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March 10, 2018
NEWSMAX — China's on track to contain the world's largest Christian population thanks to a surge in underground house churches and state-sanction places of worship, according to the Council of Foreign Relations. In a background document titled "Christianity in China," the CFR estimates of the number of Protestants at anywhere from 58 million to 115 million and higher -- though fewer than 30 million attend officially registered churches.... (more)

March 10, 2018
NEWSMAX — Mitt Romney is shaking hands, posing for pictures and cracking jokes as he barnstorms Utah seeking votes for his Senate bid. What he isn't doing is talking about his well-documented feuds with President Trump. Wearing blue jeans and flashing his famous smile, Romney strode into a gymnasium lined with elk antlers and rifles to greet a group of sportsmen not far from the Bears Ears National Monument, downsized recently by the Trump administration.... (more)

March 8, 2018
NEW YORK POST — President Trump has agreed to sit down with his North Korean nemesis Kim Jong-Un sometime in the next two months to discuss stripping the hermit nation of its nuclear arsenal, it was announced Thursday.... (more)

March 8, 2018
GREG COROMBOS — Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton says North Korea has no intention of scrapping its nuclear program, it's trying to sucker the United States into relaxing sanctions, and it's now just months away from being able to deploy nuclear weapons capable of reaching any point in the United States.... (more)

March 8, 2018
ART MOORE — A lengthy, glowing New Yorker magazine profile on the anti-Trump "dossier" author, Christopher Steele, reported the former MI6 agent knew that his work was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.... (more)

March 8, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Mitt Romney is being hit with the first attack ad of the Utah Senate race Thursday, a slickly produced video that portrays him as a darling of the D.C. establishment and gives him the nickname "flip-flopper Mitt." The ad from Republican candidate Larry Meyers slams Mr. Romney, the presumptive front-runner in the GOP race, with accusations of not being conservative enough for Utah voters.... (more)

March 8, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Wednesday that documents related to the failed Fast and Furious federal gun-running program that former Attorney General Eric Holder kept hidden are going to be released.... (more)

March 8, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The Border Patrol says it's been forced to release a drunken driver back onto the streets, and nearly missed out on nabbing a fake UPS delivery van carrying 77 illegal immigrants -- all because California's new sanctuary city laws have soured cooperation between police and federal authorities.... (more)

March 8, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Progressives who have never quite cut the cord with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan despite his anti-Semitic rants are suddenly paying the price, starting with the Women's March leaders. Calls for Women's March president Tamika D. Mallory to resign erupted after she attended a Feb. 25 speech in Chicago at which Mr. Farrakhan railed against "the Satanic Jew," saying "powerful Jews are my enemy" while singling her out for recognition.... (more)

March 8, 2018
NEWSMAX — The FBI has detailed to Congress a series of mistakes and missed opportunities to intervene before a gunman killed 17 people at a Florida high school last month. FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich made the comments in a closed briefing Tuesday with members of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.... (more)

March 8, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — If Florida Gov. Rick Scott has a reputation for anything, it's keeping a cool head in a crisis. How he is navigating the latest may help determine whether he wins a new job in November. In the aftermath of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Mr. Scott has begun drawing fine lines between himself and more unyielding positions of powerful groups.... (more)

March 8, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Clinical psychologist and professor Jordan B. Peterson's critics catapulted him into the news again this week with Queen's University protests and the ominous threat, "Lock em in and burn it down." The Amazon bestselling author of "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" has a chapter titled "Assume That The Person You Are Listening To Might Know Something You Don't." Canadian students decided on Monday night that it might be preferable to assault or kill their guest speaker -- and his audience -- instead.... (more)

March 8, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — Despite alleged Russian hacking of the 2016 presidential election, no evidence has been produced showing Moscow's hackers -- or anyone else -- being able to remotely access and change votes on any of the 350,000 electronic voting machines used in the U.S.... (more)

March 8, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — The FBI recruited computer technicians at Best Buy to inform them about illegal content on personal devices customers brought in for repairs, new Bureau documents show. The informants were discovered after Best Buy's Geek Squad technicians at a Kentucky repair shop found thousands of child-pornography images on California doctor Mark Rettenmaier's computer. The documents from the ensuing court case showed that eight informants were cooperating with the FBI to turn over illegal content.... (more)

March 7, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Attorney General Jeff Sessions opened a new front in the legal war over California's sanctuary city policies Tuesday, asking a federal court to halt three state laws that prohibit police and businesses from cooperating with federal agents. The lawsuit, filed in federal district court in Sacramento, says those laws not only trample on the federal government's powers to set national immigration policy, but endanger communities by freeing criminals back onto the streets.... (more)

March 7, 2018
R. EMMETT TYRRELL JR. — President Donald Trump has had a splendid first year in office. He has the economy moving again and at a healthy pace, 2.6 percent in the most recent quarter. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up and the economic signs are mostly healthy.... (more)

March 7, 2018
LARRY KUDLOW — One of the ironies of trade protectionism is that tariffs and import quotas are what we do to ourselves in times of peace and what foreign nations do to u‎s with blockades to keep imports from entering our country in times of war. Or consider that we impose sanctions on U.S. enemies such as North Korea, Russia and Iran because we want them to feel the economic pain of being deprived of imports. But now we are imposing sanctions on our own country by punishing with tariffs in order to make Americans more prosperous. If ever there were a crisis of logic, this is it.... (more)

March 6, 2018
FOX NEWS — CHRIS WALLACE, "FOX NEWS SUNDAY" HOST: I'm Chris Wallace. A wild week in Washington as President Trump splits with conservatives on two fronts. WALLACE: On trade. DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It will be 25 percent steel. It will be 10 percent for aluminum. It will be for a long period of time.... (more)

March 6, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Christopher Steele learned he was being paid by Democrats soon after beginning work on his unverified anti-Trump dossier, a timeline element that may contradict the FBI's warrant application to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page. The FBI's Oct. 21, 2016, application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge said Mr. Steele didn't know who was paying him, thus giving him the aura of objectivity, but a House Republican intelligence memo shows that he was an acknowledged partisan.... (more)

March 6, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The FBI's abuse of snooping laws during the 2016 presidential campaign was so egregious that it merits a special counsel to conduct a full accounting, two top House Republicans said in an official request Tuesday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.... (more)

March 6, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — A nautical research expedition sponsored by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has discovered the remains of an American aircraft carrier sunk by the Japanese during World War II. The crew of Allen's personal research vessel, R/V Petrel, came upon the USS Lexington Sunday, two miles beneath the Coral Sea and roughly 500 miles off the eastern coast of Australia.... (more)

March 6, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Wes Studi, a Cherokee Indian actor who served for 12 months in the Vietnam War with the National Guard, introduced the tribute video to the military and service members in film during the 90th Annual Academy Awards. While he didn't take home any hardware, he won the night by trolling the Oscars audience over their lack of military experience.... (more)

March 6, 2018
ALAN KEYES — "I went from VERY successful businessman, to top TV star...to president of the United States (on my first try)," Mr. Trump said, referring to his "Apprentice" TV show and his real-estate empire. "I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius...and a very stable genius at that!" ("Trump...says he's a very 'stable genius'")... (more)

March 6, 2018
BRYAN FISCHER — For the left, it's all about the children. At least, that's what they want you to think. But my assessment is that they simply use children to shamelessly advance their regressive agenda. They try to bludgeon us into silence by accusing us of hating children if we disagree with them.... (more)

March 5, 2018
BLOOMBERG — The jokes were mostly on Donald Trump on Saturday as he spent the evening with a few hundred of his least favorite people -- the Washington press corps -- at its annual Gridiron Dinner. The president, though, as the guest of honor, got the last laugh, and even thanked the media.... (more)


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