreme Court nominee, in Judge's presence, sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford in 1982.... (more)

September 29, 2018
NEWSMAX — Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai has agreed to testify before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee later this year over Republican concerns that the company is biased against conservatives, a senior Republican said on Friday.... (more)

September 29, 2018
NEWSMAX — Facebook Inc. said it discovered a security breach earlier this week that affected almost 50 million accounts, the latest in a series of missteps that are undermining confidence in the company's social network and business model.... (more)

September 29, 2018
THE HILL — Video released this week shows construction underway in El Paso, Texas, for a portion of a U.S.-Mexico border wall. The video published by the El Paso Times shows construction beginning to replace existing fencing with a wall in Chihuahuita, El Paso's oldest neighborhood.... (more)

September 29, 2018
ABC — An Orange County judge on Thursday ruled that SB54, California's so-called "sanctuary state" law, is unconstitutional. The Superior Court judge said the law violates the rights of charter cities. The ruling comes in response to a challenge from Huntington Beach officials. The city opposed the controversial law, arguing it infringes on local governments' authority. The judge agreed, saying cities must be allowed to police themselves.... (more)

September 28, 2018
NEWSMAX — Tom Hanks in makeup and costume as Fred Rogers, the beloved children's television show host, appeared for the first time on Thursday, with the Oscar winner wearing the signature Mr. Rogers red sweater, along with a dress shirt and tie, tan slacks, and sneakers.... (more)

September 27, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump and his aides spent much of Thursday glued to the TV watching Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford testify in a stormy Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, with the president believing the nominee survived the decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct and binge drinking.... (more)

September 27, 2018
YOUTUBE — Senator Lindsey Graham accuses Democrats of an 'unethical sham,' says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has nothing to apologize for, urges fellow Republicans to vote to confirm Kavanaugh.... (more)

September 27, 2018
YOUTUBE — Judge Brett Kavanaugh responds to allegations... (more)

September 27, 2018
YOUTUBE — At the start of Thursday's hearing over her sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she was "here today not because I want to be. I am terrified. I am here because I believe it is my civic duty."... (more)

September 27, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — CNN host Don Lemon said Sen. Ted Cruz, by becoming a public official, had "signed up for" harassment by antifa activists and likened attacking lawmakers in any and every public space to the civil rights movement. In a segment late Tuesday evening with fellow CNN host Chris Cuomo, who joined Cruz opponent Rep. Beto O'Rourke in decrying the attack on Mr. Cruz and wife Heidi at a D.C. restaurant, Mr. Lemon said the activists from Smash Racism DC had no choice.... (more)

September 26, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — The push to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been dogged by one scandal after another. It was supposed to be an easy confirmation process because he knew what to say and how to say it to the liberals. He told them abortion and gay rights were "settled law." But he offered the left a target-rich environment that has tainted not only his reputation but his Catholic education and the conservative movement.... (more)

September 26, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump told the United Nations on Tuesday that the U.S. is guided by patriotism instead of globalism, rejecting the authority of world bodies such as the International Criminal Court, the World Trade Organization and a U.N. migration initiative even as he praised the U.N. itself as a force for peace. In the most in-your-face defense yet of his "America First" agenda, a defiant Mr. Trump stood before U.N. delegates who sneered openly at him and told them that the U.S. will never submit to international controls as long as he is in charge.... (more)

September 26, 2018
ART MOORE — In his address Tuesday to the United Nations, President Trump called for the "restoration of democracy" in Venezuela and used the once prosperous nation's demise as an illustration of why every country on earth "should resist socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone."... (more)


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