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March 3, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — The Broward County Sheriff's Office oversaw a training session led by one of its deputies to teach mosque-goers how to carry a concealed weapon. Sheriff Scott Israel officially oversaw the side job of Deputy Nezar Hamze, a Muslim American, as regional operations director for the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), according to documents obtained by National Review from the Broward County Sheriff's Office. Israel had a representative sign for him on the form that gave Hamze permission to work for CAIR.... (more)

March 3, 2018
PAUL BEDARD — The more Americans hear liberal Hollywood actors lecturing them on gun control the more they support the Second Amendment, according to a pre-Oscars poll. Zogby Analytics found that when movie stars, who often have their own gun-toting security protecting them, slam access to guns, support for guns increases.... (more)

March 1, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — Conservative activist Eugene Delgaudio tells a story of meeting Donald J. Trump and confronting him about his liberal past. Trump assured Delgaudio he has repudiated his past. But the old Trump was on display on Wednesday, when President Trump embraced Democratic Party gun control measures and insulted Republicans as tools of the NRA.... (more)

February 28, 2018
BOB UNRUH — Finally! Here's proof that a campaign colluded with a foreign entity in the 2016 U.S. presidential race. Officials for the Democratic presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders, who was defeated by Hillary Clinton, apparently with the help of the Democratic National Committee, have paid a $14,500 civil penalty for accepting illegal foreign help.... (more)

February 28, 2018
BYRON YORK — Republicans from President Trump down often declare that there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. So far, Democrats have not been able to prove otherwise. But the most compelling piece of evidence cited by the president's opponents is the June 9, 2016, meeting in Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr., some key Trump campaign aides, and a group of Russians who came promising damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Much remains unknown about that meeting.... (more)

February 28, 2018
NEWSMAX — Thirteen Republican members of the House of Representatives on Wednesday called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a special counsel to investigate alleged surveillance abuses by the FBI and the Justice Department.... (more)

February 28, 2018
FOX NEWS — White House communications director Hope Hicks, one of the president's longest and most loyal advisers dating back to the beginning of his presidential campaign, said Wednesday she is resigning from the administration to explore new opportunities. "There are no words to adequately express my gratitude to President Trump," Hicks said in a statement. "I wish the president and his administration the very best as he continues to lead our country."... (more)

February 28, 2018
BOB UNRUH — A prominent Washington watchdog is asking just how many Obama administration officials hid behind fake names while they worked for the U.S. government, after discovering that Loretta Lynch sometimes wasn't Loretta Lynch -- for email purposes -- while she was attorney general. She was Elizabeth Carlisle.... (more)

February 28, 2018
ART MOORE — The deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., was the keynote speaker for the annual fundraiser for the New York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based front for Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, reported Conservative Review.... (more)

February 28, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — Broward County Sheriff's deputies and employees are the subjects of more than 66 investigations – ranging from drug trafficking and sexual battery to kidnapping – since 2012, according to a new report.... (more)

February 27, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — With unprecedented speed, the Trump administration has already implemented nearly two-thirds of the 334 agenda items called for by the Heritage Foundation, a pace faster than former President Reagan who embraced the conservative think tank's legendary "Mandate for Leadership" blueprint.... (more)

February 27, 2018
THE HILL — Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday that the Justice Department will investigate potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). "Yes, it will be investigated," Sessions told reporters at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees FISA warrants, according to the Washington Examiner.... (more)

February 27, 2018
BYRON YORK — Recently President Trump tweeted, "I have been much tougher on Russia than Obama, just look at the facts. Total Fake News!" The tweet was greeted with incredulity in some press circles. CNN called it "simply false." "The facts suggest the opposite," said the Washington Post. "Mostly false," declared Politifact, noting the president's statement "immediately drew guffaws among media commentators."... (more)

February 27, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — A federal court cleared the way Tuesday for President Trump to build his border wall, ruling that the administration has the power to waive a series of environmental laws to speed up construction. The state of California and environmental groups had been counting on the lawsuit to derail the border wall and called the decision disappointing.... (more)

February 27, 2018
LEXINGTON HERALD LEADER — Teachers could soon be carrying concealed guns inside schools in Pike County under a proposal that was preliminarily approved Monday evening by the Pike County School Board. The unanimous decision came after the board heard concerns about school safety from teachers, parents and administrators during a town hall meeting at Pike County Central High School. The discussion was prompted by multiple school shootings in recent weeks, including one at Marshall County High School in Western Kentucky that left two dead and another in Florida that left 17 dead.... (more)

February 27, 2018
DENNIS PRAGER — hy does the Left oppose allowing a small number of highly trained teachers and other adults who work at schools to arm themselves? When asked, their response is consistent: "It's a crazy idea." And "we need fewer guns, not more guns." A New York Times editorial offered the following argument against having any armed teachers: "Nationwide statistics on police shooting accuracy are not to be found. But if New York is typical, analyses show that its officers hit their targets only one-third of the time. And during gunfights, when the adrenaline is really pumping, that accuracy can drop to as low as 13 percent."... (more)

February 27, 2018
NEWSMAX — Cruz family service calls regarding the Florida school shooter or his brother numbered at least 45, according to sheriff's office records obtained by CNN. That's nearly double the number of calls Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has publicly acknowledged.... (more)

February 27, 2018
NEWSMAX — An Obama-era policy designed to compartmentalize school discipline may have hamstrung law enforcement's efforts to prevent the Feb. 14 massacre of 17 students and faculty, Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran told Breitbart News.... (more)

February 27, 2018
ART MOORE — A leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in South Florida also serves as a deputy for the Broward County Sheriff's office, which is under fire for its handling of the Valentine's Day school shooting in which 17 people were killed.... (more)

February 27, 2018
NEWSMAX — Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay labeled House Democrats' memo about the ongoing Russia investigation as political and full of lies. "The Republican memo is nothing but a factual memo laying out what has been going on and what they know to date. The Democrat memo is a pack of lies," DeLay told Newsmax TV host John Bachman on "Newsmax Now."... (more)

February 27, 2018
BOB UNRUH — New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman boasts on his state website that he's long advocated for abortion businesses and lately has opposed President Trump's plan to ban visitors from certain terror-supporting nations. He cites the many targets of his campaigns: corrupt politicians, companies that rip off New Yorkers, big banks, consumer fraud, lying, illegal tracking technology, drug trafficking rings, discrimination, hatred, and opponents of carbon credits and sanctuary cities.... (more)

February 27, 2018
JOAN SWIRSKY — Imagine a guy in his mid-thirties walking on a beach in Hawaii and seeing an object that actually looked like the genie lamp he read about in his childhood -- the kind of lamp he could rub until a genie popped out and granted his most fervent wish. Being a pretty ordinary guy -- you know, the kind who hung out smoking pot, who slacked off in school, who didn't get the girl and actually hated and was jealous of the guys who did -- he asked for power.... (more)

February 25, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is blaming former President Obama for being in cahoots with Russia for eight years and setting the stage for orchestrating a conspiracy theory of collusion between Moscow and Donald Trump during the 2016 election.... (more)

February 25, 2018
NEWSMAX — Russia's 2016 election meddling campaign was designed to "amplify" discord among Americans, their president, and with Congress, and their execution was "cheap and effective," according to a former FBI special agent in N.Y.'s cyber division.... (more)

February 25, 2018
ROBERT KNIGHT — In 1953 in Chattanooga, Tenn., the Rev. Billy Graham saw that his crusade audience was segregated in roped-off sections. He personally tore the barriers down. Over the next six decades, he preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to more than 200 million people in 185 countries. Without giving an inch of theological ground, he adjusted his message to the moment, for example, dropping the name "crusade" for his rallies so as not to offend Muslims that he was trying to reach for Christ.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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