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April 10, 2019
NEW YORK POST — She was one of Hollywood's most celebrated actresses. But Audrey Hepburn had a role that few knew about: spy. And unlike the characters that she portrayed on screen, playing this part could literally mean life or death.... (more)

April 8, 2019
NEW YORK POST — After painstaking research, the final survivor of the last American slave ship has been identified. An expert from the UK's University of Newcastle carefully pieced together the life of Redoshi, from her kidnapping as a child in West Africa, to her enslavement in Alabama and, eventually, her freedom.... (more)

April 8, 2019
WES VERNON — For decades, Communist China has been viewed by the U.S. with a wary eye. Recently, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that China has been using "nontraditional" intelligence collectors to launch a "whole of society" threat against the United States."... (more)

April 8, 2019
ALAN KEYES — In his discussion of the judicial aspect of executive power, Montesquieu observed that "If it is joined to the legislative power, the [judicial] power over the life and liberty of the citizens would be arbitrary, for the judge would be the legislator. If it is joined to the executive power, the judge would be able to wield the force of an oppressor."... (more)

April 8, 2019
CBS NEWS — Potential 2020 Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, delivered a pointed message for Vice President Mike Pence on Sunday, telling him to raise his objections with the gay community with God.... (more)

April 8, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — In an effort to force the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit the Roe v. Wade ruling, Alabama lawmakers have proposed a bill that would make performing an abortion a Class A felony, subject to up to 99 years in prison.... (more)

April 8, 2019
NEWSMAX — Trumpeting a strong U.S. economy amid some economic struggles around the rest of the world, President Donald Trump's nominee for the Federal Reserve board, Stephen Moore, hailed the lowest unemployment rate "since the Beatles."... (more)

April 8, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Government watchdog Judicial Watch has filed dozens of FOIA requests and lawsuits over the "Steele dossier," the dubious anti-Trump document funded by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.... (more)

April 8, 2019
NEWSMAX — Rep. Devin Nunes on Sunday told Fox News he is preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice this week regarding alleged misconduct during the Trump-Russia probe.... (more)

April 8, 2019
PAUL BEDARD — Stressing American values of freedom, Democracy, and security, the husband of Democratic 2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg told a human rights rights group Saturday that the nation is "ready" for its first gay president.... (more)

April 8, 2019
NEWSMAX — CNN anchor Don Lemon has announced his engagement to New York real estate agent Tim Malone. Lemon, who has two dogs with Malone, posted on Instagram photos of customized canine tags that read: "DADDY WILL YOU MARRY PAPA?" on Saturday.... (more)

April 7, 2019
NEWSMAX — A state judge has issued a preliminary injunction against a suburban New York county's emergency order banning children from public places unless they've been vaccinated against measles. Supreme Court Justice Rolf Thorsen ruled Friday in favor of several dozen parents challenging Rockland County Executive Ed Day's order, part of efforts to stop a measles outbreak that has infected 166 people since October.... (more)

April 6, 2019
YAHOO NEWS — A movie produced by a Christian studio about a former employee of an organization that provides abortions who became a "pro-life" activist is proving to be a surprising box office hit. "Unplanned," which was released in theaters on March 29, has pulled in more than 8.6 million dollars in North America, according to Box Office Mojo.... (more)

April 6, 2019
FOX NEWS — Raw video: Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan, who served in the Obama administration, delivers opening statement at Senate Homeland Security hearing on crisis at the southern border.... (more)

April 6, 2019
NEWSMAX — The majority of Americans think that social media companies are doing more to divide this country than to unite it, and most don't trust websites like Facebook to protect their personal information, according to a poll released Friday.... (more)

April 5, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Known for his anti-Semitic comments, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan recently declared to his followers that he is the true Jesus. The statement made in his Saviours' Day keynote address in February was reported Thursday by FoxNews.com.... (more)

April 5, 2019
FOX NEWS — Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are preparing for more changes as they gather in Utah for a twice-yearly conference to hear from the faith's top leaders. Church President Russell M. Nelson has implemented a host of changes in his first year at the helm, including the surprising repeal Thursday of policies that banned baptisms for children of gay parents and labeled people in same-sex marriages as sinners eligible for expulsion.... (more)

April 5, 2019
WES VERNON — There were reasons, way back when, that this nation became the United States of America, not the Republic of America. One of several factors that contributed to the thinking of the framers of our nation and the crafting of its Constitution was an unwritten understanding that we are all different.... (more)

April 4, 2019
STEFANI WILLIAMS — "Skepticism is the first step towards truth," Denis Diderot, 1746. Has our government ever been wrong? Has it ever been deceptive? The answer of course, to anyone who knows our history, is yes! Here are a few examples: Forced sterilization and eugenics - History is fraught with the horrors that eugenics inflicted on the world. The most prominent example is, of course, Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, but what isn't well-known is that Hitler was actually influenced by eugenics-inspired policies being implemented in the United States during the early part of the 1900's.... (more)

April 4, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE — One day, about a decade ago, a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director saw something at her own clinic -- and it made her instantly pro-life. Her name is Abby Johnson, and she was the director of the Bryan, Texas, Planned Parenthood clinic, which was affiliated with the greater Houston area Planned Parenthood -- one of the largest markets for America's largest abortion-provider. In 2008, Abby had been voted as Planned Parenthood's Employee of the Year. She was on a fast-track for further promotion within Planned Parenthood.... (more)

April 4, 2019
LIFE NEWS — There are a lot of things in life to get exasperated about. The rude guy who cuts in front of you on the highway, a person who is loudly talking on the phone at a restaurant, or people who chew with their mouth open. But Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky is exasperated about the fact that Republicans continue to push for a vote on a bill to stop infanticide.... (more)

April 4, 2019
BYRON YORK — Is there any number of illegal border crossings into the United States that would strike Democrats as an emergency? As they resisted President Trump's efforts to stem the flow of illegal migrants across the U.S.-Mexico border, many Democrats made the point that fewer migrants are coming today than years ago, during the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush presidencies. The implication was that today's situation cannot be an emergency, because it used to be worse.... (more)

April 4, 2019
DAILY CALLER — Things got awkward fast when Tucker Carlson asked a Mexican official why Central Americans migrating through Mexico shouldn't be allowed to remain there. Speaking with Guanajuato Secretary of Migration Juan Hernandez on Wednesday night's edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," the Fox News host began by asking why Hernandez's own words from the past wouldn't constitute a "hostile act" against the United States.... (more)

April 4, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW — President Trump has tasked three Republican senators with coming up with a replacement for Obamacare if courts strike it down. It's a prudent contingency plan. Republicans should, for that matter, advance their own health-care plan even if the lawsuit fails -- as it is highly likely to do, in part because it lacks legal merit.... (more)

April 4, 2019
CONRAD BLACK — The Democrats and most of their media hallelujah chorus are still sanctimoniously congratulating themselves for showing such vigilance over Russia's impact on the election. The more impetuous are denouncing the attorney general, William Barr, as a flimflammer, and the more imaginative are trying to make the flying broad jump to health care.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Jerry Newcombe
A politically-incorrect prayer

Victor Sharpe
Who truly deserves a state? The Kurds or the Palestinians?

Pete Riehm
Father's Day: When men sing!

Cherie Zaslawsky
RFK Jr.: The silver-tongued spoiler

Randy Engel
A documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part VIII

Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 22: What Is Social Justice?

Stephen Stone
A Song for Independence Day: ‘Have You Been To My Hometown?’

Rev. Mark H. Creech
From ancient idols to modern misconceptions: The call to worship only God

Michael Bresciani
Pride Month – Are we proud of the decimation, disfigurement, and death of children?

Tom DeWeese
The second great Colorado land grab

Matt C. Abbott
Dealing with the Dobbs backlash

Ronald R. Cherry
Book Review: Left Imperialism – From Cardinal Richelieu to Klaus Schwab, by Gary Gindler
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