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November 26, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Homeland Security shut down a key border crossing Sunday amid the first signs of violence from the migrant caravans camped out on the Mexican side of the border, as politicians in Washington sparred over whether they should be admitted.... (more)

November 25, 2018
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump's agenda is being stymied in an attempt to delegitimize his administration, according to a new book "Trump's Enemies" written by two Republican operatives close to the president, The Washington Post reported.... (more)

November 25, 2018

November 25, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Former President Barack Obama paid failed Texas Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke the ultimate compliment: Comparison to himself. Mr. Obama was reacting to a report that a top Democratic bundler had said of the Texan that "he's Barack Obama, but white."... (more)

November 25, 2018
SKY NEWS — Russia has opened fire on Ukrainian ships and captured three vessels in a major escalation of tensions off the coast of Crimea. Three sailors have been wounded after the Ukrainian navy said two artillery boats were hit by the strikes in the Black Sea.... (more)

November 24, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Immigrants seeking asylum in the United States by entering through Mexico could be required to wait south of the border while U.S. courts assess their cases, a member of the incoming Mexican government said in an interview published Saturday. Andres Manuel López Obrador, Mexico's president-elect, plans to implement a policy known as "Remain in Mexico" after taking office next month, his top domestic policy official told The Washington Post.... (more)

November 24, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The Border Patrol reported the first major instance of migrant caravan-related violence Saturday, saying a Honduran man threw rocks at agents to try to keep from being arrested Friday in Arizona. The 31-year-old, whom authorities didn't name, had climbed a tree to try to avoid capture, then lit the tree afire and began to throw rocks at the agents as well as a helicopter called in to help track him.... (more)

November 24, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — John Kerry warns against mass immigration during an interview with The Guardian this week: "Look at Europe! Europe's already crushed under this transformation that's taken place because of immigration."... (more)

November 24, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — A prominent columnist, lawyer and political analyst contends the European Court of Human Rights has surrendered to Islam. Judith Bergman, senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute, wrote that Islamic blasphemy laws "have now been elevated to the law of the land in Europe."... (more)

November 24, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — CNN reporter Jim Acosta and Infowars publisher Alex Jones could both lob questions at President Trump's press secretary if petitioners succeed in an effort pending on the White House website. A publicly-created petition recently posted on the "We the People" section of the official White House site calls on the Trump administration to grant press credentials to the right-wing Infowars publisher and assign him a seat him alongside CNN's chief White House correspondent.... (more)

November 24, 2018
INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY — Inconvenient Science: NASA data show that global temperatures dropped sharply over the past two years. Not that you'd know it, since that wasn't deemed news. Does that make NASA a global warming denier? Writing in Real Clear Markets, Aaron Brown looked at the official NASA global temperature data and noticed something surprising. From February 2016 to February 2018, "global average temperatures dropped by 0.56 degrees Celsius." That, he notes, is the biggest two-year drop in the past century.... (more)

November 24, 2018
CURTIS DAHLGREN — Grandpa, tell us again about the bad old days. Well, Ismail, the 21st century started out really, really sad, but . . . Did people really get run over by trucks, and kids get shot in church? I'm afraid so, Ismail. WHY? Well, to get the context, you have to start at the beginning. Back in those days both the clergy and the Crown had to tell lies to stay in power, and the truth was irrelevant.... (more)

November 24, 2018
JOSEPH FARAH — Wow! Want something to be exceptionally thankful for this weekend? Be thankful Barack Obama is not your president -- and that Donald Trump is. If you don't feel that way today, try this: Watch his clip from his appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago where he stumbled through an incoherent talk on climate change (I think, you decide), doing what he does best -- criticizing others for carrying around too much "hate, anger, racism" and, after stumbling around for the right word of phrase, coming up with "mommy issues."... (more)

November 24, 2018
SELWYN DUKE — Truly great disasters come like a thief in the night. How many foresaw Rome's sacking in 410 A.D., her collapse 66 years later, WWI or WWII? As for today, how many see that the United States is at what some call a tipping point, what others may call a Fourth Turning? Whatever you call it, the American republic is in its last days. This is too scary for many to contemplate, but there's something far scarier: playing ostrich and not being prepared for things to come.... (more)

November 22, 2018
BILL FEDERER — The Pilgrims fled England because of religious persecution and lived in Leiden, Holland from 1609 to 1620. Each October, Leiden, Holland, celebrated an annual day of thanksgiving for the end of the bloody pillaging, called "Spanish Furies" committed by Spain's "Iron Duke" from 1572 to 1589.... (more)

November 22, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — President Lincoln issued his famous "Proclamation of Thanksgiving," on Oct. 3, 1863, with the Civil War still raging. As is our annual tradition, we reproduce the text below in commemoration of Thanksgiving Day, as penned by Lincoln and his secretary of state, William Seward.... (more)

November 22, 2018
MONICA CROWLEY — "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." --Cicero Today is a day of thanksgiving, and a day of reflection. There are two particularly quintessentially American holidays: Independence Day, when we celebrate our declaration of independence from the British, which began the most successful experiment in human liberty ever conducted.... (more)

November 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — American troops deployed abroad and away from their loved ones this Thanksgiving will be receiving 12 times as many pies as they did last year, NBC News reported on Wednesday. Although the number of soldiers stationed in hazardous areas abroad has remained about the same as it was in 2017, the Defense Logistics Agency, which handles food supplies for the military, is sending a total of 81,360 pies this year as opposed to 6,288 in 2017.... (more)

November 22, 2018
THE HILL — A new Trump administration policy would force migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. to wait in Mexico as their requests are processed, breaking sharply with current policy, The Washington Post reported Wednesday. According to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memos obtained by the Post, asylum seekers would have to establish a "reasonable fear" of persecution in Mexico to be allowed to come to the U.S. while authorities review their asylum requests under the new policy, dubbed "Remain in... (more)

November 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump on Wednesday rebutted the pointed -- and rare -- criticism of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts that judges don't carry water for the president who appoints them. In a tweet that escalated the president's feud with judges on the liberal-leaning 9th Circuit, Trump said jurists named by President Barack Obama "have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country."... (more)

November 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — Some conservatives are coming to the defense of President Donald Trump after Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts scolded him, with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, even bringing former President Barack Obama into the discussion.... (more)

November 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — The wave of new immigrants arriving at the U.S. border poses a national security problem, and President Donald Trump has the right to fight it, just as he fought and won his battle for a travel ban, Sebastian Gorka, a former deputy assistant to the president, said Wednesday.... (more)

November 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — Abortion rates among U.S. women in all age groups plunged to a decade low, with teens experiencing a greater decrease than older women, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.... (more)

November 22, 2018
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON — A new bombshell report based on a secret trove of seized Iranian nuclear documents shows the Islamic Republic had concrete plans to manufacture and build at least five nuclear weapons and that it was much further along in this scheme than previously known by the international community.... (more)

November 20, 2018
BYRON YORK — The decision by U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly in Cable News Network v. Donald J. Trump ordering the White House to restore the press pass of reporter Jim Acosta has been hailed as a victory not only for CNN but for the entire press and the cause of journalism. But the end result of Kelly's ruling, and of the CNN lawsuit, might not be happy for reporters and the news organizations that employ them.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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