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February 6, 2019
NEW YORK POST — Virginia's leadership crisis took an absurd turn Wednesday when the man who is second in line to become governor admitted he has worn blackface -- even as Gov. Ralph Northam's job is already on the line for the same thing and the man who is first in line to replace him is embroiled in a sex scandal.... (more)

February 6, 2019
PAUL BEDARD — A key black Virginia political leader Tuesday hit white Democrats for not moving quick enough to demand the resignation of Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam over a picture on his college yearbook page featuring a man in blackface next to another in a KKK robe.... (more)

February 6, 2019
LIFE NEWS — Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is under fire for endorsing infanticide yesterday on a radio talk show. Northam not only defended a bill in the state legislature that would legalize abortions up to birth -- even if the mother is dilated -- he defended infanticide during a radio show today.... (more)

February 6, 2019
C-SPAN — President Trump delivers 2019 State of the Union Address before a Joint Session of Congress.... (more)

February 6, 2019
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — President Trump said the United States will never become a socialist country in his 2019 State of the Union address. "We stand with the Venezuelan people in their noble quest for freedom -- and we condemn the brutality of the Maduro regime, whose socialist policies have turned that nation from being the wealthiest in South America into a state of abject poverty and despair," Trump said Tuesday night.... (more)

February 6, 2019
DAILY CALLER — CBS News released an instant poll that showed slightly over three-fourths of those who watched President Donald Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday night approved of what he said.... (more)

February 6, 2019
DAILY SIGNAL — This is the full text of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address, as prepared for delivery. Madam Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, the first lady of the United States, and my fellow Americans:... (more)

February 6, 2019
NEWSMAX — Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., identified herself on a 1986 registration card for the State Bar of Texas as an "American Indian" -- a previously undisclosed example of her claiming an Indian heritage, The Washington Post reported.... (more)

February 5, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID — All freedom-loving people support the overthrow of the tyrannical socialist Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela. But President Trump's replacement, Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido, is also a socialist. His Popular Will party is a "progressive" party and a member of the Socialist International.... (more)

February 4, 2019
SELWYN DUKE — It's certainly a sign of the times that Governor Ralph Northam's resignation has been demanded not because of an apparent endorsement of infanticide, but because of a 1984 yearbook photo. Yet another sign is how, while Virginia's Northam is condemned for having appeared in blackface or a KKK costume, another man is being honored despite having actually appeared before a KKK rally and preaching strict racial separation.... (more)

February 4, 2019
AMY CONTRADA — A depraved sadomasochist (BDSM) orgy is set to take place in Cleveland, Ohio the last weekend in April 2019. The "Cleveland Annual Leather Weekend" (CLAW) has been taking over upscale hotels for years now with no interference. It is time to interfere and STOP this outrage. Hotels booked this year by CLAW are the downtown Cleveland Westin, Marriott, Hampton Inn, and Aloft.... (more)

February 4, 2019
NEIL BRIAN GOLDBERG — Many years ago, I had success in the music industry. My songs were being heard all over the world, but I was never happy. I was a very troubled and afflicted young man. After much "self-improvement"' work, great progress was made, but still, I had not changed. Finally, I heard about "Emotional Trauma Release," a technique where one talks about their feelings lying on their backs in the presence of a facilitator, who keeps pointing you back to your feelings. "How does that make you feel?"... (more)

February 4, 2019
WALL STREET JOURNAL — President Trump in Tuesday's State of the Union is expected to issue a plea for national unity at a moment of deep partisan divisions, with the Democratic-controlled House and the White House at an impasse over spending priorities while Mr. Trump threatens to do an end-run around both chambers of Congress to pay for a wall on the southern U.S. border.... (more)

February 4, 2019
COUNTRY LIVING — Sure, Tom Brady secured a record sixth Super Bowl ring on Sunday--but the New England Patriots weren't the only big winners of the night. Before kickoff, Gladys Knight took the turf for an incredible rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner." Clad in a crystal-embellished white gown and sparkling booties, the 74-year-old performed a soulful version of the national anthem that received rave reviews from the Atlanta crowd and beyond.... (more)

February 4, 2019
CHUCK NORRIS — Whether or not you're a part of the declining viewership of the NFL, there's a ray of light worth noting in professional football and in particular this year's Super Bowl. We sometimes forget as debates about kneeling during the national anthem rage on, there are a host of real and inspirational American patriots who are at the heart of every NFL team. I'd like to highlight a few football warriors who stand out not only for their athletic abilities on the field but their perseverant strategies in life. They share a part of a new video just out for the 2019 Super Bowl.... (more)

February 4, 2019
DAILY CALLER — Democratic Washington Sen. Patty Murray moved to block a measure Monday that would have outlawed infanticide. The bill, presented by Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse, was titled the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" and would have offered medical care and legal protections to infants who survived attempted abortions.... (more)

February 4, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — You may never see the 1964 film "Mary Poppins" on television again -- now that the New York Times has labeled it racist. In a piece for the paper by Professor Daniel Pollack-Pelzner, criticizes one of the film's iconic moments, when Mary Poppins joins Dick Van Dyke's Bert to dance on a rooftop for the classic song "Step in Time."... (more)

February 4, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Border residents in New Mexico say they are hesitant to report suspicious immigration activity to local and federal law enforcement because they fear the Mexican cartels moving drugs or people into the U.S. will retaliate against them.... (more)

February 4, 2019
JOE KOVACS — Some of the biggest names in the Democratic Party ganged up Sunday on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a fellow Democrat, urging him to resign his position in the wake of controversy over a 1984 yearbook photo featuring a man in blackface and another dressed as a Ku Klux Klansman.... (more)

February 3, 2019
NEWSMAX — Less than 24 hours following the spectacular revelation that Virginia's Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam had a medical school yearbook page featuring himself in blackface or a Ku Klux Klan hood, sources in Richmond told Newsmax the embattled governor would resign over the weekend.... (more)

February 3, 2019
REUTERS — A high-ranking Venezuelan air force general said he had disavowed President Nicolas Maduro and now recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim head-of-state, according to a video circulating on Twitter on Saturday.... (more)

February 3, 2019
NEWSMAX — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro proposed early parliamentary elections on Saturday, seeking to shore up his crumbling rule after a senior general defected to the opposition and tens of thousands thronged the streets in protest at his government.... (more)

February 3, 2019
NEWSMAX — The top American diplomat said the United States has formally suspended its obligations under a Cold War-arms treaty with Russia. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Saturday the Trump administration has acted after what he calls "Russia's material breach" of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty and its failure to come into compliance in the two months since Washington gave notice of its intent to withdraw from the pact.... (more)

February 2, 2019
ABC8 — A photo released on Friday afternoon of Governor Ralph Northam's 1984 yearbook page from Eastern Virginia Medical School shows two men, one in blackface and another in a KKK robe.... (more)

February 2, 2019
NEWSMAX — Virginia Governor Ralph Northam apologized on Friday for a photograph on his 1984 medical school yearbook page showing two people at a party in racist garb, one smiling and in blackface and standing next to someone in a Ku Klux Klan costume.... (more)


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