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March 25, 2018
NEWSMAX — "All you need to know why this was a bad bill is to look at the roll call," a long-time Republican lobbyist emailed me Saturday, referring to the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending law. Of course, he's right.... (more)

March 25, 2018
MIC — On YouTube, conservatives are thriving, with innumerable videos of right wing pundits like Ben Shapiro and Charlie Kirk "destroying social justice warriors" rack up millions of views. Meanwhile, right wing educational channels like PragerU dole out bite-sized lectures on why socialism isn't as cool as the kids think. But perhaps none of YouTube's reactionary thinkers and preachers are more effective and popular than Jordan Peterson.... (more)

March 25, 2018
BOB UNRUH — School officials in San Diego are claiming they are immune to a lawsuit over their decision to allow a Muslim Brotherhood front group to gain "unprecedented power and influence" to the point of editing what is taught in classrooms. They contend the complaint is "barred, in part, by principle of non-intervention into academic affairs, as the decisions at issue rested on bona fide academic judgments."... (more)

March 24, 2018
SUSAN FERRECHIO — President Trump's threat to veto the next "omnibus" spending bill is putting real pressure on Congress, for the first time in years, to reform a legislative spending process that has become so completely dysfunctional, few believe it can be fixed anytime soon.... (more)

March 24, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump moved late Friday to exclude most transgender persons from signing up for the U.S. military, after his defense and homeland security chiefs said they were worried about the armed forces' ability to handle the different challenges the troops would bring. The decision replaces Mr. Trump's earlier ban, announced last summer, with a more thoroughly justified and somewhat tailored approach.... (more)

March 24, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — If the national news media are going to exploit a bunch of grieving children, shouldn't they be required to at least make it interesting? For more than a month we've been watching a handful of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors paraded across cable news and photographed for the front pages of magazines -- but the most we've learned about them is that they want "change" and for Congress to "do something" about gun violence. (Sounds specific.)... (more)

March 24, 2018
ART MOORE — In a Twitter dialogue with pro-lifers, a Planned Parenthood abortionist in Utah caused a social-media uproar when she explained that the unborn babies she kills "can't scream," because she cuts "the cord" first. Dr. Leah Torres, who works at Planned Parenthood's Metro Health Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, is known for defending her practice on her blog and through media outlets, noted the pro-life group Live Action.... (more)

March 24, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The "lion of the Senate" is getting a posthumous close-up, and admirers of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy might not like what they see. "Chappaquiddick," in theaters April 6, recalls the 1969 car accident in which Kennedy campaign strategist Mary Jo Kopechne died, casting a permanent shadow over his political career.... (more)

March 24, 2018
ART MOORE — NOAA has been exaggerating temperature measurements in the United States over the past century by as much as 2.5 degrees to maintain its belief that the rise in CO2 in the atmosphere is causing global warming, contends the publisher of a climate science website.... (more)

March 22, 2018
GREG COROMBOS — The House of Representatives approved a $1.3 trillion spending bill Thursday that has fiscal conservatives fuming about the price tag and a process that left everyone but the leaders out in the cold. The House passed the bill 256-167, with 145 Republicans voting for the increased spending and 90 lining up against it. Among Democrats, 111 voted for it and 77 opposed it.... (more)

March 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — H.R. McMaster is out as President Trump's national security adviser and will be succeeded by John Bolton. The long-rumored change was announced by Trump on Twitter on Thursday, the latest shakeup of senior staff at the White House in recent weeks.... (more)

March 22, 2018
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON — A House Intelligence Committee investigation of Russian election meddling has concluded that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper misled Congress about disclosing information to CNN. The committee's final report on the investigation was approved on Thursday and now awaits an intelligence agency review.... (more)

March 22, 2018
NEW YORK TIMES — Sometimes we see him as other hotel guests would have seen him: as the tall gambler intent on the video poker machine across the casino floor, or as the customer standing in line in front of you at the gift shop, buying snacks, or as the guy you briefly glance at as he waits for you to get off the elevator -- polite, unhurried, unmemorable.... (more)

March 21, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — The suspect in the Austin bombings blew himself up in his car early Wednesday morning as a SWAT team began to close in on his vehicle. Police used cell-phone technology to track the serial bomber to a hotel in the Round Rock vicinity after investigating suspicious store receipts and obtaining a warrant to scour his Google search history.... (more)

March 21, 2018
ART MOORE — "Devastated" and "broken" relatives of suspected Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt expressed shock that he was behind the deadly attacks over the past three weeks, saying they had "no idea of the darkness" he was in. Conditt, 23, blew himself up in his car in Round Rock, Texas, Wednesday morning as authorities closed in on him.... (more)

March 21, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — A California father is boiling mad, demanding to know who authorized 12-year-old children to walk out of their middle-school classes for an anti-gun protest last week. The father, identified as John Gunn, videotaped his confrontation with Anacapa Middle School Principal Barbara Boggio, with the Ventura Unified School District in Ventura, California. He posted the video on Facebook after young kids left class last Wednesday for the National School Walkout. Gunn said the school never told him that the students would be allowed to leave class.... (more)

March 21, 2018
CBS - SACRAMENTO — Last week they protested gun violence. This week, Rocklin High School students are using social media to organize a pro-life walkout using the hashtag #life. "To honor all the lives of aborted babies pretty much. All the millions of aborted babies every year," said organizer Brandon Gillespie.... (more)

March 21, 2018
BOB UNRUH — A university student who was expelled from a theology class for nearly three weeks for reciting biological facts to the professor has been reinstated, just as another university was offering the opportunity to finish his studies there.... (more)

March 21, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The White House national security team, already facing calls for the ouster of top adviser H.R. McMaster, was tagged by a key lawmaker with leaking confidential notes ordering President Trump not to congratulate Russian President Vladimir Putin for his election win.... (more)

March 21, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The gun control movement notched a public relations coup with last week's massive school walkouts, but now school districts that pitched in to ensure the protest's success are stuck with the rising political and legal fallout. A week after the March 14 walkout, school officials are grappling with complaints from parents outraged by the specter of their kids engaged in political protesting on school time, as well as reports of criminal mischief committed by teens who treated the event as a get-out-of-class-free card.... (more)

March 21, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — It's another prime example of how a good guy with a gun can save dozens of innocent lives when under attack by a madman hellbent on mass murder. A student gunman at Great Mills High School in Southern Maryland tore through the campus at 8 a.m. Tuesday, shooting and injuring two students.... (more)

March 21, 2018
FOX NEWS — A gunman who opened fire at Great Mills High School in Maryland was killed Tuesday after engaging an armed school resource officer, authorities said. The shooter, Austin Wyatt Rollins, 17, was the only fatality. Police said Rollins used a handgun to shoot a 16-year-old female student, who was identified by family members as Jaelynn Willey. She remains in the ICU with life-threatening, critical injuries.... (more)

March 21, 2018
DAILY CALLER — The student who shot two people at a Maryland school on Tuesday was legally prohibited from possessing or owning the firearm he used. The shooter, identified as 17-year-old Austin Rollins, was well below Maryland's 21-year age requirement to purchase or possess a handgun. Nonetheless, he reportedly used a 9 mm Glock to carry out the shooting.... (more)

March 21, 2018
NEWSMAX — A U.S. federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked a Mississippi law that enacted the tightest restrictions on abortion in the United States, in a ruling handed down a day after the governor signed the measure. The Mississippi law would prohibit abortion after 15 weeks of gestation, with some exceptions. It went into effect immediately after Republican Governor Phil Bryant signed it on Monday. State law previously banned abortion at 20 weeks after conception, in line with limits in 17 other states.... (more)

March 21, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — Two Republicans have introduced a bill in Ohio's House of Representatives that would ban all abortions statewide. While the legislation is unlikely to pass, sponsors hope it will "get the word out that life does begin at conception and move the debate in that direction," said one of its two sponsors, state representative Ron Hood. The bill defines an "unborn human" as a person under Ohio's criminal code.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

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FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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