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August 27, 2019

August 26, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Inadequate protection of the national electric grid, a key concern of President Trump, threatens the "survival of the United States," a key defense task force warned on Tuesday.... (more)

August 26, 2019
NEWSMAX — Iran's foreign minister paid a visit to a G-7 summit in France on Sunday as a guest to French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron, a move that blindsided White House officials and some U.S. lawmakers condemned.... (more)

August 26, 2019
DAILY CALLER — South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said Americans have to be ready to tighten their belts in order to make China's government change its trade practices. "I'm glad American companies are in China doing business because there's a lot of customers. What I don't like is they close off markets to the American business community in China," Graham said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation." "They're required to have a Chinese business partner when you do business in China, and they steal all of your stuff."... (more)

August 26, 2019
DAILY WIRE — President Donald Trump's latest trade war escalation against China appears to have had an immediate effect on Asian markets and the Chinese yuan, sending both tumbling early on Monday morning. "China's yuan currency fell to 7.1487 to the dollar, its weakest level since early 2008 at the height of the global financial crisis," AFP reported. "On equity markets, Hong Kong led losses, slumping more than three percent, with investors also spooked by fresh violent protests in the city that saw police use water cannon for the first time. Shanghai lost 1.3 percent and Tokyo ended the morning more than two percent off."... (more)

August 26, 2019
NEWSMAX — Amid a roller-coaster trade war, President Donald Trump's upping the ante last Friday got China to blink, according to Far East foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang on Newsmax TV.... (more)

August 26, 2019
DAILY CALLER — Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar mocked Republican Rep. Mo Brooks Friday after he said that more Muslims in office is leading to more anti-Semitism. "Oh it's fine, it's just a Republican who says something bigoted!" the Minnesota congresswoman tweeted.... (more)

August 26, 2019
DAILY CALLER — CNN's Brian Stelter speculated Sunday on President Donald Trump's mental health and called for more media coverage of the issue. "So something is wrong," Stelter said in the opening monologue of his show, "Reliable Sources."... (more)

August 25, 2019
DAILY CALLER — At least two former staffers and one friend to New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand say it is time for the lawmaker to quit the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.... (more)

August 25, 2019
BOB UNRUH — Courts base their decisions on U.S. law and the Constitution, right? So it should be no surprise that the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals cited the Constitution in its decision to reinstate a lawsuit by two filmmakers in Minnesota who had sued the state for trying to coerce them into saying something they didn't want to say.... (more)

August 25, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — A "conscience rights" rule implemented by the Trump administration that exempts physicians from providing "treatments" that violate religious faith such as abortion has been challenged by lawsuits in New York and California.... (more)

August 25, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — A report authorized by Facebook concluded the company has taken "some steps" to address the censorship concerns of conservatives. But it fell short of even beginning to address the real problem. That's according to a new statement released by nearly two dozen conservative leaders.... (more)

August 25, 2019
NEWSMAX — Liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has completed a three-week course of radiation therapy to treat a cancerous tumor on her pancreas, a court spokeswoman said on Friday. The 86-year old justice tolerated the therapy well and no further treatment is required, spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said in a statement.... (more)

August 23, 2019
NEWSMAX — Former U.S. Rep. Jason Lewis, R-Minn., announced that he will challenge U.S. Sen. Tina Smith in 2020, the Star Tribune is reporting. "Let the battle begin," he said on Thursday. The newspaper reported he called the Senate "the last firewall for freedom" in the face of liberals like U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and the other three members of what is called the progressive "squad" of House Democrats.... (more)

August 23, 2019
JOAN SWIRSKY — "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13). "...I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19). Remember good ole boy Johnny Edwards -- actually North Carolina Democrat Senator John Edwards (1998-2012), VP candidate in 2004 and presidential candidate in 2008? Edwards is hard to forget because he burst upon the national stage as the golden-tongued lawyer who was famous for defending the rights of the unborn.... (more)

August 23, 2019
BRYAN FISCHER — The New York Times, through what it is calling "The 1619 Project," has decided to rewrite American history by identifying the date of our "true founding" as August 20, 1619, 400 years ago today. The Times has picked that date because that's the day when "20. and odd Negroes" (sic) were off-loaded from a Dutch man-of-war in Jamestown, Virginia, and slavery first came ashore in what became the United States.... (more)

August 23, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE — I recently preached a sermon on the subject of stealing in our church's series on the Ten Commandments. And one of the points I made is that socialism is a form of theft. I mentioned the slogan going around during the 1960s -- " property is theft." But the Bible says, "Thou shalt not steal." Implied in that commandment is the sanctity of private property -- I'm not allowed to simply take it because someone else owns it. And the Bible does not say, "Thou shalt not steal, unless thou art the government."... (more)

August 23, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW — President Trump said Wednesday that he is "seriously" considering issuing an executive order to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants. Speaking to reporters outside the White House, Trump argued that it is "frankly ridiculous" that the U.S. affords citizenship to babies born to immigrants who entered the country illegally.... (more)

August 22, 2019
JOSEPH FARAH — Donald Trump had a question for the prime minister of Denmark. "How much do you want for Greenland?" he asked Mette Fredericksen. He didn't have a trace of embarrassment about publicly asking her the question, nor was he embarrassed about canceling his trip when he got her negative response.... (more)

August 22, 2019
ANN COULTER — Even before The New York Times launched its "All Slavery, All the Time" project, no one could accuse that paper of skimping on its race coverage, particularly stories about black males killed by white(ish) police officers.... (more)

August 22, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that Colorado's Electoral College electors aren't required to cast their vote for the presidential candidate who wins the most votes in their state. The case began in 2016 when three of Colorado's nine electors, the "faithless" electors, voted for John Kasich instead of Hillary Clinton in an attempt to undermine Trump's election.... (more)

August 22, 2019
GREENWICH TIME — Joe Walsh, a pugnacious former congressman, is preparing a Republican primary challenge to President Trump that he previewed as a daily "bar fight" with the incumbent over his morality and competency. Mark Sanford, a former South Carolina governor and congressman, said he is inching closer to a bid of his own by sounding out activists in New Hampshire and other early-voting states about an insurgency focused on the ballooning deficit.... (more)

August 22, 2019
MERCURY NEWS — A Democratic National Committee meeting erupted into a bitter battle Thursday morning over the question of holding a climate-specific presidential debate, with party officials stamping down a resolution calling for a such an event in the face of raucous opposition from activists.... (more)

August 22, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Evangelist Franklin Graham warns anyone who would consider the advice of the Southern Poverty Law Center that the organization is a "sham." While it once focused on fighting the KKK, SPLC now routinely slaps the "hate" label on Christians and Christian organizations because of their religious beliefs.... (more)

August 21, 2019
BYRON YORK — There will be much to learn in Inspector General Michael Horowitz's upcoming report on the Trump-Russia investigation, but most of it will likely boil down to just two questions. One, how much did the Obama Justice Department spy on the Trump campaign? And two, was it justified?... (more)


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HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

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Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

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FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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